
Friday, September 23, 2011

We Need The Outpouring | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This summer, I had the opportunity to hear a speaker by the name of Lance Wallnau one Sunday.  Recently reading through my journal, I ran across some notes taken during his presentation in July; and I was reminded of a very interesting point he made:
"The Holy Spirit isn't coming DOWN if He's already here on Earth. He's coming OUT of you. The outpouring is coming out of GOD's people." 
As my regular readers know, I am always examining the catch phrases and colloquialisms of the modern day church experience.  Whether it be words spoken by pastors, associate ministers, or praise and worship leaders, we all too often hear things said during worship services that are either not biblical or biblically used out of context.

Considering what Lance Walnau said, our expectations of the Holy Spirit should change.  When Jesus got ready to leave Earth, He told the disciples that He would send the Comforter (in the person of the Holy Spirit), according to John 14:16-18 and John 16:7.  Jesus had to return to Heaven so the Holy Spirit could be sent to dwell in the Earth within the people of GOD.  So why then do we--many, many years later--still cry out to GOD to send His Spirit, who's already here in the earth realm?  If GOD's agenda is being carried out by His Spirit (as stated in Zechariah 4:6), then it's the Holy Spirit who is at work IN OUR MIDST doing that which pleases the Father, who is seated in Heaven.  It's to our advantage then that we understand how GOD's power is not in Heaven but rather dwells in us via the Holy Ghost.

Once we've been filled with the Holy Ghost, Heaven's power resides in us.  There's no need to summon the Father to send His power down to Earth.  We only need to pour out that which is within us.  It's the outpouring of the Holy Spirit from within GOD's people that conforms the environment of Earth to the atmosphere of Heaven.  But the outpouring can never take place when GOD's people are not operating by the Spirit.  Sadly, we pray to GOD for help that we've already received (as Holy Ghost filled believers).  Every situation we face can be solved by the Comforter, but we must release Him via the outpouring to do His job.  The Holy Spirit isn't going to takeover anything or anyone.  He must be granted access; therefore, we--as Heaven's citizens--must pour out the Holy Spirit as an act of permitting Him to invade our circumstances and bring about Heaven's results.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, timely, and riveting post brotha! The Holy Spirit is here, not coming. He needs no invitation to come where He resides. However, He does need to be permitted to respond to and engage human affairs with Heaven's power- this through the yielded believer.


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