
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You Can't Turn Back | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

While reviewing my journal this week, I ran across some notes taken during a message heard in church one Sunday in July:
"GOD has a path that will lead you into every promise He's given you (according to Jeremiah 29:11).  Your uncomfortable places are not your final destination.  When you get in an uncomfortable place, your temptation is ALWAYS to turn back.  But if you turn back you'll never get to your destiny."
At this time, the Holy Spirit was really ministering to me because I had become discouraged on my path.  I had contemplated turning back more than once because it appeared things weren't working out as I had expected, and I was growing weary of the struggle.  From time to time, as I'm sitting in a church service, I break away from what the minister is saying to clearly hear the Holy Spirit when He starts speaking to me.  During this particular occurence, I heard the Holy Spirit say the following, which I quickly scribbled into my journal:
"You can't turn back because you have no place to turn back toThe comfort you remembered can't be found there anymore because that season is over.  Going back there searching for what was there before is a waste of time, and you'll only be miserable there."
I remember being greatly encouraged by what the Holy Spirit spoke to me that day because those words dispelled my desperation.  It was exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it.  I'm not sure if someone reading this TODAY needs to hear what I heard back in July, as well; but I do know that I felt compelled to share this when I ran across those words in my journal again. GOD has a destiny for each person's life.  But you can't turn back: walking into destiny requires forward movement.  You have to stay on the path GOD has laid before you.  So stay on the path to your promise, and watch how it will lead you right into destiny.

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