
Monday, November 7, 2011

The Mind To Worship | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

The question was recently asked in an online discussion, "Why is it when we lead worship that some people can't get into it?"  My response was as follows:
"Of the many people who come to church, a good portion are not present.  Their bodies are physically in the sanctuary, but they're mentally elsewhere.  It is our thoughts that keep us from our Sabbath (i.e. our peace) as well as experiencing GOD's manifested presence through worship.  When the mind is cluttered with thoughts that aren't good, just, honest, pure, lovely and of good report, then how can one get into the corporate worship?  We always say that they who worship the Father must worship Him in spirit and in truth.  The mind is where truth is acknowledged, and it's also where the Bible says we must be renewed in order to be transformed.  Therefore, a mind unprepared for worship is what hinders most people from really participating in the corporate setting as they should.  Having the mind to worship in spite of all that's going on makes a HUGE difference in how we experience GOD's presence."