
Friday, July 8, 2011

Have You Declared Your Independence? | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

(The following blog was originally posted in my MySpace blog on August 9, 2007.)

Tell me, what is the vision you have received from GOD for your life?  And what's standing between you and the accomplishment of your vision?  I'm sure several things come to mind currently blocking your progress; however, allow me to extrapolate on one particular hindrance I'm sure we all have in common - PEOPLE!  Not all people, but just those individuals who have not, will not or can not catch the vision you are pursuing.  They always have something to say against it, or their behavioral patterns clearly indicate their dismissal of the picture GOD gave you.

My advice to you would be to acquaint yourself with vision driven people.  They know these naysayers very well and are quite good at spotting them from afar.  In fact, they have had to learn throughout the process of realizing their own visions that these people are indeed enemies.  Yes, we have family members, friends, colleagues and even fellow church members who plant seeds of opposition in our fields of dreams.  Moreover, no matter how well-intended these "reality checks" are supposed to be, they are machinations (devices) of Satan designed to render your vision comatose - not dead, but barely showing signs of life.  You see, your adversary the devil wishes to carry your vision to a place where it's visible but not maturing.  It's breathing, but no longer growing.  What was once a powerfully, energizing force is now lying in dormancy.

But we come against that spirit of negative influence in the name of Jesus the Christ.  It's time out for people who mean well destroying your vision as well as my own.  If GOD gives the vision, then it can come to pass no matter how impossible it may sound in the ears of man.  I know that I have been predestined to do some things to impact our world; and I believe the same for you, too.

Dr. Myles Munroe wrote something quite remarkable: "People who change the world have declared independence from other people's expectations."  My question to you is: "Have you declared your independence?"  Following his statement, Dr. Munroe quotes Genesis 12:1, the command GOD gave Abram to "leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you."

This brought back to my remembrance a sermon by Dr. Bill McGill, in which he stated that GOD gave Abram this command just after the death of his father.  As the eldest son, Abram was in prime position to acquire everything belonging to his father; yet, GOD tells him to leave it all to go to a place he'd never before seen.  GOD tends to require big decisions of us during our most difficult times.  This was indeed a test of Abram's relationship with GOD.  Could he actually walk away from a potentially good situation (an inheritance from his earthly father) to a potentially even better one (prosperity from his heavenly Father)?  As Christians, our problem generally isn't deciding between good and bad; it's usually between good and better (or better and best).  Just imagine the looks and comments from Abram's family when he shared this vision.  Had Abram stayed, he probably would have never left to pursue the vision.  Why?  His family would have given him that "infamous" reality check, which probably would have caused him to abandon better just to settle for good (or - GOD forbid - good enough).

In order to be who GOD has created you to be, sometimes you must withdraw yourself from the influence of those who are nearest and dearest to you.  People want you to be who they want you to be; and as soon as you step outside of their expectations, you then become a problem.  The very second you no longer fit the stereotype or meet their criteria, folks get nervous because they simply don't know how to deal with you.  When you become unfamiliar or even difficult to categorize, people are confounded and swiftly move into attack mode to bring you back to where you were before.

So you want to be successful?  You want to fulfill your purpose?  Well then it's time for you to declare your independence!  Your determination to follow the vision must become stronger than the soul ties you have with the people around you.  The only gauge we have in measuring our success is purpose.  If people in your life are standing between you and that purpose, then it's time for you to cut the cord NOW.  You need to let go and let GOD.  Make up in your mind today to declare your independence from other people's expectations so you can be the world changer GOD created you to be.  Bless GOD.

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