
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Experiencing the Evidence | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Okay, so I had another "yellow sticky note" moment and I couldn't resist sharing it with everyone.  Since this thought was scribbled on BOTH sides of the sticky note, I'll share the main point verbatim and quickly expound upon the rest of what I wrote:
"GOD wants to see if we've got the faith to experience the evidence of our situations (via the five senses) and STILL TRUST HIM to the point where we can shout the victory BEFORE His power is manifested."
A lot of times, the miracle to us is GOD doing what we perceive to be impossible for us to do for ourselves.  But it's much more than that.  Oddly enough, what we think to be impossible is hardly so in GOD's eyes.  Furthermore, upon closer examination, we can see that the miracle is actually in usGOD allows us to encounter seemingly "impossible" situations to test our faith because He's interested in seeing how we react to the circumstances.  Do we frantically respond out of our emotions as those with no hope, or do we confidently work our faith fully trusting GOD for the outcome?  This is the miracle!

After experiencing all the carnal evidence, will we yet praise our GOD?  Is our faith so steadfast in the Word of GOD that we can rejoice knowing that the evidence of things not seen far outweighs the evidence of things seen?  Must we wait for the manifestation of GOD's power on our behalf to shout the victory, or will we shout unto GOD with a voice of triumph BEFORE our Jericho walls crumble before our eyes?  The miracle we need IS NOT the outcome we desire of the LORD.  The miracle is in the renewing of our minds to take on the culture of Heaven and consistently exhibit it in our everyday behavior.  Once we adopt the culture and consistently practice the lifestyle of Heaven's citizens, we'll begin to see the government of Heaven intervening in every facet of our lives just as GOD intended from the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. ET, This is one of the most thought provoking pieces I have ever read.Many are times we fail to shout VICTORY before we see the action.It is high time we shouted victory being sure that our God is powerful and faithful to give us victory before we actually see it.


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