
Friday, May 20, 2016

Staying Power

In order to run this race of a life with patience, we must have the stamina to endure what--at times--can be a very grueling experience.  Yes, life can be hard; but we have unlimited access to the grace to persevere.  I'm reminded here of the term "staying power," which is the ability or strength to last or endure.  It's the quality or ability that allows someone or something to continue being effective and successful.  Today, we're living in a time when effectiveness and success are less and less evident in people's lives simply because they lack the endurance to finish what's been started.

When we consider how our Heavenly Father works, we see that everything Abba starts gets finished because it was already finished at the start.  In other words, whenever He starts something, Him starting it is proof that it's already complete.  Therefore, may I suggest that our ineffectiveness and unsuccessful efforts directly correlate to the fact that what we set out to do was pretty much unfinished from the beginning.  Our minds must be renewed here to understand that when something reaches its completed state in the unseen realm, it is THEN--and ONLY then-- that the process of fulfillment can begin in the physical realm.  Essentially, the execution of a half-baked idea is purposed to reveal that the idea was always half-baked.  It furthermore causes us to see that we cannot fully commit to physically manifesting what our lack of commitment in the spiritual realm has already failed to manifest.

Our problem is that we lack vision.  And work plans can only be devised for that which has been envisioned.  Without a clear picture of the finished product, there can be no documented procedures on how to start at Point A and arrive at a finished product that bears the image and likeness of the vision.  Furthermore, the absence of vision will surely set us up for failure.  It's impossible to have the staying power necessary to overcome the various hurdles encountered while bringing a vision to pass when you're not clear on what the end result looks like.  And here's the more sobering thought: you simply cannot commit to that which you're unclear about.  No one in their right mind will commit to a vision that's foggy, but how many times have we all been guilty of attempting to do something about which we're unclear?  In fact, when the situations and circumstances surrounding the process of materializing that foggy vision become too hard to handle, quitting is usually what happens next, doesn't it?  So in order to stay committed unto the completion of a thing, we must possess a clear understanding of what is indeed being finished.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Power of the Tongue

We often quote (or hear quoted) that life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).  It's a very familiar scripture; and often times, out of our familiarity with something we've heard more times than we can recall, we may overlook deeply embedded truths that can unlock new levels of understanding for us but are only uncovered in our time of meditation.  For instance, regarding the aforementioned verse of scripture, I've been greatly impacted by this interesting take on life and death being in the power of the tongue: Each statement we verbalize SIMULTANEOUSLY empowers certain things to live and other things to die.

I love when Holy Spirit gives me such profound insights into the scriptures because from them I'm able to develop better everyday habits through the application of both the written and spoken Word of Yahweh GOD.  This insight, in particular, has inspired me to begin asking myself BEFORE releasing words into the atmosphere, "What will my words empower to live, and what will they empower to die?"  Since BOTH happen each time we speak, as noted above, it's imperative that we not wait until AFTER our words have been released to consider this.  And by making it a practice to ask this question, especially in those moments wherein our emotions seem to be getting the best of us, we can step out of our feelings and be targeted--as opposed to careless--in our speech.  THAT'S the place in which we must strive to be.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

It's Time To Shut It Down For Good

The older I become, the more I find daily self-examination to be necessary.  Even though I'm a bearer of fruit, I must also become a professional at inspecting what I produce.  Furthermore, I refuse to become a player of the blame game!  Because blaming the conditions and the circumstances will NEVER nullify the fact that I indeed produced the fruit in question.  No way can I ever dismiss that I play an active role in whatever my life manifests, even if it's nothing more than allowing what was produced to come forth in my ignorance.  So even if I'm not to blame for PLANTING the seeds, then I'm certainly to blame for NURTURING them and WATCHING them grow.  But I refuse to become one of those people who live all their days in bondage to incidents that happened years ago.

You see, we've got to get out of the habit of pointing the finger elsewhere.  As born again believers filled with the presence and power of the Set Apart Spirit, there is a responsibility that comes with this power we've been given.  Now we're in the position--as citizens of GOD's Kingdom--that the eyes of understanding are continuously being enlightened to the ungodly things about ourselves.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to deal with those things and not sweep them under the rug.  And yes, GOD knows our hearts; but understand that in Him knowing our hearts, He likewise knows when WE deliberately choose to refuse the victory secured by His Son's blood.  Our flaws MUST be confronted because excuses for unrighteousness are no longer valid once we become citizens of GOD's Kingdom, fully vested with the rights and privileges that citizenship affords.  We've been given power over all the power of the enemy; and in the Bible (i.e. the Constitution of the Kingdom), we are promised that with every temptation faced we'll also be provided a way of escape that we can bear it (Luke 10:19; 1 Corinthians 10:13).  So when we FAIL to bear it and point the finger at something (or someone) else, there are indeed THREE more fingers pointing right back at us.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

What GOD Promises Is Guaranteed

Isn't it interesting how--over time--life teaches us to be skeptical of promises?  One broken promise after another seems to construct a wall of skepticism that eventually causes us to just not believe ANYTHING people say as a means of protection from disappointment.  Thankfully, GOD's promises are sure, which means they're guaranteed.  And it's time we stand upon the guaranteed Word of GOD and lay claim to everything He's promised us.  As it says in the latter portion of Hebrews 10:23, "he is faithful that promised."  What GOD has spoken SHALL come to pass! 

Therefore, be encouraged to let your time in worship extend the Set Apart Spirit a warm, welcoming invitation to clear your mind of all those ungodly thoughts and ways of reasoning you've let keep you from experiencing all GOD has for you.  Let Him reassuringly dismantle the wall you built with man's broken promises, that it might serve as a form of protection.  As your heart yields to the influence of the governor of the Kingdom, Ruach Hakodesh the Holy Spirit, He will minister to your hurting places and wounded spaces by administering the unconditional love of the Father.  It's time you free yourself in worship, receive the Father's love and be healed, so the broken promises of your past no longer interfere with you apprehending the promises of GOD.