
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Six) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This journey has been more amazing than I could have ever imagined.  It's certainly not been easy evaluating myself through these writings, but I hear the chains falling off and hitting the ground.  And for that, I'm most grateful.  Hopefully, these writings have been helpful in shining light on your own areas of imprisonment, as well.  It's GOD's desire that we live in the freedom to which He's called us.  I'm most definitely on my way there; and I pray you are, too.  So let's continue with IGNORANCE.  If you missed the beginning of IGNORANCE, check out the previous installment.

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE (cont.)

The last thing we ought to want is for GOD's hedge of protection to be removed from all He has blessed us to possess.  Just the mere thought of GOD rejecting us or forgetting our children, as it says in Hosea 4:6, because of ignorance on our part is extremely disheartening.  But before wondering why GOD would do such a thing, understand that it's not really Him doing it.  We're actually doing it to ourselves by bucking against the system.  It's just like getting a speeding ticket: the police officer merely issues the ticket, but we gave ourselves the citation by disobeying the law.  The consequences of our actions are in no way the result of an angry GOD getting back at us, but rather the systematic implications of disobeying the government of Heaven.  When we rebel against the U.S. government by breaking its laws, the judicial system MUST enforce the laws that we've agreed to abide by as citizens.  It's no different with Heaven's government.  Our disobedience to GOD's laws compromises the rights and freedoms we enjoy as Kingdom citizens.

Ignorance essentially causes us to give away our inheritance, or the rights and privileges we enjoy as citizens of Heaven, when we think about it.  That's right: EVERY promise of GOD to us as citizens of His Kingdom comprises our inheritance.  However, a lack of knowledge concerning things of great importance results in us passively deeding our inheritance over to the enemy.  It's not that Satan has any use for healing, prosperity or peace of mind.  He just doesn't want us to enjoy them.  Therefore, if it be our desire to receive all that GOD has promised us, then we must understand that the choice is ours to be ignorant.  When we choose to NOT be knowledgeable, we set out ourselves up to be swindled and left to deal with the repercussions of our ignorance.  But we ought not want to be victims of the Kingdom of Darkness.

There is something terribly wrong with anyone who would refuse knowledge, especially if they are a Believer.  In understanding 2 Peter 1:2-3, we see that it is through the knowledge of GOD and Jesus Christ that grace and peace increase in our lives.  Furthermore, as verse 3 states, just as grace and peace increase through the knowledge of GOD and Jesus Christ, this same knowledge is also the conduit through which GOD's divine power gives us all things pertaining to life and godliness.  We can believe GOD all we want, but it's the knowledge of Him that brings forth increase as well as manifests the power of GOD in our lives.  Moreover, we know that increase is the result of operating in wisdom, which is something we all want.  After all, Proverbs 4:7 encourages us to obtain wisdom.  But before wisdom can come, we must have knowledge (or an understanding).  If wisdom is, in fact, applied knowledge; then we certainly can't apply what we don't have.  Therefore, until we're willing to learn and understand some things FIRST, we need not bother asking GOD for wisdom.

To Be Continued...

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