
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Four Imaginary Imprisonments (Part Seven) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As we conclude IGNORANCE in this post, we are near the end of this series.  The last couple of posts on (Part 5 and Part 6) on IGNORANCE have been extremely enlightening for me.  I pray that the eyes of your understanding have been enlightened, as well.  The more we meditate on GOD's Word and are willing to to be honest with ourselves, the more freely we can live in Christ.  Imprisonment is not our destiny as the redeemed of the Lord, and it's time we make that clear to ourselves and the enemy of our faith.

Imaginary Imprisonment #3 | IGNORANCE (cont.)

It's very important that we grasp an understanding before seeking opportunities to apply knowledge.  Amazingly enough, we cry out to GOD for wisdom in search of a shortcut; but there are no detours when it comes to walking in wisdom.  If wisdom is indeed applied knowledge, then we can certainly agree that it's nearly impossible to apply what we don't know.  Therefore, it would behoove us to not seek opportunities to apply knowledge of which we have little or no understanding because it could very well lead to disaster.

In Acts 19:11-20, there was a chief priest of the Jews by the name of Sceva whose seven sons serve as a good example of what could happen when attempting exploits WITHOUT understanding.  Desiring to mimic the miracles GOD worked through the Apostle Paul, these unstable exorcists decided to charge some evil spirits "by Jesus whom Paul preacheth."  The evil spirit knew Jesus as well as Paul, but asked them, "Who are ye?"  And according to verse 16, "the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded."  The ignorance of the seven sons of Sceva resulted in them being badly beaten by evil spirits and publicly humiliated.  When we go forth and don't know what we're doing, we can't act all surprised when we end up publicly exposed and wounded because of our willful ignorance.

Therefore, we must seek to exchange ignorance for knowledge.  Let's learn all we can and can all we learn.  We need to get understanding and hold on to it with all diligence.  It's hard to pull the wool over the eyes of those who are informed and aware.  By making constant learning a priority, we can avoid being surprised concerning information we should have already known.  Even in combatting the enemy's attacks on our lives, we must study HOW and WHERE he attacks us so we're already prepared with a plan in place to counteract Satan's devices (Ephesians 6:11).

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