
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Why Momentum Requires Maturity

It recently became clearer to me how maturity affects momentum.  As I read over some notes taken during a recent teaching shared by my good friend William Johnson, I began to reconsider various unmet personal goals from years gone by.  And as I pondered them, the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit began showing me how the maturity I lacked back then killed my momentum.  I lacked the necessary force to drive through the obstacles blocking my path.  Therefore, unable to plow through what stood in my way, I made no further progress towards reaching those goals.

Lately, my thoughts and energy have been consumed with what's next for me.  One of the pivotal statements William made that evening was, "Momentum is necessary for the assignment that lies ahead, because you can't be slowed down in the coming season."  Obstacles will indeed be faced in meeting the demands of assignments to come.  But this time, things must be different!  Immaturity cannot be given the opportunity to zap the zeal that comes with the excitement of starting something fresh.  I have, therefore, committed myself to ensuring that the momentum I start out with is not only sustained but intensifies according to the maturity by which I operate in my work.  In doing so, I am also committed to changing because that's ultimately what maturity requires.

When pursuing a different outcome, staying the same is no longer an option.  Change must occur, and it must be intentional.  And in order to possess the degree of momentum that drives through obstacles, there must be an intentional pursuit of holistic development.  This process of maturation requires personal change, which means I must be held accountable for building my own momentum.  After all, maturity is essentially the willingness to accept responsibility for your own success.  The mantra of maturity pretty much says, "I will not put the responsibility for MY change on someone else."

Building momentum starts with being burdened for change.  The slow down you may be experiencing is most likely due to you not changing.  And the reason why you're NOT changing is because you don't care enough.  The burden for change has yet to weigh heavily enough upon you to make something happen.  Yes, please understand that it's burdened people who make things happen.  They don't just watch stuff happen and talk about what they see.  They feel the weight of what they see and are inspired to change.  They're inspired to mature.  And like a seed fighting its way through the soil to the light above the surface, their momentum increases to bring the transformational development that makes seemingly impossible goals reachable.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Eliminating the Separation

In a moment of prayer a week or so ago, I heard my spirit man say, "May Heaven be brought to our attention.  Awaken in us the passion to make where we are a Heaven to go to Heaven from..." 

If you don't mind me asking, doesn't it seem like during the last few months of the year that unexpected deaths occur more frequently than usual?  Whether or not this is true, I have no idea what the numbers reveal.  But I do know that the fall/winter holiday season tends to make the emotional scarring of death more pronounced

As I was talking with Father in that aforementioned moment, it became more apparent to me that the key to overcoming the sting of death is the elimination of separation between the earthly realm and the heavenly realm.  What makes Heaven so near to us in our earthly state is the manifestation of Heaven's culture on Earth.  It's no different than if I lived in Tokyo, Japan.  Although I would physically be thousands of miles away from home, the separation is instantly eliminated when I hear American music, watch American films, and enjoy the aromas and tastes of American food.  In that moment, it doesn't matter that I'm way over in Tokyo because I am experiencing the culture of my home country right where I'm located.

Sadly, many of us experience a religion that EMPHASIZES the separation between the physical and spiritual realms as opposed to ELIMINATING it.  Believers are "longing for their heavenly home" instead of actively manifesting the heavenly culture where they are geographically located.  Death of our physical bodies should not be seen as a way of  escape from a life that is too often described as "hell on earth."  The cessation of life here should be viewed as a seamless transition from this realm to the next.

Therefore, be encouraged to make your existence here a Heaven to go to Heaven from.  Eliminate the separation between the physical and spiritual realm by experiencing Heaven's culture here as much as you can.  And no, that doesn't mean being at a church service every day of the week or even multiple times on Sundays.  It means you intentionally live in such a way that the activity of Heaven is welcomed into your life and free to manifest its distinguishable characteristics in your environment.  The fruit of the Spirit should be evident, and the gifts of the Spirit should flow freely.  Father's presence should be felt, and people should be able to discern that what they're experiencing (as they encounter you) MUST be what it's like to be in Heaven.  Once the separation is eliminated, then death loses its sting.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Why Your Gift Makes Room For You

In Proverbs 18:16, it reads, "A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men."  As I've heard this verse of scripture both preached and taught throughout my life, what I heard (and in some cases read) explained "a man's gift" here as an individual's innate ability to excel at various exploits.  The idea was that GOD has placed something special within you that is purposed to bring you before people of great influence and renown.  With that said, if you so desired to be great, you would then discover what gifts you possess and cultivate them to the extent that the excellence you embody when exercising them, in turn, becomes a platform upon which you can prosper.  It's a great concept that makes perfect sense!  If I may, however, allow me to share with you a little something extra I just learned regarding this...

As I researched the terms in this particular verse of scripture, I noticed that the word translated as "gift" in Proverbs 18:16 is the Hebrew word "mattan" (pronounced "mat-TAWN").  It means "a present".  In considering this information, the verse immediately took on a whole new meaning to me.  As I see it, when you aim to sit among people of greatness, it is the gift you bring that makes room for you to be in their company.  In other words, time is an extremely valuable resource; and influential people are in no way obligated to give their time to anyone, especially those who do not value it.  Their knowledge, wisdom, and feedback often comes at the expense of the failures, mistakes and setbacks they have experienced along life's way.  Out of respect for all it took for them to ascend from the bottom to their places among the top within their areas of influence, you just can't glean from them FOR NOTHING.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Power Belongs To The Responsible

I was reminded last week of something my good friend and brother Prophet William L. Johnson II shared in a teaching a couple of years ago: "Power belongs to the responsible."  That statement really stood out amongst all he shared in that particular evening of revival, and it arrests my attention even now as I ponder over who power belongs to.  If you have ever taken a Physics course, then you're most likely familiar with the idea that power is the ability to do work.  Not just something that lies dormant, it is a force that enables the empowered entity to fulfill some degree of purpose. Therefore, power is only as valuable as the work it actually accomplishes. It makes no sense to possess power if it results in nothing purposeful. And let's be frank here: irresponsible people lack a sense of purpose.

In the hands of irresponsible people, power becomes abused (or "ABnormally USED").  As my favorite teacher, Dr. Myles Munroe, has said, "Where purpose is NOT known, abuse is inevitable."  Irresponsible people do not seek to understand purpose because it requires too much of them.  And without an understanding of purpose, people are totally clueless as to how they should respond to anything.  Furthermore, if responsibility indeed be the ability to respond, then why should supernatural power be entrusted to those who fail to appropriately exercise the limited ability they've already been given to favorably respond to life's demands?  It makes zero sense whatsoever...

Thursday, August 31, 2017

How Worship Births The Unimagineable

It is amazing how we find ourselves in situations with GOD that surpass our understanding.  If you may recall, the Bible shares with us that the highly fragrant perfume in Mary Magdalene's alabaster box was valued at "three hundred denarii" (John 12:5), which is approximately a year's wages for a common worker.  When Mary took it upon herself to throw custom out of the window and break open this box, it was ironically the disciples of Jesus who criticized her--particularly Judas.  They were appalled that she would pour this costly perfume on Him because--TO THEM--its value was "ONLY" a year's wages and what good THEY felt could be accomplished had it been sold.

Now according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for U.S. workers in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $849 per week or $44,148 per year.  So you're probably wondering, "What DOES he mean by 'ONLY' a year's wages?"  After all, most of us have probably NEVER given a single monetary offering of this magnitude to anyone, let alone our Redeemer.  So seen from THIS context, the disciples' reaction to Mary Magdalene's actions doesn't seem so far-fetched.  However, her act of love and appreciation for Messiah signified so much more.  It was an act of worship...  But not just ANY act of worship.

The worship Mary Magdalene offered carried a value that far surpassed the fair market value of the pound of spikenard oil in that alabaster box.  One might even imagine that--in her mind--the oil's value paled in comparison to that of Him who had raised her brother Lazarus from the dead.  Widely noted as Messiah's greatest miracle, the coming forth of Lazarus in his grave clothes was nothing less than astonishing because he had been dead for four days.  And with saying all that, EVEN SHE--in her expression of immense gratitude--had no idea that she was anointing Messiah's body for HIS ultimate act of worship: Calvary.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Hand Him Your Worst

For the sake of not looking as pitiful as our situations may be, most believers--especially those who are well-acquainted with church culture--have mastered the art of disguise.  Oh yes, we go to great lengths to mask the struggles with which we grapple, the insecurities secretly tormenting us, even the consequences of the mistakes we've made.  Because GOD forbid the saints see how jacked up we REALLY are!  So we say, "I've got to give the LORD my best..."  And all the while we are hiding our worst, and for what?!

Recently, a dear woman of GOD by the name of Evangelist Cynthia Diggs shared on her Facebook timeline, "We are so busy trying to give Jesus our best but our best without Him still isn't good enough. He actually wants our worst so He can make it better!"  What an encouraging Word for this modern day church!  There are too many people of faith NOT receiving better because they remain hung up on trying to publicly present a version of themselves that is not only inconsistent with their present reality but one that actually hinders them from truly experiencing life more abundantly.

As Evangelist Diggs continued in her status update, she referenced Mark 3:1-5 where Messiah healed the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath.  It angered Yeshua Jesus to see people in the synagogue so caught up in THEIR OWN agendas that it was just accepted for the afflicted to remain bound.  There was no mercy, no compassion--just hardness of heart from the very people whose lives should be the very embodiment of Yahweh's loving-kindness.  The behavior of this people evidenced a culture of worship that was very much counterproductive to the restoration of that which was withered to a state in which it was made fully functional.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Revisiting the Idea of Child-Like Faith

With Father's Day approaching, I am reminded of the role fathers play in setting their offspring up for success in life.  For me, this concept stems from the way in which Yahweh fathers us.  The providential care of GOD, our Heavenly Father, includes His wise instruction on how to get heavenly outcomes in our earthly environments.  And because Yahweh ultimately desires to see us fulfill the purposes for which we have been given life, He favors us by providing supernaturally charged directives to ensure our success.

It almost seems too simple that doing things GOD's way guarantees GOD's results.  But it's truly THE best insurance policy EVER!  Yet, as is the case with most children, the spirit of rebellion deceives us into believing that we know a better way than that of our Father's.  So we go our own way, only to experience failure due to the poor choices we made.  Why then--after doing things our way--do we get upset when we fail to get the optimal results?

Faith comes by hearing the Word of GOD, according to Romans 10:17.  So if we're going to walk by faith and not by sight (as noted in 2 Corinthians 5:7), we are to walk (i.e. operate) according to the Word we hear.  Therefore, when we operate according to the Word we have heard, the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of the unseen manifests.  In other words, what we hope for only has substance when we operate according to the Word we heard from GOD; and the unseen things only become evident when we adhere to GOD's instruction.  Therefore, let's commit to becoming better listeners and followers of our Father and His Word, so we can obtain GOD-results instead of human failures.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Hardships Were Sent To Harden You

Throughout our lives, we will experience seasons of hardship.  It is, therefore, not wise for us to view life through the rose-tinted lenses that deceive us into thinking that everything will ALWAYS be pleasant for us, especially as born again believers in Christ the Messiah.  Right here is where sobriety of the mind is necessary in order to endure the afflictions we will--without a doubt--experience.  Sober thinking, furthermore, ensures that our souls (i.e. mind, will and emotions) PROPERLY process the trouble we experience.  When we appropriately handle hardship, the hardness we experience fulfills its purpose to bring forth THE BEST of us and not OUR WORST.  And with understanding of the order of righteousness, according to Romans 8:28, we are better able to see how GOD is indeed HELPING us by HARDENING us to difficulty.

If you would, take a look back over a season in your life that was hard for you to get through.  As much as you may hate to admit it, what you suffered most likely helped you in some way.  And as a result of enduring that as well as other hard seasons of your past, herein lies the good news: thanks to what you've been through, the challenges to come won't even phase you!  Because you know it was GOD who brought you through the past hardships, you can trust and believe that He will bring you through whatever trouble comes your way next.  And why is that?  Because every hard thing you overcome toughens you to face the adversary's forthcoming attempts to defeat you.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Hearing For the Here And Now

The Word of GOD enlarges your capacity, changes the direction in which you are walking, and alters the rest of your life.  Therefore, be very attentive because GOD is always speaking by His Spirit.  The Word He shares is designed to bring a manifestation of His glory (or presence) in your life, so don't miss it.

By only looking in the scriptures for what GOD is saying may result in you missing the Rhema Word you need right where you are.  That Word may come through an advertisement, a stranger's encouraging words or even a note from a young child (among many other avenues).  Your surroundings are most likely filled with heavenly correspondence, but your level of consciousness may be too low to receive these messages from GOD.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD (according to Romans 10:17).  So yes, you need to know the Word.  Continue to read the Bible, studying to yourself approved a workman who need not be ashamed (see 2 Timothy 2:15).  But herein lies the difference: don't study to MEMORIZE but rather study to UNDERSTAND.  The key to "hearing by the Word of GOD" is letting the scriptures be the filter through which EVERYTHING you hear passes.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Take Your Passion Off The Back Burner

Our passions are indeed avenues through which Yahweh can be glorified and people can be reconciled to His Kingdom.  Much more than just mere interests or things we someday dream about doing, our passions point to ideas, experiences, and feelings with which we possess deep connections.  However, in most cases, the things we are passionate about hardly ever get pursued.  It's true!  Life happens and we seem to recall more reasons why our passions shouldn't be pursued as opposed to why they should.  But for those who are ready to live their passions, all of that stops TODAY!

For too long we have talked ourselves out of life's greatest joys, including that of pursuing our deepest aspirations.  No longer must we doubt that there is an unmistakably innate joy found in answering the callings on our lives.  And, although this may sound crazy, it appears that the longer we delay our answer, the more frustrated we become with what we have instead chosen to pursue.  In our heads, the safe existence that meets our immediate needs--almost like clockwork--stays going toe-to-toe with this risky possibility that just may bring the self-fulfillment we've been longing to experience for years.  So what then do we do about it?!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Extracting The Greatness In You

Nothing worth having comes easy.  This is why there are people dying every day who left themselves no choice but to leave this life unfulfilled.  They played it safe.  They settled for good enough.  They chose the familiarity associated with survival over the risk of potentially thriving.

Understand that it's YOUR unwillingness to experience discomfort that's keeping you from being great--NOT PEOPLE.  In order for greatness to come forth, YOU must be willing to step into discomfort.  Yes, the struggle is real; and you won't even begin to scratch the surface of greatness until you're willing to face your self-imposed limitations head-on.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

You Have Something To Offer

My friend Chandra Hill shared a story about an occurrence earlier today that got my attention in a very unavoidable way.  She was getting gas and noticed an older gentleman doing the same across from her. After finishing, he got back in his car to leave but the vehicle failed to start.  So, as expected, he popped the hood to inspect things.  However, it still would not start once he got back inside.

By this time, Chandra had finished pumping her gas and was in her vehicle preparing to drive off. But before she could leave, she heard the Lord say, "Ask him if he's okay..."  Her initial thought was, "If he isn't, what can I do?"  The Lord's response was no different: "Ask him."  So she rolls down her window and does what she was instructed to do.

"I need a boost," he says.

"Well," she replies, "I have cables, but hooking them up is another story."

His response: "I can hook them up, if you have them."