
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Takeover (Part 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I ended the first installment of this series by suggesting that GOD is not interested in controlling us or our lives.  In our pre-reconciled state, we actually lived in a controlled state.  As a matter of fact, Jesus delivered us from a life of bondage, which is all we knew (Hebrews 2:15).  So why then would we think that GOD's plan involves us being delivered from one enslaved state to another?  It just doesn't add up.  GOD's plan of redemption was intended to set men free.  It was GOD's intention to restore man to the position he had in Eden, wherein he was given responsibility (ie "the ability to respond").  And man's GOD-given ability to respond isn't based upon human reasoning or emotionalism but rather learning the art of Heaven's diplomacy because it's not us who need to be overtaken, but the Earth.

We have been made in the image and likeness of GOD via the spiritual rebirth, and we are able to respond to situations just as GOD does because we have been given the name of Jesus the Christ.  It's by the power and authority of that name wherein we are able to transact business in the realm of the spirit and see manifestations of Heaven's power here in the Earth.  But the reason why we don't see this kind of power any more than we do is because GOD's people have not been taught to walk in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.  More importantly, the average Christian suffers from a spiritual identity crisis.  People who have no clue WHO they are certainly can not be expected to know HOW TO BE who they are.  So what then do we see?  A bunch of confused people running around doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in hope that they'll eventually stumble across SOMETHING that works.  Last time I checked, GOD isn't schizophrenic.  Yet we claim to be made in His image and likeness.  Something is TERRIBLY wrong with this picture, friends.

Beyond the minuscule number of believers who actually attempt to respond as GOD does, the question of whether we really want to begs to be asked.  With responsibility comes accountability; and frankly, I don't know too many Christians who actually WANT to be held accountable for their actions.  If GOD takes over our lives and makes all of our decisions for us, then we're no longer free will agents.  Additionally, since all of life is a heart matter; without free will, there's no need for a heart and our obedience to GOD would then be forced action.  I truly believe that GOD desires for us to want to do that which pleases Him.  Even earthly parents would much rather their children obey them without being forced to, so how much more then do you think our Heavenly Father desires the same?  You know, we want GOD to use us for His glory; but His effective use of us in colonizing the Earth for His Kingdom relies heavily upon our desire to please Him.  Nothing pleases a father more than knowing that his children WANT to do that which is pleasing in his eyes and choose to follow in his footsteps.  So how pleased do you think GOD is when we beg Him to take over our lives?

To Be Continued...
Check out The Takeover (Part 3)

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