
Friday, September 30, 2011

Year-End Word of Encouragement | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As we prepare to enter into the final quarter of this year, I really felt the need to encourage everyone to finish 2011 strong.  The year is drawing to a close and some things we spoke over ourselves in January have not yet manifested.  In all fairness, some of this may be due to mistakes on our part; but don't be discouraged because all is not lost.  Any football enthusiast can tell you that strong fourth quarter rallies can indeed win games.  As a matter of fact, some games don't get exciting until the fourth quarter.

Don't allow frustration and anxiety to discourage you from summoning your last quarter rally.  Remain focused on what you envisioned for THIS year and determine to see it come to pass, even as the year comes to a close.  It's not too late to see what you have been believing GOD to do manifest before January 1.  Keep the vision before your eyes and the Word of GOD in your mouth.  Radically adjust your approach to the vision to avoid repeating mistakes made earlier in the year.  Greater value the remaining time in 2011 and fiercely manage it.

Nevermind what others may say about YOUR circumstances.  It only matters what GOD has to say.  And He says, "It's NOT over!"  How passionate are you about what you declared at the beginning of the year?  If your declaration was just another idle rambling, then what I'm saying means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to you.  However, if you feel a stirring within your inner man to intensify your efforts, change things up or persevere through difficulties, then this message is for you.  GOD has not given up on you and your declaration, so don't you give up.  As long as you're willing to keep pressing onward, GOD's empowering you for the press.  There's still time for a game change, but the clock is winding down.  So get off the bench and into the game!  You STILL can win this thing!

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