
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Word of Encouragement | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

It's the anointing on your life that draws the attack of the enemy.  But it's the calling of GOD upon your life that allows the attack of the enemy.  Since Romans 8:28 says that all things work out for your benefit, there's no need to lament the attack of the enemy on your life.  As a matter of fact, you can celebrate it because GOD has already fixed this thing so that you emerge from it better than you were before.

So instead of worrying about the situation you're in, start celebrating the victorious outcome GOD ordained for you in eternity.  Don't allow yourself to become frustrated with the circumstances.  And if you should become frustrated, don't take it out on the people around you.  This warfare is not one against flesh and blood.  It's spiritual.  So don't look for anyone to blame for how you're feeling.  Discern the demonic influences that are responsible for what's happening, and command them to leave.  It's the perfected praise of a confident people that creates for the Kingdom of Darkness an uninhabitable, toxic environment.

Let THIS test showcase how much you've learned and matured since the LAST one.  Don't let it expose how ignorant and immature you still are.  Times of testing are dedicated to revealing how much wisdom you're walking in.  And if wisdom is applied knowledge, it's nearly impossible to apply what you don't know.  So see this faith trial as an opportunity to be promoted in the Kingdom.  As I once heard a mentor of mine, Minister Steve Lawrence, say, embrace the test so you can get the power.  That's how you get to the next level.  It's not confessing the next the level, singing about another level or rejoicing over a "next level" prophetic utterance that ushers it in.  You make it to the next level when you pass the test.

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