
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Art of Living | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

On yesterday, I received the weekly Thought Tools e-newsletter from Rabbi Daniel Lapin, whom I was privileged to hear speak earlier this year at Covenant Church; and I was really enriched by what he shared in this issue.  He said,
"Civilization's objective definition of art used to be something that lifts the observer's heart toward God... People recognized as art, only that which elevated and ennobled; drawing people to God."
When considering this perspective, it really caused me to see just how far removed we have become as a society today from this notion.  It seems art today is anything but a vehicle for pointing people towards GOD.  As a matter of fact, the average person, when asked their definition of art, would most likely answer that it's a form of creative self-expression that's hardly limited to just drawing people to GOD.  Sadly, people creatively express themselves in all kinds of vulgar and obscene ways in the name of being artistic with no consideration for GOD and Him taking pleasure in their work.  However, there is no hesitation in people calling themselves artists and referring to their creative works as art.  How ironic!

I love how Rabbi Lapin expounded upon the definitions of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, which he explained as being the three attributes GOD possesses as the Ultimate Artist of Creation (according to Proverbs 3:19-20).  He also noted how this pattern was translated to man, as well, in the person of Bezalel, the architect of the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:30-31).  As Rabbi Lapin said, "Being an artist is not about just expressing your feelings... Being an artist does not exempt you from possessing wisdom, understanding, and knowledge."  It would, therefore, behoove us all to become better acquainted with these attributes as we endeavor to create works of art that elevate, ennoble and draw people to GOD.  Remember that creative expression goes beyond talent or giftedness, as our very lives are to be seen as works of art.  Therefore, everything we touch has the potential to both be observed and lift the observer's heart toward GOD.

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