
Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Takeover (Part 1) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This morning, I was reminded of something I heard my pastor, Bishop Fred A. Caldwell, Sr, say a couple of Sundays ago:
"GOD's not in the business of taking over our lives.  But whatever we desire to give Him, He will take ownership of it."
What amazes me about GOD is that, even though He created and sustains mankind, He has given us free will.  GOD will not force Himself upon us and He won't make us do anything.  We ALWAYS have a choice.  Yes, I will admit that GOD can make some pretty compelling arguments; but at the end of the day, we still have a choice to make based upon what has been placed in front of us.  So now I find it very interesting then how I've heard believers say such phrases as, "GOD, you can take over my life."  Thus begins my quest to figure this thing out because it begs me to ask, "Is our desire for a GOD-takeover authentic?"

When I think about a takeover, what comes to mind is one being frustrated or disappointed with circumstantial outcomes to the point of absolving oneself from any further responsibility.  To me, takeover is about being set free from any further obligation to be in control.  It's about no longer desiring to choose but one rather wanting to become a robot or a puppet, living completely under the control of another's dominance.  Call me crazy, but I don't believe that's what GOD desires for us.  I believe the heart of GOD is after something much loftier and more excellent.

Consider this: when we experienced the new birth (i.e. the rebirth of our spirit man), we were instantly restored to the state of being what GOD purposed for mankind--being created in the image of GOD and after His likeness, according to Genesis 1:26-27.  Therefore, if we are indeed created in GOD's image, after His likeness, then why are we so content in relinquishing control of our lives?  After all, GOD seems to be rebirthing us in the realm of the Spirit so that we can TAKE CONTROL as opposed to BEING CONTROLLED.  It appears His desire is that we BE RESPONSIBLE, not RELINQUISH our responsibility because He has given mankind dominion over the Earth and its resources (see Genesis 1:28-30).  "Responsibility" is just a fancier way of referring to "the ability to respond."  As born again believers, we have been given the ability to respond just as GOD does.  But how many of us born again believers actually do this?  Furthermore, do we really want to?

To Be Continued...
Check out The Takeover (Part 2)

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