
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stop Complaining | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Last Sunday night, while attending The Flow, I heard Myron Williams say something that I just had to make note of: "Never complain about what you permit."  As Myron continued ministering, my mind literally wrapped itself around that statement.  I wouldn't consider myself to be a complainer, BUT I am human (so I'm far from being a perfect example of NOT complaining).  And like everyone else, I have my moments when frustration takes its toll on  me and I find myself complaining.  What I love about this quote, though, is how it really caused me to think about who's REALLY at fault for the things I may complain about.

It's terribly easy to point the finger at someone else when we're inconvenienced or upset, but how many of us would be honest enough to say that much of what we complain about has been given our permission to invade our lives?  For instance, we may complain about how slowly the traffic is moving on the interstate, BUT we honestly could have left sooner than we did for our destination. I know this might sound silly to some people, but it's simple occurences like this that quickly steal our joy and alter our mood.  (For more on this, see "Taking Responsibility.").  You see, the mature Kingdom citizen seeks GOD for clarity instead of complaining to Him under the guise of "prayer".  BEFORE crying out for deliverance, the mature in spirit pray, "Father, show me what I've done to contribute to this situation so I'll know not to do it again."

"All of life is a stage," as Shakespeare said; and for far too long, we've given VIP seating at our productions to people, issues and situations that meant us no good.  But then WE get mad when the VIPs we invited and gave reserved seating to turn into hecklers.  I can only speak for me when I say that I desire better than that for my life.  Complaining solves nothing! So why engage in an activity that doesn't contribute positively to my life? NO MORE....

Father, show me who and what I've allowed to compel me to complain.  I'm not coming to You for a solution.  I'm coming to you because YOU ARE the solution. You will answer the questions of my life, if I seek to know You.  And I'm not gonna sit here and say I need more of You, because I don't.  I just need to get to know You more.  I need to know more of Your ways.  And when I say, "know," I'm not talking about from the standpoint of memorizing information so I can repeat it at will.  I want to know You in a way that Your words are forever carved into my heart and the very mindblowing nature of Your love for me leads me to desire You.  You don't have to control me.  Just lead me to a place of Your overwhelming love where I see You like never before and can't help but desire to willingly live in a way that pleases You, Father.  It's there that I know all the answers to my life's questions because I've gotten to know You, NOT because I wanted answers and then went back to business as usual once I got what I needed.  I'm just being real with you, Father; and I know You appreciate me just simply being honest.  Help me, Father, to do Your will and I will serve You the balance of my days.  Amen.

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