
Sunday, August 7, 2011

To Prophesy Or Not | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We are living in a very peculiar time.  More and more people are starting ministries, places of worship are popping up everywhere, and it seems like everyone serving in ministry has a title in front of their birth names. It's perplexing, to say the least, because there's an undercurrent moving throughout the Body of Christ that's very reminiscent of Old Testament times.  One such misnomer is that of spiritual gifts and the idea that only certain people can operate in them.

A couple of Sundays back, I was privileged to hear a message delivered by Pastor Joel Scrivner (Youth & Young Adult Pastor, Covenant Church), entitled "Moved By The Spirit."  I particularly enjoy hearing Pastor Joel minister the Word of GOD because he always brings a message of great relevance to the Body.  In this particular message, Pastor Joel stressed the importance of being the supernatural people GOD created us to be.  He placed special emphasis this particular session on operating in the spiritual gift of prophecy, which is something the average Christian believes only "certain" people can do.

NEWSFLASH: EVERY BORN AGAIN BELIEVER CAN PROPHESY.  It's time we get past prophecy being "spooky" and embrace the fact that GOD has made prophecy very natural to us who have been born again after the incorruptible seed of the Spirit.  To prophesy is to simply speak from divine counsel.  It's as basic as us talking to our Father and saying what He's said to us.  Before ruling this out as impossible or not as easy as it sounds, consider this: just as we're confident in speaking on behalf of the people with whom we spend a significant amount of time and claim to know well, it's no different with GOD.  We can have this same confidence to speak on GOD's behalf through our own thriving fellowship with Him in the Spirit.

Furthermore, beyond every believer's GOD-given ability to prophesy, the reason why it's such a big deal that we do so is because GOD wants us to be like Him.  When GOD wants something done, He speaks it.  We see the pattern for this in the very first words of the Bible (Genesis 1).  Therefore, it is essential for every believer to develop the kind of fellowship with our Father that emboldens us to confidently mimic His behavior in order to maximize our effectiveness in the Kingdom-building work to which we've all been called.  It doesn't matter what your venue, platform or sphere of influence may be because GOD wants YOU to be the SUPERNATURAL YOU right there.  You don't have to be A pulpit minister, a traveling evangelist or any manner of church title holder.  You are equipped for GOD's use in the area you're in now.

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