
Monday, December 19, 2011

Keep Plowing | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

During my private prayer time early Sunday morning, I received the following Word while in GOD's presence:
"Keep your hand to the plow--that is, remain faithful to and focused upon the ministry work to which you've been called.  No matter what you've done, how you've failed or even how inadequate you may feel, do the works of Him who has sent you.  For it is the work of ministry that breaks up the fallow ground of your heart because it requires sensitivity to both GOD and people."
There is so much about each of us that could very well discourage us from doing any ministry work.  However, GOD's concern is that we remain focused on what's important: continuing to follow His instructions in good faith that He will do what He promised.  Like the lepers who were healed as they went, many of us will experience manifested healing as we go on doing what GOD has called us to do.  We all have problems, faults and issues; so what else is new?  Furthermore, we all suffer from heart conditions that impair our ability to be sensitive to GOD and people; but GOD has given us ministry to help ourselves as well as others.

Consider how the soil of our hearts has become hardened and compacted by the weight of this world.  When it comes to doing the work of ministry, we need to experience the power of GOD AS WE MINISTER just as desperately as the people we minister to.  The proof that we simply can't get the job done in our own strength and know-how lies in the fact that we often times don't even feel like ministering when called upon.  However, submitting ourselves to the call of ministry releases GOD's anointing to get the job done.  And since getting the job done requires sensitivity to GOD and people, the power released for each ministry opportunity manifests a little more healing in the hearts of those who minister.

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