
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Adapt or Struggle | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

There are times in our lives when we must intensify our resolve to see what's been placed in front of us through the eyes of faith.  We have to break new ground in the exercising of our faith because our approach in times past does not work for today's trial.  In our quest for greater spiritual maturity, we can be assured that our trials will intensify.  Therefore, we can't get comfortable in our pursuit of growth because the growth process is all about change.  In order to grow, the trials we face must place increasingly greater demands on our faith so that we're forced to either adapt or struggle.

Adaptation is a key part of the spiritual growth process.  If we never adapt, then we fail to gain strength.  One of our greatest features as humans is our ability to adapt to the demands our surroundings place upon us.  It's in our ability to adapt that innovation takes place.  If this be true in the physical, then how much greater in the realm of the spirit?  GOD has empowered us to be spiritual innovators.  He's equipped us spiritually to not only adapt to but triumph over our physical surroundings by releasing heavenly innovation through the exercising of our faith.  And as we see the power of Heaven manifested in the Earth, we experience the spiritual growth that elevates us in our faith walk to a heightened level of operation.

However, when we choose not to adapt, we experience struggle.  The act of struggling is indicative of an inoperative faith.  Furthermore, struggle drains us of energy, thereby leaving us in a weakened state.  There's no joy apparent when we struggle, and--might I add--there's no manifestation of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) in the state of struggle.  The only way to avoid a life of struggle is to walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) and be led by the Spirit of GOD (Romans 8:14).  It's when we walk by faith, as opposed to the facts, that we are guaranteed victory on every front.

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