
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Three) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Before jumping into the second imaginary imprisonment, allow me to be transparent for a moment.  I'm no guru and I certainly don't have it all together.  So please don't mistake me for someone I'm not: I'm still freeing myself from these imaginary imprisonments.  But at the end of the day, truth is truth; so my struggle will not silence what the Holy Spirit desires to communicate through me.  As brothers and sisters in Christ, it is imperative for us to discuss these things; and through our communion, it is GOD's will that we hold each other up and facilitate each other's growth in grace.  So let's dive in to the next installment. (If you missed it, take a look at Part Two.)

Imaginary Imprisonment #2 | MEDIOCRITY

Being mediocre implies averageness as well as lacking exceptional quality or performance.  There's nothing excellent or particularly outstanding about mediocrity.  But when we're apathetic, being mediocre is just fine.  As a matter of fact, it's highly unlikely anyone unconcerned about things of great importance would exhibit any manner of excellence.  Yet we see mediocrity throughout our own lives as well as in the church.

Our GOD is NOT average.  His very name is excellent, according to Psalms 8:1; and Isaiah 12:5 tells us that GOD has done excellent things.  So, why would a GOD of excellence take pleasure in our desires to be average?  But that's what we do.  We say we want to be like Jesus, but we accept being average.  If we want to be like GOD, then we need to get ourselves in the habit of being excellent about everything associated with us individually and corporately.  

As we see repeatedly throughout the Bible, it is GOD's excellence that brings Him glory (ie makes Him apparent).  People notice the excellence of our GOD and can't help but praise Him.  Therefore, for GOD to be exalted by our lives, men must see His excellence in us.  But sadly, GOD isn't being exalted because we're imprisoned by mediocrity.

For the conclusion of MEDIOCRITY, check out Part Four.

1 comment:

  1. Great post brotha! Our Father God radiates with excellence. He knows nothing less! We're His children, being the seed of that excellence. To produce anything less than that, then we're living below our priviledges, experiences, and blessings! Mediocrity must then become foreign to us as the nations in Canaan were to the Israelites in days of old. We have a heavenly culture of excellence to manifest. It's a mandate. 'Re-encouraged' Peace brotha!


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