
Monday, December 19, 2011

Keep Plowing | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

During my private prayer time early Sunday morning, I received the following Word while in GOD's presence:
"Keep your hand to the plow--that is, remain faithful to and focused upon the ministry work to which you've been called.  No matter what you've done, how you've failed or even how inadequate you may feel, do the works of Him who has sent you.  For it is the work of ministry that breaks up the fallow ground of your heart because it requires sensitivity to both GOD and people."
There is so much about each of us that could very well discourage us from doing any ministry work.  However, GOD's concern is that we remain focused on what's important: continuing to follow His instructions in good faith that He will do what He promised.  Like the lepers who were healed as they went, many of us will experience manifested healing as we go on doing what GOD has called us to do.  We all have problems, faults and issues; so what else is new?  Furthermore, we all suffer from heart conditions that impair our ability to be sensitive to GOD and people; but GOD has given us ministry to help ourselves as well as others.

Consider how the soil of our hearts has become hardened and compacted by the weight of this world.  When it comes to doing the work of ministry, we need to experience the power of GOD AS WE MINISTER just as desperately as the people we minister to.  The proof that we simply can't get the job done in our own strength and know-how lies in the fact that we often times don't even feel like ministering when called upon.  However, submitting ourselves to the call of ministry releases GOD's anointing to get the job done.  And since getting the job done requires sensitivity to GOD and people, the power released for each ministry opportunity manifests a little more healing in the hearts of those who minister.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Mind To Worship | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

The question was recently asked in an online discussion, "Why is it when we lead worship that some people can't get into it?"  My response was as follows:
"Of the many people who come to church, a good portion are not present.  Their bodies are physically in the sanctuary, but they're mentally elsewhere.  It is our thoughts that keep us from our Sabbath (i.e. our peace) as well as experiencing GOD's manifested presence through worship.  When the mind is cluttered with thoughts that aren't good, just, honest, pure, lovely and of good report, then how can one get into the corporate worship?  We always say that they who worship the Father must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  The mind is where truth is acknowledged, and it's also where the Bible says we must be renewed in order to be transformed.  Therefore, a mind unprepared for worship is what hinders most people from really participating in the corporate setting as they should.  Having the mind to worship in spite of all that's going on makes a HUGE difference in how we experience GOD's presence."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Soar and See | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

On Saturday, this thought came to me:
"Eagles soar higher in the air than any other bird, yet they can see from way up there everything happening on the ground.  We don't have to be on the ground to clearly see what's happening down there because GOD has already equipped us to see it all from above."
This blessed my soul because many times we find ourselves in situations and places which we ought not be.  We've been called to higher and loftier places, but there's still this appeal to remain connected with what's going on at the ground level.  Some of us have family members who keep us up at night worrying.  Others among us may be burdened with outstanding debts consuming our thoughts throughout our days.  There are even those who just can't seem to escape the seemingly magnetic pull of old habits and addictions.  All these things and more keep us from soaring.  They keep us connected to the ground, but GOD is calling us higher.  Our Father desires for us to view all that's happening on the ground from His perspective.

One of the greatest benefits in maintaining a lifestyle of worship is how remaining in GOD's presence keeps me in a place that's high above everything around me.  It doesn't matter what may be happening because remaining in the place of worship DETACHES my emotions from everything while simultaneously INFORMING my mind of all I need to know so my heart stays in check.  That's what the picture of the soaring eagle reminds me of.  Even though it soars such a great distance above the ground, the eagle's eyes are keenly aware of the smallest rodent scurrying on the ground and is sober-minded enough to know just when it's best to swoop downward.  When you've been designed to soar, life on the ground is dangerous.  So it's with great caution that we ought to handle that which is outside of the domain we've been created to thrive in.  Worry is not for us.  Addiction is not for us.  We've been made free; therefore, we need to stay in our place of freedom.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Art of Living | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

On yesterday, I received the weekly Thought Tools e-newsletter from Rabbi Daniel Lapin, whom I was privileged to hear speak earlier this year at Covenant Church; and I was really enriched by what he shared in this issue.  He said,
"Civilization's objective definition of art used to be something that lifts the observer's heart toward God... People recognized as art, only that which elevated and ennobled; drawing people to God."
When considering this perspective, it really caused me to see just how far removed we have become as a society today from this notion.  It seems art today is anything but a vehicle for pointing people towards GOD.  As a matter of fact, the average person, when asked their definition of art, would most likely answer that it's a form of creative self-expression that's hardly limited to just drawing people to GOD.  Sadly, people creatively express themselves in all kinds of vulgar and obscene ways in the name of being artistic with no consideration for GOD and Him taking pleasure in their work.  However, there is no hesitation in people calling themselves artists and referring to their creative works as art.  How ironic!

I love how Rabbi Lapin expounded upon the definitions of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, which he explained as being the three attributes GOD possesses as the Ultimate Artist of Creation (according to Proverbs 3:19-20).  He also noted how this pattern was translated to man, as well, in the person of Bezalel, the architect of the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:30-31).  As Rabbi Lapin said, "Being an artist is not about just expressing your feelings... Being an artist does not exempt you from possessing wisdom, understanding, and knowledge."  It would, therefore, behoove us all to become better acquainted with these attributes as we endeavor to create works of art that elevate, ennoble and draw people to GOD.  Remember that creative expression goes beyond talent or giftedness, as our very lives are to be seen as works of art.  Therefore, everything we touch has the potential to both be observed and lift the observer's heart toward GOD.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Experiencing the Evidence | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Okay, so I had another "yellow sticky note" moment and I couldn't resist sharing it with everyone.  Since this thought was scribbled on BOTH sides of the sticky note, I'll share the main point verbatim and quickly expound upon the rest of what I wrote:
"GOD wants to see if we've got the faith to experience the evidence of our situations (via the five senses) and STILL TRUST HIM to the point where we can shout the victory BEFORE His power is manifested."
A lot of times, the miracle to us is GOD doing what we perceive to be impossible for us to do for ourselves.  But it's much more than that.  Oddly enough, what we think to be impossible is hardly so in GOD's eyes.  Furthermore, upon closer examination, we can see that the miracle is actually in usGOD allows us to encounter seemingly "impossible" situations to test our faith because He's interested in seeing how we react to the circumstances.  Do we frantically respond out of our emotions as those with no hope, or do we confidently work our faith fully trusting GOD for the outcome?  This is the miracle!

After experiencing all the carnal evidence, will we yet praise our GOD?  Is our faith so steadfast in the Word of GOD that we can rejoice knowing that the evidence of things not seen far outweighs the evidence of things seen?  Must we wait for the manifestation of GOD's power on our behalf to shout the victory, or will we shout unto GOD with a voice of triumph BEFORE our Jericho walls crumble before our eyes?  The miracle we need IS NOT the outcome we desire of the LORD.  The miracle is in the renewing of our minds to take on the culture of Heaven and consistently exhibit it in our everyday behavior.  Once we adopt the culture and consistently practice the lifestyle of Heaven's citizens, we'll begin to see the government of Heaven intervening in every facet of our lives just as GOD intended from the beginning.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We've Got To Agree | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As I listened to a cd of Kingdom teaching featuring one of my favorite worship leaders, Minister Steve Lawrence, there was something he said that inspired me to blog some thoughts:
"True praise requires us touching and agreeing about who He [GOD] is.  And He promised to meet between the faces of two people who can agree about who He is.  So I can't afford not to get along with you because the power of agreement is between us.  And if we're going to see a manifestation of His power, it requires us to agree."
It amazes me how much disagreement there is in the Body of Christ.  We claim to be so desperate for a move of GOD, yet we harbor so much disagreement amongst ourselves.  While I understand that--as humans--we do have differences, our differences should not be magnified to the extent that the manifestation of GOD's power is blocked by our selfishness and narcissism.  There's no point in desiring the miracles, signs and wonders that follow the Word when we can't even come together and agree with each other on what the Word says.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reflect, Don't Replicate | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Quite frequently, I get these bursts of thought that end up scribbled on sticky notes and stuck inside my journal.  They come so quickly that, for fear of forgetting these thoughts, I write them down with the express purpose of revisiting them at a later time.  I recently ran across one of these notes and felt compelled to share it:
"We can't be so stuck in the ways of our predecessors that we only do things the way they did.  Imagine how Joshua might have felt when it was time for the Israelites to cross the River Jordan.  Moses led them [the prior generation] over the Red Sea with a staff, but that's not how GOD was going to lead them [this new generation] across the Jordan.  It's important for proteges to learn the voice of GOD's Spirit for themselves because what worked for your mentor may not work for you."
As someone who carries a great deal of respect for leadership and those who undertake this awesome responsibility, I deeply feel the need to encourage those who are currently being groomed (or desire to be mentored) to develop your ability to hear by the Spirit for yourself.  Don't rely on hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit through someone else because--no matter how gifted and anointed a leader you may serve under-- you STILL run the risk of human error when depending on people to hear from GOD for you.  Furthermore, it's too easy to get stuck in your own spiritual growth by patterning yourself after your leader.  After all, there's a BIG difference between REFLECTING your leader and REPLICATING them.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Success Is Yours | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As I was reading through my journal this week, I ran across a couple of notes taken a while back from a message delivered by Dr. Myles Munroe on "Maximizing Change and Crisis": 
"Most barriers to success are man made, and we are the ones creating our barriers. Your response is more important than what's happening."
It's so much easier to look beyond ourselves for someone or something to blame for the lack of success we experience.  Being successful has nothing to do with our luck of the draw but everything to do with how we pursue success.  It's our everyday decisionmaking that determines how much success we experience.  What do you do with what you've been given?  How do you respond to the circumstances that you've been presented?  Successful individuals make it their business to maximize the resources they have instead of comparing their own to those of someone else. People who regularly experience success don't waste time complaining about what's happening to them because they're too busy trying to make things happen.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's In A Name | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

There are two things that come with a person's name--THEIR character and THEIR authority.  Whenever using someone's name to access anything, the response received from the environment is based upon who that person is and what they represent.  For example, if I am authorized by the company CEO to handle business on his behalf, then it is expected for those with which I am doing business to treat me as they would him because (1) they already know his character, (2) they already respect his authority and (3) they will know that he sent me in his name. Jesus gave us His name to use because He knew that our names carried no weight in the realm of the spirit.  The government of Heaven as well as the Kingdom of Darkness respond to the character and authority of the name of Jesus, not ours.  Christ gave us His name that we might ask and receive of the Father that our joy may be full, according to John 16:24.  Furthermore, evil spirits can recognize whom Jesus sent in His name versus those who just went with His name (see Acts 19:13-16).

Oddly enough, we go through more changes than a little bit because we make the mistake of going to GOD in our own character and authority.  We do it every time we utter such phrases as, "We're just sinners saved by grace."  That's not what Jesus instructed us to do.  It's already been established that our character doesn't deserve to receive anything good from the Father, and our authority is completely worthless in the realm of the spirit.  Jesus gave us His name, His character and His authority, so why don't we just use it and save all the histrionics?  What goodness we receive of the Father is ours because we come to Him in Jesus' name.  Any authority we wield in the spiritual realm is due to us being sent in the name of Jesus to handle His business.

You see, our problem is that we don't understand the name we've been given.  We lack the degree of understanding required to make effective use of the character and authority we have in the name of Jesus.  We've been given Jesus' line of credit to handle transactions in the spiritual realm that we can't even afford on our own.  So no more do we settle for pain, lack, affliction or addiction.  No longer will we carry burdens Jesus never intended for us to carry.  He died that we might be free of them all.  So as we lift our hands and receive the name of our Christ, we inhale and breathe in the character and authority of the very Jesus who brought the government of Heaven to Earth JUST FOR US.  May we understand the name we've been given and confidently walk in the character and authority of it.

For more on this topic, visit and purchase "The Supernatural You" today.  This extremely insightful book by Pastor Joel Scrivner is a great tool in helping Believers better understand who they are in Christ Jesus.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Year-End Word of Encouragement | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As we prepare to enter into the final quarter of this year, I really felt the need to encourage everyone to finish 2011 strong.  The year is drawing to a close and some things we spoke over ourselves in January have not yet manifested.  In all fairness, some of this may be due to mistakes on our part; but don't be discouraged because all is not lost.  Any football enthusiast can tell you that strong fourth quarter rallies can indeed win games.  As a matter of fact, some games don't get exciting until the fourth quarter.

Don't allow frustration and anxiety to discourage you from summoning your last quarter rally.  Remain focused on what you envisioned for THIS year and determine to see it come to pass, even as the year comes to a close.  It's not too late to see what you have been believing GOD to do manifest before January 1.  Keep the vision before your eyes and the Word of GOD in your mouth.  Radically adjust your approach to the vision to avoid repeating mistakes made earlier in the year.  Greater value the remaining time in 2011 and fiercely manage it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You Can't Turn Back | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

While reviewing my journal this week, I ran across some notes taken during a message heard in church one Sunday in July:
"GOD has a path that will lead you into every promise He's given you (according to Jeremiah 29:11).  Your uncomfortable places are not your final destination.  When you get in an uncomfortable place, your temptation is ALWAYS to turn back.  But if you turn back you'll never get to your destiny."
At this time, the Holy Spirit was really ministering to me because I had become discouraged on my path.  I had contemplated turning back more than once because it appeared things weren't working out as I had expected, and I was growing weary of the struggle.  From time to time, as I'm sitting in a church service, I break away from what the minister is saying to clearly hear the Holy Spirit when He starts speaking to me.  During this particular occurence, I heard the Holy Spirit say the following, which I quickly scribbled into my journal:
"You can't turn back because you have no place to turn back toThe comfort you remembered can't be found there anymore because that season is over.  Going back there searching for what was there before is a waste of time, and you'll only be miserable there."
I remember being greatly encouraged by what the Holy Spirit spoke to me that day because those words dispelled my desperation.  It was exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it.  I'm not sure if someone reading this TODAY needs to hear what I heard back in July, as well; but I do know that I felt compelled to share this when I ran across those words in my journal again. GOD has a destiny for each person's life.  But you can't turn back: walking into destiny requires forward movement.  You have to stay on the path GOD has laid before you.  So stay on the path to your promise, and watch how it will lead you right into destiny.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Becoming the Answer | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

While getting some reading in on Monday, I ran across a statement that really caught my attention:
"Prayer is about connecting with God and getting His word on whatever we are facing, and then acting accordingly. My observation of the life of Jesus has caused me to conclude that often Jesus became the answer after He had prayed. There seems to always have been a corresponding action." --Dr. Cindy Trimm, "The Art of War for Spiritual Battle" (p. 78)
I became quite intrigued with the idea of Jesus becoming the answer after He prayed.  While the underlying meaning was not new to me, Dr. Trimm's choice of words were because they caused me to see what I already knew in a whole new light.  We're taught to pray (or petition) for GOD's help, but I believe the disconnect we tend to experience happens when we expect GOD to work everything out on our behalf without any further action from us.  When there is no corresponding action other than us idly waiting for GOD to move, it should not surprise us then that the results we desire go unmanifested.  After all, we simply prayed and left it at that.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Give What You Need | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

One thing that never ceases to amaze me about Christians is how we want forgiveness for ourselves, yet we're so unwilling to forgive others.  Be it matters concerning capital punishment, marital infidelity, illegal business transactions, rape/molestation or countless other indiscretions, it seems the self-professed people of GOD have a major problem with extending THE SAME FORGIVENESS they need.  What further bothers me is how we have become so adamant about our decisions to hold trespasses over the heads of others.  When it comes to dealing with those who have done wrongly, we find it MUCH easier to maintain grudges, nurse offenses, spread gossip and act funny with people.  This ought not be so among the redeemed of the LORD!

It was several occurences this week as well as an online exchange with my brother-in-law that really got me thinking about this.  As I recently stated in Part 9 of "The Four Imaginary Imprisonments," ALL SIN IS REBELLION.  It's humorous to me how GOD makes no degrees of distinction between acts of sin, but church congregants the world over believe in "big sins" versus "little sins."  Moreover, this mindset creates a culture in which Christians find it easier to forgive "certain" sins than others.  Nevermind that the wages of sin--irregardless of its nature--is death, according to Romans 6:23.  We feel entitled to categorize sin by our own perceived severity of it as well as determine whether we can grant offenders forgiveness. Christians have certainly got some nerve!

Friday, September 23, 2011

We Need The Outpouring | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This summer, I had the opportunity to hear a speaker by the name of Lance Wallnau one Sunday.  Recently reading through my journal, I ran across some notes taken during his presentation in July; and I was reminded of a very interesting point he made:
"The Holy Spirit isn't coming DOWN if He's already here on Earth. He's coming OUT of you. The outpouring is coming out of GOD's people." 
As my regular readers know, I am always examining the catch phrases and colloquialisms of the modern day church experience.  Whether it be words spoken by pastors, associate ministers, or praise and worship leaders, we all too often hear things said during worship services that are either not biblical or biblically used out of context.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part 9) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Imaginary Imprisonment #4 | REBELLION

We really think we're such big Christians; but, in all honesty, we fall short in complying with the small, simple things.  We DON'T DO what the Bible says to DO, and we DO what the Bible says NOT to do.  So you see, none of us are perfect; but it looks TERRIBLE when we single out certain sins to be more egregious than others.  Sin is sin: there are no big ones or little ones.  All sin, regardless of its nature, is rebellion.  And until we really understand this, we're going to continue to create division within the Body of Christ as well as run off unbelievers who don't want to be hurt anymore than they've already been.

It's time we grow up and stop rebelling against our Father like insecure teenagers and follow in His footsteps like mature, adult children.  A major part of this process involves us understanding the difference between agreement and submission.  Simply put, we don't have to submit when we're in agreement.  Being in agreement says, "Hey, I'm onboard; let's do this!"  Submission comes into play when we're not totally in agreement or just may be unsure of what's being required of us; but we choose to comply anyway.  But if we're neither in agreement nor submission, then that means we're in rebellion.  This hits all of us!  Even though everyone may not be struggling with rebellion, as I always remind myself, the struggle isn't necessarily with good and bad--it's often between good and BETTER.  Some of us are settling for submission in areas of our lives where we should be operating in total agreement.  It's like choosing to "make do" in the wilderness when we should be relaxing in an oasis.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hit Where It Hurts Most | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Not too long ago, Covenant Church Founding Pastor Mike Hayes shared something that really hit home with me.  He explained that in Europe there were ordinances regarding the construction of buildings prohibiting any structures from being taller than the churches in the community.  It is from this idiom that the architectural concept of church steeples arose.  Even today, there are smaller villages and communities in Europe in which the churches remain the tallest buildings.  If you're wondering why this would be so important, it's because the culture at the time wanted what was considered the house of the LORD to be easily seen from anywhere in the community.  Such quick and easy visibility of the church was symbolic of GOD's presence being dominant within in the community.  GOD and His house TRULY meant something in these places, and there was a prominent place reserved in the culture just for GOD.  However, things are no longer this way in many contemporary societies.

Our nation's tallest buildings, for example, are dedicated to BIG business and BIG money.  It is not America's reverence for GOD that visibly takes center stage throughout U.S. urban areas.  Most communities are now widely known for their unique skylines filled with massive skyscrapers, which symbolize the commercial prowess of American capitalism.  These steel works of art paint a vivid picture of the USA being a place of great wealth and financial opportunity--quite the departure, I must say, from a country who has "In God We Trust" printed on its currency.  But then again, IT IS printed on money... Call me crazy, but I thought GOD desired His Word be written in our hearts.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part 8) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We've finally made it to the last of the four imprisonments: REBELLION.  The journey has been mind-blowing, to say the least.  Each imaginary imprisonment has been more intense and less private than the one before.  And as we'll see with REBELLION, it's definitely the coup de grace when it comes to hindering growth and our ability to live freely as GOD desires.

Imaginary Imprisonment #4 | REBELLION

If nothing else won't make life hard, rebellion will.  Rebellion ties us down and keeps us from enjoying GOD's greater blessings.  And no matter how much we do to conceal our feelings, there's nothing hidden about rebellion.  It's open. Rebellion is simply defined as organized, armed resistance to one's government or ruler.  It doesn't get much more open than that.  One could better describe the people who resist as the "I ain'ts" because they have already made up their minds as to what they're NOT going to do.  Although they may know what's right to do, they refuse to do right.  They know what's wrong, too; and STILL do it.  Sadly, rebellious people are under this impression that they're creating difficulty for those with whom they refuse to comply.  However, the truth is that they're really just making life difficult for themselves.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Word of Encouragement | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

It's the anointing on your life that draws the attack of the enemy.  But it's the calling of GOD upon your life that allows the attack of the enemy.  Since Romans 8:28 says that all things work out for your benefit, there's no need to lament the attack of the enemy on your life.  As a matter of fact, you can celebrate it because GOD has already fixed this thing so that you emerge from it better than you were before.

So instead of worrying about the situation you're in, start celebrating the victorious outcome GOD ordained for you in eternity.  Don't allow yourself to become frustrated with the circumstances.  And if you should become frustrated, don't take it out on the people around you.  This warfare is not one against flesh and blood.  It's spiritual.  So don't look for anyone to blame for how you're feeling.  Discern the demonic influences that are responsible for what's happening, and command them to leave.  It's the perfected praise of a confident people that creates for the Kingdom of Darkness an uninhabitable, toxic environment.

Let THIS test showcase how much you've learned and matured since the LAST one.  Don't let it expose how ignorant and immature you still are.  Times of testing are dedicated to revealing how much wisdom you're walking in.  And if wisdom is applied knowledge, it's nearly impossible to apply what you don't know.  So see this faith trial as an opportunity to be promoted in the Kingdom.  As I once heard a mentor of mine, Minister Steve Lawrence, say, embrace the test so you can get the power.  That's how you get to the next level.  It's not confessing the next the level, singing about another level or rejoicing over a "next level" prophetic utterance that ushers it in.  You make it to the next level when you pass the test.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Seven) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As we conclude IGNORANCE in this post, we are near the end of this series.  The last couple of posts on (Part 5 and Part 6) on IGNORANCE have been extremely enlightening for me.  I pray that the eyes of your understanding have been enlightened, as well.  The more we meditate on GOD's Word and are willing to to be honest with ourselves, the more freely we can live in Christ.  Imprisonment is not our destiny as the redeemed of the Lord, and it's time we make that clear to ourselves and the enemy of our faith.

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE (cont.)

It's very important that we grasp an understanding before seeking opportunities to apply knowledge.  Amazingly enough, we cry out to GOD for wisdom in search of a shortcut; but there are no detours when it comes to walking in wisdom.  If wisdom is indeed applied knowledge, then we can certainly agree that it's nearly impossible to apply what we don't know.  Therefore, it would behoove us to not seek opportunities to apply knowledge of which we have little or no understanding because it could very well lead to disaster.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Six) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This journey has been more amazing than I could have ever imagined.  It's certainly not been easy evaluating myself through these writings, but I hear the chains falling off and hitting the ground.  And for that, I'm most grateful.  Hopefully, these writings have been helpful in shining light on your own areas of imprisonment, as well.  It's GOD's desire that we live in the freedom to which He's called us.  I'm most definitely on my way there; and I pray you are, too.  So let's continue with IGNORANCE.  If you missed the beginning of IGNORANCE, check out the previous installment.

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE (cont.)

The last thing we ought to want is for GOD's hedge of protection to be removed from all He has blessed us to possess.  Just the mere thought of GOD rejecting us or forgetting our children, as it says in Hosea 4:6, because of ignorance on our part is extremely disheartening.  But before wondering why GOD would do such a thing, understand that it's not really Him doing it.  We're actually doing it to ourselves by bucking against the system.  It's just like getting a speeding ticket: the police officer merely issues the ticket, but we gave ourselves the citation by disobeying the law.  The consequences of our actions are in no way the result of an angry GOD getting back at us, but rather the systematic implications of disobeying the government of Heaven.  When we rebel against the U.S. government by breaking its laws, the judicial system MUST enforce the laws that we've agreed to abide by as citizens.  It's no different with Heaven's government.  Our disobedience to GOD's laws compromises the rights and freedoms we enjoy as Kingdom citizens.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Five) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We're halfway through the four imaginary imprisonments.  Hopefully, the posts on apathy and mediocrity have been very thought provoking and challenging.  As we move into the second two imaginary imprisonments, it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit continues to enlighten us all on how we have been affected by the presence of these imaginary imprisonments in our lives.  

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE

Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge.  Since we're all ignorant of some things, ignorance in and of itself is not a sin.  But we must understand that what we don't know could very well kill us.  So it's important that we become knowledgable people because ignorance can be VERY frightening.  We know that GOD has not given us the spirit of fear (according to 2 Timothy 1:7), but it sure is easy for fear to arise when we lack knowledge.  This is why we must tap into what GOD has given us to combat fear: the spirits of power, love and sound (or clear) thinking, which all work cooperatively with knowledge.  Let's consider our own lives: when we're in the know, we feel capable of operating in a position of power, love and mental soundness, right?  Then let's aim to consistently be informed and more aware, which is what the Bible terms "walking circumspectly".

Friday, August 19, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Four) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

In the last installment, we started on the second imaginary imprisonment; and the following post will conclude "Mediocrity."  Prayerfully, you're being challenged by this series as I, too, have been.  It's not always easy coming face to face with our bondages, especially when they're not the obvious ones we hear preached about week after week.  These iniquities, if you will, tend to be the little foxes that spoil the vines of our thinking.  For it's in the battlefield of our minds that we must DAILY enforce Satan's defeat, which occurred when Jesus conquered death via the resurrection.  The curse of sin has been broken, our eternal victory has been secured and we are NOW FREE from every bondage of sin in our lives.  Hallelujah!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Three) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Before jumping into the second imaginary imprisonment, allow me to be transparent for a moment.  I'm no guru and I certainly don't have it all together.  So please don't mistake me for someone I'm not: I'm still freeing myself from these imaginary imprisonments.  But at the end of the day, truth is truth; so my struggle will not silence what the Holy Spirit desires to communicate through me.  As brothers and sisters in Christ, it is imperative for us to discuss these things; and through our communion, it is GOD's will that we hold each other up and facilitate each other's growth in grace.  So let's dive in to the next installment. (If you missed it, take a look at Part Two.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Two) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Before I go any further, this blog series is based upon a message delivered by Katherine Arterberry in October 2009 during the Total Woman Conference at Greenwood Acres Full Gospel Baptist Church (Shreveport, LA).  Entitled "Free To Be," it has become one of my favorite messages of all time; and I listen to it rather frequently because it's so relevant to my continued growth as a Kingdom citizen.  It had been on my heart for some time now to blog on this topic, and I thank GOD that I have finally gotten around to it.  Moreover, just writing these posts has further increased my insight into these four imaginary imprisonments.  I pray the eyes of every reader's understanding are also enlightened by these words.  (If you haven't already, feel free to read Part One.)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part One) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day


One of the most remarkable things about being a Christian is the fact that GOD has set me free from every bondage of sin that I inherited from Adam.  Understanding that I was born a sinner with a penchant for engaging in ungodly behavior makes me even more grateful for the blood of Jesus being shed for me along with its power to free me from the grip of sin.  No longer do I have to be under the influence of sin because I am NOW free to be whom GOD has purposed, created and called me to be.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Be Patient | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I was quite inspired on yesterday by the words Bishop Daryl S. Brister shared on Facebook:
"Patience is refined in trying times, when you're frustrated with the waiting and tempted to act outside of God's will.  Always seek His wisdom, and follow the instruction you receive. Remember that 'those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength' (Isa. 40:31)."
Honestly, these trials of late have truly refined my own patience.  And since patience is listed among the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 as "longsuffering," it's certainly something that should be outwardly seen as a byproduct of the presence of GOD's Spirit within us believers.  When we manifest patience, we begin to showcase our GOD and the culture of His Kingdom in highly noticeable ways to others.  For example, I've even noticed how differently I behave now in a slow-moving store checkout line than the average person. Yes, I'm in a hurry and have things to do just like everyone else; but I also understand that exhibiting a poor attitude or speaking negatively won't hurry things either.  And furthermore, it certainly won't make anyone want to inquire further of me about the GOD I serve.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Prophesy Or Not | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We are living in a very peculiar time.  More and more people are starting ministries, places of worship are popping up everywhere, and it seems like everyone serving in ministry has a title in front of their birth names. It's perplexing, to say the least, because there's an undercurrent moving throughout the Body of Christ that's very reminiscent of Old Testament times.  One such misnomer is that of spiritual gifts and the idea that only certain people can operate in them.

A couple of Sundays back, I was privileged to hear a message delivered by Pastor Joel Scrivner (Youth & Young Adult Pastor, Covenant Church), entitled "Moved By The Spirit."  I particularly enjoy hearing Pastor Joel minister the Word of GOD because he always brings a message of great relevance to the Body.  In this particular message, Pastor Joel stressed the importance of being the supernatural people GOD created us to be.  He placed special emphasis this particular session on operating in the spiritual gift of prophecy, which is something the average Christian believes only "certain" people can do.

NEWSFLASH: EVERY BORN AGAIN BELIEVER CAN PROPHESY.  It's time we get past prophecy being "spooky" and embrace the fact that GOD has made prophecy very natural to us who have been born again after the incorruptible seed of the Spirit.  To prophesy is to simply speak from divine counsel.  It's as basic as us talking to our Father and saying what He's said to us.  Before ruling this out as impossible or not as easy as it sounds, consider this: just as we're confident in speaking on behalf of the people with whom we spend a significant amount of time and claim to know well, it's no different with GOD.  We can have this same confidence to speak on GOD's behalf through our own thriving fellowship with Him in the Spirit.

Furthermore, beyond every believer's GOD-given ability to prophesy, the reason why it's such a big deal that we do so is because GOD wants us to be like Him.  When GOD wants something done, He speaks it.  We see the pattern for this in the very first words of the Bible (Genesis 1).  Therefore, it is essential for every believer to develop the kind of fellowship with our Father that emboldens us to confidently mimic His behavior in order to maximize our effectiveness in the Kingdom-building work to which we've all been called.  It doesn't matter what your venue, platform or sphere of influence may be because GOD wants YOU to be the SUPERNATURAL YOU right there.  You don't have to be A pulpit minister, a traveling evangelist or any manner of church title holder.  You are equipped for GOD's use in the area you're in now.

Friday, July 29, 2011

It Costs What It Costs | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Many times, we make declarations of faith without understanding the cost associated with them.  In my own life, I vividly remember the intense amount of prayer, fasting and consecration I underwent between my twenty-ninth and thirtieth birthdays in preparation for what GOD was going to do in the next phase of my life.  Turning thirty held great meaning for me because it was at this age that Jewish men who had committed their lives to the study of the holy books would be eligible to become master teachers.  It was also the age during which Jesus stepped out into public ministry.  I knew things would be different for me from this point onward, and I did not want to take this pivotal time of my life so lightly that its significance would get overlooked.  So all throughout that year, it was my prayer that GOD prepare me as I began to transition from the no more to the not yet.  However, I had no idea then what I was asking for.

As crazy as it sounds, sometimes it's just better that we don't know the cost of our faith declarations.  GOD does all things well, and I really believe His way of keeping us informed on a need to know basis works to our benefit.  In all honesty, if we really knew the costs associated with what we've declared by faith for our lives, then our hearts would be so gripped with fear that we would probably never pursue the path towards fulfilling that which we've spoken.  Had I known on my twenty-ninth birthday what would happen to me between then and the thirty-first birthday I celebrated this past Monday, the human side of me most certainly would not have made such bold faith declarations.  All I can say is that I know what a miracle looks like because I see one everytime I look into a mirror.

Of all that my eyes have seen these past two years, I would say moving to Dallas was probably the gutsiest.  Drawn to this metroplex without any concrete reason why, this leap of faith represents a major cost associated with my own declaration of faith in 2009.  It's not been easy leaving behind all that is familiar to move to a place larger than any other community I've ever before lived.  But GOD continues to show Himself strong on my behalf.  He sends prophetic Words through strangers to reassure me that, despite my feelings of uncertainty, all is going as planned.  When I've wanted to pack up and go back to where I came from, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the calling that's been on my life from eternity.  It's been during these times over the past year that I have come into a greater awareness of GOD's care for me...and it humbles me in the most heartwrenching way.

While recently visiting a friend of mine's church, it became clear that I've been well-planted, well-nourished and well-tended to, but the pot I've been in has become too small.  As great as the place in which I was planted has been for me, this move was timed by GOD because it would take leaving that place of comfort to follow GOD's leading.  This experience has taught me that it takes leaving everything you know to REALLY find out what it means to rely on GOD.  In order to ensure I'm prepared for the next phase, I've had to make a conscience decision to submit to this uncomfortable season.  GOD has to make sure that my trust is in Him and that He has my total allegiance.  No more "my way" but "His way" because I cannot expect to fulfill the purpose for which GOD gave me life by making decisions based upon my own understanding.  For this is where, in the walk of faith, where the rubber meets the road and it's time to get moving.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Use Your Gift | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Reading my Twitter timeline last Sunday morning, I ran across the following tweet:
"If you not going to use the Gift God gave you, He can take it away and give it to someone who will."
I can't recall how many times I have heard this and similar statements regarding the use of our GOD-given gifts throughout my life.  My mind got to meditating on that statement; and THIS TIME, something different happened when I considered what had been communicated.  It occurred to me that, as well-intended as its meaning may be, the idea of unused gifts being taken away is not the most accurate expression of GOD's perspective on the matter.

Allow me to backtrack for a minute, if you will.  When I was a college freshman, I would attend the midweek interdenominational worship services held on campus.  One day, I stopped by the office of the chaplain who conducted those services with a question.  After answering my query, this dear, sweet woman of GOD, who was also the faculty/staff advisor for the university's gospel choir, expressed to me that she heard me singing during the corporate worship and proceeded to ask why I wasn't a member.  I explained that singing publicly in choirs was not my "thing," neither was it something that I had done before.  I just love to worship GOD;  but anyone who knows Lois Dejean knows that my answer did not phase her one bit.  She recognized the gift I had to sing and responded, "If you don't use it, GOD will take it back."  Because I loved to worship GOD in song and didn't know any better, fear gripped me at the thought of losing the gift GOD had given me.  So I initially joined the gospel choir out of fear that my gift could be taken if gone unused.

I thank GOD for the power of His Word and how my journey of discovery in the Bible has renewed my mind concerning a number of things, this being one of them.  It took reading that tweet this morning to realize how my mind had been renewed in yet ANOTHER area of my life thanks to GOD's Word.  While I'm not particularly sure of the exact scriptural background behind the thinking that GOD would take back His unused gifts, I presume this idea is based on the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).  Without going into a detailed study of this parable, the big idea here is that the talents (ie currency) given to the unprofitable servant were taken back by his master and given to the most profitable servant.

The talents in this parable were tangible, but our gifts are intangible.  Furthermore, even though they may be manifested at various times throughout our lives, our gifts came here with us at birth.  We were given life to fulfill a GOD-ordained purpose; therefore, the tools (ie gifts) we've been given by Him to do so are just as irrevocable as His purposes for our lives.  Therefore, what we see here in the parable of the talents are not at all gifts but rather divinely-allocated resources for the fulfillment of purpose.  The servants were distributed resources by the master according to their purpose.  It's also safe to say that more resources were allocated to the servants who were already operating in their area(s) of gifting to a greater degree.  Remember: everything physical manifests from the spiritual.  We can't wait until we receive resources to operate in our area(s) of gifting because it's the use of our gifts that attracts resources.  GOD simply will not fund a vision that has no plan, and He won't breathe life into faith declarations that aren't backed up by corresponding faith actions.  He will NEVER take back our unused gifts; but when we're either too fearful or lazy to operate where we are in expectation of greater, we can't expect GOD to releases resources and provision to take us to the next level.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting A GOD-Eye View (Part 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

It's not easy climbing the mountain of worship because it requires us to put aside all the doubts and fears associated with our life situations.  There must be a steadfast determination in worshippers to push past everything that would attempt to arrest our attention and paralyze our forward progress.  Otherwise, we will never ascend to the place of worship where unto GOD desires to meet with us.  Abraham was able to make up his mind to climb Moriah and offer the sacrifice GOD required of him because his mind wasn't on what he could possibly lose.  Just as he indicated in the valley BEFORE he started the climb, Abraham's mind was on seeing the manifestation of GOD's provision (Genesis 22:7-8).

It was in the low place that Abraham declared in faith to his two servants that both he and Isaac would go up to worship and they both would return afterwards (Genesis 22:5).  Abraham was sure of this because he believed GOD would provide Himself a sacrifice.  He didn't waste time trying to figure out how GOD was going to make a way.  Abraham believed GOD and made the climb.  Unfortunately, for many of us, we can't make the climb because our minds are consumed with what we can't affect.  We worry and we fret, yet our worrying doesn't change the situation and our fretting won't help us feel any better about things.  It's through the eyes of faith that we see beyond the present circumstances, so we can overrule our emotions and press our way into GOD's presence.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Takeover (Part 3) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Sometimes we need to be reminded that GOD is our Father and not just some divine being who controls everything.  We tend to see GOD as a temperamental deity who must be appeased as opposed to a loving father who only wants the best for His children.  I can vividly remember the tension between my own father and me throughout my teenage and early adulthood years. As far as I was concerned, he was controlling my life and it seemed the only way I could be in his good graces was by doing everything he wanted me to do.  I didn't see him as a loving father who only had his son's best interests at heart because all I could see was how my agenda was not lining up with his for me.  I didn't see things his way and wasn't trying to; yet whenever I needed something, I always ran to my parents.  It had even gotten to the point that pride set in, and I wouldn't even go to them for help when I should have because I didn't want to hear what they had to say about my situation.  Now doesn't that sound like our relationship with GOD?

NEWS FLASH: GOD is NOT interested in controlling His children.  He's interested in us succeeding and is so vested in our success that He's already planned for it.  For it's GOD alone who knows the purpose for the life of every individual.  GOD already knows the questions that we were given life to answer.  Apart from Him, we don't have a clue of what we're here on Earth to accomplish; but He does.  Everything about us was finished in eternity before time began, and GOD has perfectly timed every manifestation of purpose for our lives.  However, we complicate things when we choose to see GOD as a controller instead of a nurturer.  That aspect of human nature we inherited from Adam and Eve kicks in right there because we take on a rebellious mindset once the enemy influences our thoughts to believe that GOD is trying to control us.  If you don't believe me, it's right there in Genesis 3:1-6 (The Message Remix):
The serpent was clever, more clever than any wild animal GOD had made.  He spoke to the Woman: "Do I understand that GOD told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?"
The Woman said to the serpent, "Not at all.  We can eat from the trees in the garden.  It's only about the tree in the middle of the garden that God said, 'Don't eat from it; don't even touch it or you'll die.'"
The serpant told the Woman, "You won't die.  God knows that the moment you eat from that tree, you'll see what's really going on.  You'll be just like God, knowing everything, ranging all the way from good to evil."
When the Woman saw that the tree looked like good eating and realized what she would get out of it--she'd know everything!--she took and ate the fruit and then gave some to her husband, and he ate.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Getting A GOD-Eye View | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

During The Sound Worship Conference last month (hosted by David & Nicole Binion at Covenant Church), Pastor Mike Hayes delivered a phenomenal message entitled "Meet Me On Moriah" on the first night.  While he made a number of awesome points, what really got my wheels turning was how Abraham said that GOD's provision will be seen (Genesis 22:8).  As Abraham looked up from the bottom of Mt. Moriah and saw the place at the top to which GOD called him to worship, I can only imagine what was going through his head.  He's here in this valley because GOD had instructed him (in Genesis 22:1-2) to sacrifice his only son, Isaac; and by this point, Abraham, his son Isaac and the two servants accompanying them were three days into their journey to worship GOD in the place Abraham was being shown (Genesis 22:3-4).  But upon closer look, what we see here is GOD testing the heart of His servant Abraham.

Has GOD ever called you to a place that you've never before been and called for a sacrifice that you've never before been asked to offer?  Have you ever been led to an unfamiliar place to pay a price that you're just not totally sure of?  Abraham most certainly didn't understand what GOD was doing, but I can say with great certainty that he knew the heart of GOD.  Isaac was the son of promise through whom Abraham would become the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4-5, 19).  And since Isaac was unmarried and without a son, Abraham was confident that GOD would provide a sacrifice in Isaac's stead.  Abraham knew what the instructions were and his actions indicated his obedience to GOD, but the same believing faith that caused GOD to declare Abraham righteous (according to Galations 3:6) was in operation here at the foot of Moriah.  It was the unwavering belief of faithful Abraham that kept him focused as he and Isaac ascended Moriah (Hebrews 11:17-19).  Despite popular opinion, it doesn't take GREAT faith to persist through life's dark moments.  Let's just use the faith we have: it's powerful enough to silence every demon screaming into our ears those things that are contrary to what we believe.  If the enemy can get us to doubt GOD in those times when we don't understand Him, then we won't even be able to make it to the place of worship in which GOD has called us to meet him.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Work It Out | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

The working out of one's salvation is the process of aligning the soul (mind, will and emotions) with the rulership of Heaven.  It involves a choice to come under the influence of GOD; and in choosing to trust GOD as opposed to ourselves, we must also willingly die to our human (or fleshly) desires.  As we allow the Holy Spirit (who dwells in our spirit man) access to our thoughts, hearts and feelings, that's when we REALLY understand His role as the Governor.  The Holy Spirit is the governing influence of Heaven here in the Earth. When the Holy Spirit takes His place in our lives as the Governor, there will be contention between that which makes us human and that which makes us spiritual.  However, a life steeped in worship desires Heaven's power more than Earth's pleasures.  As a Christian, if worship is not a lifestyle, then that lack of consistent fellowship with GOD in the realm of the spirit fosters an atmosphere of intense inner struggle.

Ultimately, it's the desire of our reborn spirit man for better government that prompts our humanity (ie flesh) to relinquish its control of our minds, will and emotions to the Holy Spirit that we--as new creatures in Christ--can gain control of them.  Since that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit, then our new spiritual identity overrules the former and we are no longer obligated to yield ourselves to the governing influence of the flesh.  (Sidenote: Hence no Christian should use the excuse, "Well I'm just human," because YOU'RE NOT.)  If the desire for better government was strong enough to warrant us becoming citizens of GOD's country, then why despise His governing influence?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Takeover (Part 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I ended the first installment of this series by suggesting that GOD is not interested in controlling us or our lives.  In our pre-reconciled state, we actually lived in a controlled state.  As a matter of fact, Jesus delivered us from a life of bondage, which is all we knew (Hebrews 2:15).  So why then would we think that GOD's plan involves us being delivered from one enslaved state to another?  It just doesn't add up.  GOD's plan of redemption was intended to set men free.  It was GOD's intention to restore man to the position he had in Eden, wherein he was given responsibility (ie "the ability to respond").  And man's GOD-given ability to respond isn't based upon human reasoning or emotionalism but rather learning the art of Heaven's diplomacy because it's not us who need to be overtaken, but the Earth.

We have been made in the image and likeness of GOD via the spiritual rebirth, and we are able to respond to situations just as GOD does because we have been given the name of Jesus the Christ.  It's by the power and authority of that name wherein we are able to transact business in the realm of the spirit and see manifestations of Heaven's power here in the Earth.  But the reason why we don't see this kind of power any more than we do is because GOD's people have not been taught to walk in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.  More importantly, the average Christian suffers from a spiritual identity crisis.  People who have no clue WHO they are certainly can not be expected to know HOW TO BE who they are.  So what then do we see?  A bunch of confused people running around doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in hope that they'll eventually stumble across SOMETHING that works.  Last time I checked, GOD isn't schizophrenic.  Yet we claim to be made in His image and likeness.  Something is TERRIBLY wrong with this picture, friends.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Shifting From 'Feeling' to 'Being' | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

You never know what people are going through when they enter the sanctuary.  The people who fill the pews week after week represent both extremes of the human emotional spectrum as well as all points in between.  And for the most part, we've been sold a religion that emphasizes going to church so we can feel better about what's going on in our lives.  Even the praise and worship offered to GOD is so emotional because, for a number of people, church is their routine release.  It's their time to just let go and let it all out.  Furthermore, if there's no moment of emotional release, sadly some people feel like they didn't "have church."

Having served as a praise and worship leader, I've learned in my own journey that my desire to assemble in corporate worship shouldn't be to "feel better" but to "be better."  There must come a point in everyone's experience of GOD and His love that it's no longer enough to just feel better about what's happening in their lives.  Coming to church each week to feel better about life's circumstances in no way serves us well.  There is a necessary shift from "feeling" to "being" that must take place in order for us to become the mature Kingdom citizens GOD desires in the Earth.  We must understand that our feelings (or emotions) are part of our soulish realm, which is subject to change.  Depending on what's going on around us, our thoughts, intentions and emotions can send us in any number of directions.  After all, they're designed to respond to spiritual influences (both good and bad).  However, there just came a time when I got tired of the instability of "feeling" and began to crave the stability of "being."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Dominant Third | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We are all works in progress.  However, as we progress towards being the finished works GOD desires, we become more acquainted with our troublesome spots.  And if we're willing to be honest with ourselves, we often times allow our dissatisfaction with these areas of our lives to overshadow how we see ourselves.  It's the guilt of our sin that perpetuates this struggle--an ongoing identity crisis (for some) that stifles the growth of even the most well-intending of Christians.  So let me encourage you, Kingdom citizen...YOU are not your ISSUE.

Everything about us that's contrary to GOD and the culture of His Kingdom is not really us.  We are spirit beings who have been given souls and live in bodies.  At our very core, we are spirit beings; and cemented therein is my identity and yours, as the redeemed of GOD.  When we accepted the free gift of salvation and eternal life, we were born again after the incorruptible seed of the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:23; 1 Peter 1:23).  And since everything produces after its own kind according to GOD's established order (Genesis 1:12, 21, 25), we are therefore spirit beings that are perfect even as our Father is simply because spirits birth spirits (John 3:5-7).  The aspects of us that disagree with GOD's ways are in no way a reflection of our spiritual nature.  These sore spots are characteristic of our humanity, our means of expression, and the anatomical faculties we've been given to make sense of the world around us (Romans 7:18).

Friday, July 8, 2011

Have You Declared Your Independence? | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

(The following blog was originally posted in my MySpace blog on August 9, 2007.)

Tell me, what is the vision you have received from GOD for your life?  And what's standing between you and the accomplishment of your vision?  I'm sure several things come to mind currently blocking your progress; however, allow me to extrapolate on one particular hindrance I'm sure we all have in common - PEOPLE!  Not all people, but just those individuals who have not, will not or can not catch the vision you are pursuing.  They always have something to say against it, or their behavioral patterns clearly indicate their dismissal of the picture GOD gave you.

My advice to you would be to acquaint yourself with vision driven people.  They know these naysayers very well and are quite good at spotting them from afar.  In fact, they have had to learn throughout the process of realizing their own visions that these people are indeed enemies.  Yes, we have family members, friends, colleagues and even fellow church members who plant seeds of opposition in our fields of dreams.  Moreover, no matter how well-intended these "reality checks" are supposed to be, they are machinations (devices) of Satan designed to render your vision comatose - not dead, but barely showing signs of life.  You see, your adversary the devil wishes to carry your vision to a place where it's visible but not maturing.  It's breathing, but no longer growing.  What was once a powerfully, energizing force is now lying in dormancy.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Discerning The Contents | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I read the following Facebook status on yesterday (07-07-11):
"If everyone is so anti- title and anti-labels, then go into your kitchen cabinet and take all the labels off your can goods. Then decide what you will have for lunch. Was that dog food or beef stew? Titles help us to identify who is who in the Kingdom. NOT EVERYONE WHO CARRIES ONE IS A FALSE PROPHET, AND JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT CHOOSE TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH ONE DOES NOT MAKE YOU MORE HUMBLE. #balanceiskey"
My comment was on this wise: "I totally agree with you. I'm not into titles at all, but I find it very immature when Christians turn little silly things like THIS into bones of contention. It's counterproductive, divides the Body, hinders the manifestation of GOD's power by His Spirit in our midst and causes the world to laugh hysterically at the church. We've certainly got some growing up to do. Thanks for calling our attention to this, my Sister."

The discussion continued and there were over 100 comments in less than 24 hours from the time the status was posted.  I didn't bother to read what others had to say or if anyone expressed any disagreement with my thoughts.  It's just simply not the best use of my time.  Anyone who knows me well understands that I don't debate issues.  I'll share what I believe and, if asked, will explain why I believe it.  I don't do arguments, and I don't force my beliefs on anyone.  The results I obtain are what prove the truth behind my beliefs.  But that's not even the reason why I felt compelled to write this blog...All that was lagniappe.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Letter To A Modern Day Jonah | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

(On Monday, July 4, 2011, I felt the urge to write an open letter to all the modern day Jonah's out there who know the calling of GOD is upon them but have chosen to accept an identity contrary to the one GOD has given them.  This is strictly for those with ears to hear and is not directed to any one person in particular.  It was simply birthed in a moment late at night, during which heaviness of heart was felt for those who struggle between choosing GOD's way over their own.)

Dear Modern Day Jonah,

I know that a lot is going on with you right now.  And I know that sometimes you don't want to hear what I have to say, which is cool, because I'm not that important anyway.  Although I sometimes feel unsure of what to say because you can only stand so much "spiritual" stuff, I can't apologize for being who I am in the realm of the spirit.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bondage Hurts | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Some of the greatest lessons learned as part of our human experience are those that generate a memorable degree of hurt or disappointment.  These experiences leave indelible inscriptions upon the pages of our hearts and are often defining moments in the shaping of our own unique behavioral characteristics.  Sometimes it's our fault; other times it's not at all.  But regardless of who's to blame, hurt is hurt when it comes to our interpersonal dealings with others--especially those we love.  My heart really goes out to those who are just givers by nature.  They unselfishly put others before themselves and will give their very last to help someone else, never really asking for anything in return.  Their kindness is usually taken for weakness, and their concern is often times mistaken for a hidden agenda.  And no matter how strong we say we are, people can only hurt so much at the hands of others for so long before they begin to feel like they don't need anyone in their lives and would just rather be alone.

If the truth be told, GOD created us to be social beings.  So a life of solitude is certainly not the answer to the dilemma we face.  As a matter of fact, GOD's work IN our lives is accomplished via Him working THROUGH the lives of others.  So people are very important to even our own lives experiencing the blessings of GOD.  But in order to fully understand what I am leading up to, don't just limit GOD's blessings to money or material possessions.  Expand your view of blessing beyond the tangible to include intangibles like favor, fellowship and friendship.  That certainly changes everything about how we comprehend our hurts, doesn't it?  And although we may hate to admit it, especially in times of disappointment with people, we require each other's presence in our lives to fulfill GOD's purpose for our lives.  But here is where I find we fail so miserably, me included: when GOD blesses us (tangibly or intangibly) through others, we allow our emotions to get attached to the person He used instead of Him.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stop Complaining | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Last Sunday night, while attending The Flow, I heard Myron Williams say something that I just had to make note of: "Never complain about what you permit."  As Myron continued ministering, my mind literally wrapped itself around that statement.  I wouldn't consider myself to be a complainer, BUT I am human (so I'm far from being a perfect example of NOT complaining).  And like everyone else, I have my moments when frustration takes its toll on  me and I find myself complaining.  What I love about this quote, though, is how it really caused me to think about who's REALLY at fault for the things I may complain about.

It's terribly easy to point the finger at someone else when we're inconvenienced or upset, but how many of us would be honest enough to say that much of what we complain about has been given our permission to invade our lives?  For instance, we may complain about how slowly the traffic is moving on the interstate, BUT we honestly could have left sooner than we did for our destination. I know this might sound silly to some people, but it's simple occurences like this that quickly steal our joy and alter our mood.  (For more on this, see "Taking Responsibility.").  You see, the mature Kingdom citizen seeks GOD for clarity instead of complaining to Him under the guise of "prayer".  BEFORE crying out for deliverance, the mature in spirit pray, "Father, show me what I've done to contribute to this situation so I'll know not to do it again."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Adapt or Struggle | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

There are times in our lives when we must intensify our resolve to see what's been placed in front of us through the eyes of faith.  We have to break new ground in the exercising of our faith because our approach in times past does not work for today's trial.  In our quest for greater spiritual maturity, we can be assured that our trials will intensify.  Therefore, we can't get comfortable in our pursuit of growth because the growth process is all about change.  In order to grow, the trials we face must place increasingly greater demands on our faith so that we're forced to either adapt or struggle.

Adaptation is a key part of the spiritual growth process.  If we never adapt, then we fail to gain strength.  One of our greatest features as humans is our ability to adapt to the demands our surroundings place upon us.  It's in our ability to adapt that innovation takes place.  If this be true in the physical, then how much greater in the realm of the spirit?  GOD has empowered us to be spiritual innovators.  He's equipped us spiritually to not only adapt to but triumph over our physical surroundings by releasing heavenly innovation through the exercising of our faith.  And as we see the power of Heaven manifested in the Earth, we experience the spiritual growth that elevates us in our faith walk to a heightened level of operation.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just Go With the Flow | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Recently, my spiritual big sister Sylvia asked a question on one of her Facebook statuses:
"Do your actions interrupt the flow of the Spirit in your life?"  
It really got me thinking because part of me was like, "Yeah, it does."  But as I began to meditate on that thought, the Holy Spirit brought back something back to my remembrance that profoundly ministered to me.  Of all things, it was something from the motion picture "Finding Nemo."  For those who have seen the film, you may be familiar with the Eastern Australian Current (EAC) that Nemo's father took to Sydney.  If not, check out this short clip from the movie.

Before you think I've just completely lost it, allow me to explain how the EAC fits into all of this.  This current is ALWAYS present and NEVER loses strength.  However, in order to access its strength, the sea creatures have to leave where they are and go to it.  I'm sure there are a number of sea creatures who have seen the EAC and are maybe even knowledgeable of its existence, but they have never experienced its flow and how powerful it is.  And never experiencing it neither negates the current's presence nor diminishes its strength.