
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose - Part 3

Knowing your purpose but not how to manifest it can be a very challenging position to be in.  For most people, it's a difficult season often lived through a period of years--and might I add, highly unsatisfying years.  With such seasons come terrible feelings of unfulfillment as well as intense frustration with so much of what may be happening roundabout.  By chance, does the current season of your life somewhat resemble this?  If so, then I hope you benefit from the tiny bit of advice I'm about to share: simply walk in your purpose.

Although it may sound cliche, find yourself putting one foot in front of the other.  Since you most likely already know the direction in which you should be heading, it's time now for you to get moving in that direction.  Commit to engaging in SOMETHING that puts you a couple of steps closer to your destination of purpose, even if it's small.  Bible instructs us in Zechariah 4:10 to despise not small beginnings, so go ahead and get busy NOW!  As this scripture points out, it's not wise to ignore, overlook or underestimate even the slightest start.  Regardless of how insignificant your start may seem, every start has the potential to be finished.

Yes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  But don't stop there!  Daily walk in your purpose.  Build up your momentum, so you're not slowed down by the challenges that arise along the way.  Stay encouraged by celebrating your milestones.  And trust me, as you journey in pursuit of fulfilled purpose, you will find great joy and fulfillment.

Have you read the previous installment in this series?  If not, then please take a few moments to read it now.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose - Part 2

In a recent discussion, my spirit received an on-the-spot download illustrating the fulfillment of purpose that was just too good not to share.  So, here goes: a hurricane lamp without oil has everything required to fulfill its purpose, EXCEPT fuel (i.e. oil) and energy (i.e. fire).  Something of substance must be poured into it to sustain the lamp's work output over time, and something else of a combustible nature must spark to ignite (or activate) its inherent ability to work.  Although the lamp possesses the hardware (i.e. the body or the physical components) to work, it lacks the resources--that is, the fuel and the energy--to actualize its potential.  In other words, the lamp is lifeless and useless without anything to put legs to the faith of its manufacturer.

Bible says that every man has been given the measure of faith.  Yahweh has indeed provided every person the physical components to accomplish what s/he has been created to do.  Furthermore, no manufacturer with a reputation worth upholding would produce a product that is incapable of living up to its claim.  Therefore, as Yahweh's products, we have got to become VERY serious about obtaining knowledge, achieving understanding of that knowledge, and receiving wisdom concerning its application, so we can manifest Father's original intent for our lives.  Fulfilling purpose has got to become just that serious for us!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose

There is indeed a process to fulfilling purpose.  As part of this process, what often goes overlooked is the transformative work being accomplished within us.  When in pursuit of purpose, the pursuit forges the degree of maturity required to experience success on Yahweh's terms as opposed to our own.  It takes mature offspring to understand that what actually makes success, according to Father's plans, so sweet is that it's timed so perfectly.  This is why one of my favorite biblical phrases has become that of "in the fullness of time."

In our microwave mentality of a society, we daily see people willing to settle for "good enough" right now instead of waiting to receive "the best" at the appointed time.  While this largely occurs because of an impatient mindset, some people are simply worn down mentally by the frustration of waiting.  Their frustration further manifests itself in their hearts.  No longer willing to await destiny's arrival, a frustrated person may--with seemingly good reason--buckle under the pressure of waiting in order to obtain immediate relief and easily settle right now for that which is pleasing instead.

My encouragement to us all in the days ahead is that we intentionally ascribe to the words penned in Philippians 4:4-8.  Within these extremely powerful verses of scripture are found life-changing keys that the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit has made available to us for the express purpose of ensuring we fulfill purpose and are matured by the process of its fulfillment.  Since the weight of this topic is resting so heavily upon me, the final weeks of this year will be spent expounding on these five verses in a multi-part series to prepare us for the New Year.  So please be on the lookout for the coming installments.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Be Willing and Productive

While in a training session as part of my professional development, there was something said with regard to teamwork that vibrated with Heaven's frequency and caught my spirit's attention: "The people you get to help you must be willing AND productive.  If they can't produce, then don't you depend on them."  I actually shared the below status update on my Facebook timeline with regard to that moment.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Journey To Rediscovery - Part 3 of 3

Through sanctification, our born again spirit, which is the actual bearer of GOD's image and likeness within us, connects us to the Holy Spirit.  It is He who, along with the Word of GOD, nourishes and fortifies our faith as we undergo the process of "dis-covering" ourselves--that is, the real "us" whom GOD purposed and designed us to be before the foundations of the world.  As part of this process, our faith in the Word of GOD as well as the power and presence of His Spirit within us causes our spirit man to wax strong enough to boldly command our souls to line up with Heaven's culture.  What we have established in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series has, therefore, brought us to THIS point: no matter how "good" we--as humans--may think ourselves and mankind as being, it's not until our spirit man is made alive that we can even begin to assimilate to GOD's way of doing things.

We are tripartite beings: SPIRITS possessing SOULS who live in BODIES.  The soul of man is caught BETWEEN the spirit and the body, both of which have the ability to influence our soulish realm (the mind, will and emotions).  The soul is literally the battleground between light and darkness, good and evil.  Prior to the new birth, the spirit lies dormant and the soul is totally influenced by the body's five senses (which dominate how humanity makes sense of its earthly surroundings).  Now do you see the picture coming together? Without spirit--the very core of who we were really designed to be--actually influencing us, we basically grew up and matured in this world's system, relating the pleasures of the five senses to that which is good and likewise relating unpleasant experiences to being bad.  If whatever we saw, smelled, heard, tasted and felt was enjoyable, then it was understood as being good; and vice versa.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Journey To Rediscovery - Part 2 of 3

As humans, we all enter the Earth realm as the reproduction of a corrupted seed (read Part 1).  We are literally born into an inheritance of sin that's just as influential as being born into a family with "old money."  That's right!  We come here inheriting the sinful estate of Adam in that, given any combination of factors and circumstances presented, we ALL are capable of manifesting ANY form of ungodly behavior, whether rooted in perversions, addictions, dishonesty, etc.  Born as unrighteous seed, we--even young children, as innocent and impressionable as they may seem--are fully capable of engaging in sinful behavior without being taught how to behave in such ways.

When told, for example, NOT to eat the cookies in the jar, a so-called innocent child will go into the cookie jar anyway (because s/he likes cookies) and furthermore lie about doing so when, after the fact, asked about the missing goodies.  Question: WHO taught that innocent little child to do such an evil thing? The reality of this situation is that NO ONE taught the child to do this because the child came into the world a sinner capable of engaging in evil behavior.  When merely presented the opportunity to yield to temptation, the intangible capability to sin that was already in the child visibly manifested itself in the choice made to behave thusly.  And so life goes: as Satan provides us opportunity and chance, we grow up progressively manifesting one sinful behavior after another, until the love of Christ finds us ready to accept Him as the way back to GOD, the Father, and the righteousness that has been made available for us.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Journey To Rediscovery - Part 1 of 3

As believers, we all are on a journey of rediscovering ourselves.  And when I say that, I mean us coming into an understanding of who we were in eternity before we entered into time.  Born into sin and shapen in iniquity, so much of who we admittedly identify ourselves as being stems from our earthly experiences.  Yet there remains this GOD-ordained identity that was overshadowed by the inherently sinful state we faced at birth.  There's a higher sense of self, if you will, out there somewhere trying to connect with us.  You feel where I'm coming from?

I have come to understand that the inheritance of original sin passed down from generation to generation is what makes this journey of rediscovery so necessary.  Adam's sin set the stage for all mankind to grapple with the pain, the insecurities and the confusion of trying to understand who we really are in a world so darkened by the influence of Satan, that the very five senses we have been taught to use in discerning our realities actually mislead us.  Humanity is so misguided, as a result of Adam's sin, that we even believe ungodly things about ourselves.  And since these things seem to have been part of us as long as we can remember, we further believe that it's just who we are and embrace the notion that we were born to behave this way.

Monday, June 27, 2016

The Blessing in the Pressing

The brokenness we experience in our pressing situations is purposed to release an oil that is strategically anointed for ministry.  Yes, the pressing was crushing.  But with the crushing pain--and even embarrassment, in some cases--comes a powerful release.  And the value of what is released far outweighs the value we attributed to that which was crushed.  The oil we carry is only released via excruciating circumstances.  There indeed lies a blessing in the pressing because it's THIS oil that is specially formulated--if you will--for the work of ministry.

Flowing from our own pain, it's infused with the very power of GOD that brought us to the other side of through.  For some, the pressing may be diseased affliction.  For others, it may be a failed marriage.  One person's pressing could be a serious financial crisis, while another's situation involves a period of incarceration.  The possibilities are endless because everyone experiences their own unique combination of crushing blows from which the power of GOD delivers us.  The same power that brought us deliverance is now the active ingredient in the oil produced by our lives' crushing experiences that is meant to bring deliverance to others.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Accepting The Paint

One thing I've come to understand about life as a believer is that Father's methods can raise a lot of questions.  We often have our own ideas and perceptions of how things should go; and each time we do, we're reminded that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours.  When we feel like we're at the end of our ropes, He's waiting for us to let them go so He can catch us.  When we feel like our backs are against the wall, He's waiting for us to stop fighting long enough to allow Him to lift up a standard against the enemy.  See, we struggle with letting go of life's ropes and putting down our fists when the fight seems to be the most intense; yet scripture continues to remind us that His strength is made perfect in weakness (as found in 2 Corinthians 12:9).

In contemplating the frailties of life, some days this journey plays out like a suspense thriller.  Finding myself in one vulnerable place after another is honestly quite stressful, and there are indeed times when my moody side just doesn't want to be bothered after having dealt with all the drama. (Can I get just ONE witness?!)  Yes, as grateful as I am to Yahweh for making ways, opening doors, snatching me out and catapulting me forward, the compounding stress that comes with waiting on Him takes a toll on me when TIME is of the essence.  If you didn't know, well now you know: living on eternity's timetable is NOT for the faint of heart because He who is from everlasting to everlasting is literally in no one's hurry.  He has His own appointed time for everything He sets His hands to do to be accomplished.  And regardless of how we may feel, there's absolutely NOTHING we can do about it.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Pleasure of Purpose

I came across an anonymous quote once via social media that goes, "STRESS makes you believe that everything has to happen right now. FAITH reassures you that everything will happen in GOD's timing." As I pondered this thought, what came to me was Psalm 118:24. This familiar verse encourages us to recognize that this is the day that the LORD has made and further inspires our choice to rejoice and be glad in it.  Given this thought, we must not allow stress to ruin what should be enjoyed.  Regardless of the circumstances, the choice to rejoice is ours! And we ought not allow anything or anyone to make us feel like we cannot rejoice in our time of waiting.

Our Father is faithful to perform that which He has promised (Hebrews 10:23). And guess what? Whatever Yahweh promised will come forth in due time. Therefore, we can stop all the worrying about WHEN it's going to happen.  That time, energy and effort can be better spent making preparation for the promise's arrival and focusing on ensuring the atmosphere is saturated with joy.  You see, our waiting should not be overshadowed by feelings of uncertainty simply because what we desire to happen isn't transpiring now.  We are to instead rejoice, knowing that GOD will make it happen EXACTLY when He planned for it to manifest.

In situation after situation, life's experiences have consistently revealed that timing doesn't get any better than the impeccable timing of Yahweh.  He is the author of time, and everything that exists entered into time at His choosing.  As we place our faith in Him to perfect (or bring to maturity) that which concerns us, we are then able to rest in the reassurance that Father has everything under control.  Just as no amount of worrying is going to make a cake bake any faster than the time already appointed for it to remain in the oven, so it is with the various matters in our lives that Yahweh has undergoing the process of perfection.  When our focus can shift from how long we are waiting to ensuring the process of perfection is complete, time really won't even matter.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Removing The Influence

One of the greatest misconceptions we can have about salvation is that it automatically takes away everything that allured us into sin prior to confessing Messiah as Lord and receiving the gift of eternal life. What we soon find out is that what tempted us before is still pretty hot and tempting. Those feelings somehow managed to stay... The only difference is what we could once freely engage in doing now stirs up feelings of guilt.  You see, what the preacher forgot to mention, when we decided to receive Messiah's invitation to discipleship, is that it's not the goal of salvation to cause the lust of the flesh and eyes as well as the pride of life (as found in 1 John 2:16) to just disappear instantly or even over time.

Wouldn't it be super easy to live holy if all the evil within us just went away like that? Why, of course, it would! In fact, we would absolutely love it because pleasing Yahweh would be a piece of cake. But there's really no power or glory in deliverance merely removing the presence of sin. Once it's gone, there is then no more need for the power and glory. It is essentially given a pink slip because it's services would no longer be needed.

The more accurate understanding is that sin will ALWAYS be present. Therefore, the power and glory lies in removing THE INFLUENCE of its presence in our lives so we can see and take the way of escape Yahweh promises us in moments of temptation (1 Corinthians 2:13). Salvation will never remove the temptation, but it opens the door for us to receive the power of the Set Apart Spirit to dismantle the attack of the adversary against our freedom as believers. Deliverance is indeed successful when it becomes part of our culture as Kingdom citizens to discern the presence of temptation, resist its influence and make our escape from its presence.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Staying Power

In order to run this race of a life with patience, we must have the stamina to endure what--at times--can be a very grueling experience.  Yes, life can be hard; but we have unlimited access to the grace to persevere.  I'm reminded here of the term "staying power," which is the ability or strength to last or endure.  It's the quality or ability that allows someone or something to continue being effective and successful.  Today, we're living in a time when effectiveness and success are less and less evident in people's lives simply because they lack the endurance to finish what's been started.

When we consider how our Heavenly Father works, we see that everything Abba starts gets finished because it was already finished at the start.  In other words, whenever He starts something, Him starting it is proof that it's already complete.  Therefore, may I suggest that our ineffectiveness and unsuccessful efforts directly correlate to the fact that what we set out to do was pretty much unfinished from the beginning.  Our minds must be renewed here to understand that when something reaches its completed state in the unseen realm, it is THEN--and ONLY then-- that the process of fulfillment can begin in the physical realm.  Essentially, the execution of a half-baked idea is purposed to reveal that the idea was always half-baked.  It furthermore causes us to see that we cannot fully commit to physically manifesting what our lack of commitment in the spiritual realm has already failed to manifest.

Our problem is that we lack vision.  And work plans can only be devised for that which has been envisioned.  Without a clear picture of the finished product, there can be no documented procedures on how to start at Point A and arrive at a finished product that bears the image and likeness of the vision.  Furthermore, the absence of vision will surely set us up for failure.  It's impossible to have the staying power necessary to overcome the various hurdles encountered while bringing a vision to pass when you're not clear on what the end result looks like.  And here's the more sobering thought: you simply cannot commit to that which you're unclear about.  No one in their right mind will commit to a vision that's foggy, but how many times have we all been guilty of attempting to do something about which we're unclear?  In fact, when the situations and circumstances surrounding the process of materializing that foggy vision become too hard to handle, quitting is usually what happens next, doesn't it?  So in order to stay committed unto the completion of a thing, we must possess a clear understanding of what is indeed being finished.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Power of the Tongue

We often quote (or hear quoted) that life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).  It's a very familiar scripture; and often times, out of our familiarity with something we've heard more times than we can recall, we may overlook deeply embedded truths that can unlock new levels of understanding for us but are only uncovered in our time of meditation.  For instance, regarding the aforementioned verse of scripture, I've been greatly impacted by this interesting take on life and death being in the power of the tongue: Each statement we verbalize SIMULTANEOUSLY empowers certain things to live and other things to die.

I love when Holy Spirit gives me such profound insights into the scriptures because from them I'm able to develop better everyday habits through the application of both the written and spoken Word of Yahweh GOD.  This insight, in particular, has inspired me to begin asking myself BEFORE releasing words into the atmosphere, "What will my words empower to live, and what will they empower to die?"  Since BOTH happen each time we speak, as noted above, it's imperative that we not wait until AFTER our words have been released to consider this.  And by making it a practice to ask this question, especially in those moments wherein our emotions seem to be getting the best of us, we can step out of our feelings and be targeted--as opposed to careless--in our speech.  THAT'S the place in which we must strive to be.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

It's Time To Shut It Down For Good

The older I become, the more I find daily self-examination to be necessary.  Even though I'm a bearer of fruit, I must also become a professional at inspecting what I produce.  Furthermore, I refuse to become a player of the blame game!  Because blaming the conditions and the circumstances will NEVER nullify the fact that I indeed produced the fruit in question.  No way can I ever dismiss that I play an active role in whatever my life manifests, even if it's nothing more than allowing what was produced to come forth in my ignorance.  So even if I'm not to blame for PLANTING the seeds, then I'm certainly to blame for NURTURING them and WATCHING them grow.  But I refuse to become one of those people who live all their days in bondage to incidents that happened years ago.

You see, we've got to get out of the habit of pointing the finger elsewhere.  As born again believers filled with the presence and power of the Set Apart Spirit, there is a responsibility that comes with this power we've been given.  Now we're in the position--as citizens of GOD's Kingdom--that the eyes of understanding are continuously being enlightened to the ungodly things about ourselves.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to deal with those things and not sweep them under the rug.  And yes, GOD knows our hearts; but understand that in Him knowing our hearts, He likewise knows when WE deliberately choose to refuse the victory secured by His Son's blood.  Our flaws MUST be confronted because excuses for unrighteousness are no longer valid once we become citizens of GOD's Kingdom, fully vested with the rights and privileges that citizenship affords.  We've been given power over all the power of the enemy; and in the Bible (i.e. the Constitution of the Kingdom), we are promised that with every temptation faced we'll also be provided a way of escape that we can bear it (Luke 10:19; 1 Corinthians 10:13).  So when we FAIL to bear it and point the finger at something (or someone) else, there are indeed THREE more fingers pointing right back at us.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

What GOD Promises Is Guaranteed

Isn't it interesting how--over time--life teaches us to be skeptical of promises?  One broken promise after another seems to construct a wall of skepticism that eventually causes us to just not believe ANYTHING people say as a means of protection from disappointment.  Thankfully, GOD's promises are sure, which means they're guaranteed.  And it's time we stand upon the guaranteed Word of GOD and lay claim to everything He's promised us.  As it says in the latter portion of Hebrews 10:23, "he is faithful that promised."  What GOD has spoken SHALL come to pass! 

Therefore, be encouraged to let your time in worship extend the Set Apart Spirit a warm, welcoming invitation to clear your mind of all those ungodly thoughts and ways of reasoning you've let keep you from experiencing all GOD has for you.  Let Him reassuringly dismantle the wall you built with man's broken promises, that it might serve as a form of protection.  As your heart yields to the influence of the governor of the Kingdom, Ruach Hakodesh the Holy Spirit, He will minister to your hurting places and wounded spaces by administering the unconditional love of the Father.  It's time you free yourself in worship, receive the Father's love and be healed, so the broken promises of your past no longer interfere with you apprehending the promises of GOD. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Exchange and Be Changed

One thing I personally love about the atmosphere worship sets is the healing and deliverance that takes place when the Father's presence is welcomed into the place of meeting. As a lead worshipper myself, it is what I desire to see happen every time I enter a corporate worship setting, regardless of whether I be on assignment to lead or not. Scripture declares that where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). If the Set Apart Spirit is indeed present, then there also should be the manifestation of liberty. And it goes beyond the freedom to praise and worship. If nothing else is evident, the signs of the times should be clear enough for us to see that people are in desperate need of so much more than a "hallelujah good time."  There is a desire for the liberation to live--and might I add to live life more abundantly, as the Savior Himself said (John 10:10).

As we endeavor to become atmosphere changers and not just atmosphere readers, it is imperative that we become intentional worshippers. Each time we enter into the holy of holies, it should be our aim that we welcome the presence of Almighty GOD in to repair every broken place and mend every torn space in us as well as those around us in worship. When we worship with an awareness that there are others around us in need of repair and mending, we'll be more inclined to take the intensity of our worship up a notch or three because we understand that the healing virtue of GOD flows freely in His presence. As worshippers--whether we be onstage behind microphones, playing instruments or singing among the congregation--we must be fully engaged in the moment, so the right atmosphere can be created.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

It's All In The Hands

Most people like the idea of pursuing their visions and prospering therein, but great ideas--no matter how likable they are--are unfruitful without willful, decisive action (i.e. faith).  We must renew our minds in this area because ideas are only as good as their execution.  If an idea does not produce fruit, then it's essentially worthless.  Let's go even deeper: if your faith is not producing the fruit of righteousness, then it's worthless.  Now to be fair, ideas--and even faith--do carry a degree of intrinsic value.  However, the worth that can be attributed to them is based solely upon how valuable they are in the respective individual's hands.

One of my favorite statements throughout the Bible is found at the very end of Romans 12:3 (KJV): "...God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."  This blesses me EVERY time I hear it because it reminds me that every individual has been given the same amount of faith to work with. No one has more or less than anyone else!  It's all in what you do with the measure you've been dealt.  Therefore, faith requires action in order to harness its ability to produce fruit.  Your faith is purposed by design to bring forth that which has the ability to sustain you.  But it's not just going to appear out of thin air!  There must be preparation before manifestation, which means you've got to work what you've got with all you've got.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Worship Brings Transformation

One of the greatest things that can happen in your life is the inner transformation that occurs as evidence of your life of worship.  Believers often talk about themselves being worshippers, but their lifestyles will sometimes make you wonder if worship is really at work in them.  And it's not that there is an expectation for GOD's people to be without flaws and issues.  (Because GOD never promised a life void of flaws and issues, only a life in which His people would be empowered to live victoriously over them all.)  There is, however, an expectation that the sensitivity the life of worship imparts frees the believer to acknowledge their shortcomings without becoming victim to them.  The barriers that separate people, causing mankind to pay more attention to our differences than our similarities, are ultimately destroyed when the Creator and who we are in Him becomes our main focus.

As any true worshipper can confirm, the transformation that happens in those sacredly secret spaces of the soul is all the proof you need that GOD is in you and you are in Him.  His presence stirs the mind, will and emotions in such a profound way that you begin to see Him, yourself and everything (as well as everyone) around you differently.  Internally, what was once closed off amazingly opens and experiences a power so supernatural that your humanity hardly has the strength to stand in such an overwhelming presence.  Walls built in response to past hurts and disappointments literally topple beneath the weight of GOD's everlasting love, and the Father's reassurance provides the encouragement necessary to walk by faith in the newness of life when physical senses would find safety in the bondages of those old fears.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

When Love Must Be Questioned

It's been said that when you love something enough, you'll never give up on it.  Love indeed inspires a steadfastness within the will to press past the seasons of difficulty encountered.  It keeps alive your belief in those outcomes your heart has already embraced as real and true, so your passion's fire remains lit and you continue giving it all you've got in hopes of seeing the desired results manifest.  If faith without works is indeed dead (as stated in James 2:26), then love becomes quite the necessity for ensuring your faith's vital signs remain intact.

However, when the thought of giving up comes to mind, are you brave enough to check your vitals?  Would you honestly have the courage to ask yourself something very important: "Just how much do I really love what I'm thinking about giving up on?"  It's--no doubt--a question that cuts straight to the core of what's being experienced and rightfully demands a response so real that--depending on the subject at hand--it will grip your very soul with fear.  But what must be understood is that this questioning is about YOU coming to grips with WHY you're willing (or unwilling) to do what is necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.  If you can't manage to express how much you love what is now hanging in the balance, then why should its pursuit consume so much of what you have to give?