
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Once and For All | Part One

"We simply don't have the power to save ourselves"
We live among so much instability.  So much is changing in our world, and quickly at that.  However, I've come to find great comfort and solace in the fact that GOD and His Word never change.  I can honestly say that being rooted and grounded in this helps me maintain the healthy perspective GOD desires for me in these perilous times.  People are being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine; and right about now, I can give GOD praise just for the fact that my ears don't itch!  (That's for my fellow Bible Thumpers...LOL!)

You see, mankind's acquaintance with instability was initiated by the first Adam's rebellion against GOD.  This one act in Eden ushered in a whole system of hopelessness and despair for mankind that ultimately ended in death.  However, it was the righteousness of the second Adam (Jesus) that extended the free gift of justification unto life (Rom. 5).  GOD, once and for all, made salvation unto eternal life available for all mankind through the King-Son's sacrifice.

What great joy we have in knowing that "grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord" (Rom. 5:21).  This grace through which righteousness reigns is "not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his [GOD's] mercy" (Tit. 3:5).  Thank GOD for His grace and mercy because we can never do enough to earn what can only be provided by GOD's mercy.  We simply don't have the power to save ourselves, only the willpower to accept the salvation that GOD has already made available for mankind (Rom. 10:9-10, 13).

As a result of accepting this free gift, we are now justified by the blood of Jesus and will be saved from wrath through Him (Rom. 5:9).  We've trusted and believed in Christ; and as a result, we've been sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption (Eph. 1:13; 4:30).  Hallelujah!  Thank GOD for HIS SEAL, not ours or anyone else's, for that matter.  My eternity has been secured and sealed by GOD Himself, and all I had to do was trust Him.

TO BE CONTINUED... Check out Part Two of "Once and For All"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Power of Agreement - Part Three

"Believing and agreeing are two remarkably different actions."
Just as we saw in Part One of this series how the power of agreement can bring forth Eden out of desolation and waste, there are times when the power of agreement can actually produce undesirable results. Our father Abraham is a great example of what can happen when people agree to something that is not ordained of GOD.

In Genesis 15, GOD speaks to Abram and assures him that his heir will be a son from his own body. GOD goes so far as to make a covenant with Abram concerning his seed, during which He prophesies the 400 years of bondage Abram's descendants would endure as well as the concluding mass exodus that would strip their oppressors of much wealth. Less than ten years after Abram received GOD's covenant promise, his wife Sarai took it upon herself to proclaim to her husband that, "GOD has not yet seen fit to let me have a child" (Gen. 16:2, The Message Remix). However, her proclamation was followed by the suggestion, "Sleep with my maid. Maybe I can get a family from her" (Gen. 16:2, The Message Remix), and Abram agreed.

Now back in the fifteenth chapter of Genesis, the Word declares that Abram believed GOD and it was counted to him for righteousness. This was before GOD made the aforementioned convenant with Abram concerning his seed. Abram took GOD at His word, believed Him and, as a result, was made right with GOD. Yet, over time it appears that Abram's faith wavered. With each passing week, month and year minus any sign of a son, doubt slowly chipped away at Abram's resolve to wait for GOD's promise to be fulfilled. In the meantime, Sarai -- in her impatience and desperation -- devises a plan according to her own reasoning to get what she wants and influences Abram to come into agreement with her.

So how does Abram go from believing GOD to agreeing with Sarai? GOD's word ("a son from your body will be your heir") was consistent with His identity ("I'm the same GOD who brought you from Ur of the Chaldees and gave you this land to own"), both of which were consistent with his
actions ("GOD made a covenant with Abram"). Abram believed GOD, but he agreed with Sarai -- two remarkably different actions. Believing and agreeing.

The Word of GOD clearly states that all things are possible to them who believe. However, it also says that when we touch and agree, things happen. Believing transforms impossibilities into possibilities, but agreement manifests the reality of that which is possible. Our call to a life of consistency is clearly illustrated by this particular example. It is when we both believe GOD and agree with Him that we can see the plans and purposes of GOD for our lives manifest before our very eyes. But when we believe GOD and agree with someone else concerning how what we've believed GOD for can be manifested by our own means, we run the risk of creating an Ishmael, a seed of contention that will rise against the promise as a constant reminder of what happens when we try to manifest GOD's promises in our own strength and on our own terms. Be blessed, friends!

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's Not You He's After, It's Your Faith

Satan wants nothing more than to deceive you into thinking that it's all about you.

This past Wednesday, my pastor did some expounding on why Christians suffer. In the process of doing so, he mentioned that our adversary, Satan, does not create scenarios of suffering in pursuit of us. He's really after our faith because we're simply not that important. As I began to ponder on that thought it started to become clearer by the moment just how true this statement rings.

You know, many times we find ourselves in situations where it's so easy to throw ourselves a pity party. In a matter of seconds, we can alert tens -- or even hundreds -- of contacts via text message, BlackBerry Messager, Facebook, Twitter, etc with all the details and solicit their RSVPs of concern. It's somewhat sad how we try to make our trials and tribulations about us when they really aren't at all. The enemy is after something much greater!

I wouldn't dare say, "When you have GREAT faith," because I don't believe faith varies in size. However, I do believe it varies in effectiveness based upon its use by an individual. Bible declares that we have been given the measure of faith (Romans 12:3), which tells me that we've all got the same amount. It's just a matter of us putting it into action to obtain GOD-results. So, when you have a working faith, it's constantly under attack because of the simple fact that it's consistently producing results. When your faith is effectively at work, you essentially become a target for Satan's devices.

Now, if we've heard it once, we've heard it a million times: without faith, it is impossible to please GOD, according to Hebrews 11:6. Our good works, ministry involvement, and monetary giving only please GOD when we execute them by faith. As a matter of fact, in the final hours before Jesus was turned over to His executioners, He prayed for Peter's faith (in Luke 22:31-32): "Behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not." Yes, Satan desires us, but only to sift us. He wants to separate us from our confession and render our faith ineffective, but he can't as long as our faith remains intact.

I encourage you to keep holding on to your faith. Habakkuk 2:4 states, "the just shall live by his faith." The just man is a righteous man, one who has been made right by GOD. Because our righteousness, according to Romans 3:28, is apart from the deeds of the law (e.g. moral uprightness, animal sacrifices), then the righteous life we've now received through faith in Christ is therefore maintained by faith. Since we've both been made alive and are kept alive by our faith, then it is of utmost importance that we don't let go of our faith. Letting go is not an option!

No matter what may be facing you today, it's not a match for your faith; that is, if your faith is actually at work. A faith that produces results can withstand the fiery trials mentioned in I Peter 4:12 that come to try us. So let's not think it strange when these sufferings come upon us. Jesus Himself was made perfect through His suffering (Hebrews 2:10), and GOD will perfect that which concerns us (Psalm 138:8). So don't despise the suffering because it's bringing about a greater work within you. If your faith has been underutilized, put it to work so that you can withstand the attacks of the enemy. Satan wants nothing more than to deceive you into thinking that it's all about you. It's not about you, but it's about your faith. If Satan can cause your faith to fail, then he can shut down the very move of GOD that's supposed to come through you and impact the world for GOD's Kingdom. Why is this so important? Because some lost soul is depending on you to be the conduit through which GOD moves to snatch them out of the Kingdom of Darkness and birth them into the Kingdom of Light. Until next time, be blessed!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Reflections

May your outlook on His worthship be reflected in your worship.

As I sit awake in the wee hours of this Good Friday morning, I can't help but think how the death of my Savior Jesus has liberated me from the deadening grip of sin and an inevitable eternity in hell. Moreover, I'm reminded that, because of His sacrificial death in my stead, I'm able to live righteously in fellowship with the King Father and not just die a condemned sinner. It is because the Lamb of GOD -- the GOD man who lived a blameless, sinless life -- was slain that life can even begin to have meaning for me.

GOD SHOWED HIS LOVE toward us by sending His own Son to our rescue. Jesus not only endured a death He in no way deserved, but He voluntarily lived a life on Earth that was far beneath Him. A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, He was tempted in every way possible and was yet found without sin that the blood sacrifice might be acceptable to the Father for the remission of our sins. Not to gain the approving nod of inconsistent men, but to fulfill the holy will of His Father and establish a new system of righteousness for all mankind. A new structure that would abolish the old, which was instituted as a result of the first Adam's rebellion in Eden.

We, the people of GOD, have been declared and made righteous by the precious blood of Jesus the Christ. By His single act of atonement, we are now the sons of GOD and have access to the Father through Him. No longer are we in bondage to the power of sin. Our lives have been released from its grip, and the Governor, the Holy Spirit, now resides in each of us who have freely received Christ's atonement and have been born again. It is He, the Holy Spirit, who is charged with teaching and guiding us in all things pertaining to the Kingdom of GOD, thereby making us a reflection of Heaven's culture and model kingdom citizens.

As Jesus promised His disciples, their sorrow would be turned into joy when they see Him again. And it most certainly was so, just as He said. However, between the promise and its fulfillment, there stood Calvary. False accusations. Blatant mockery. Painful scourging. Immense bleeding. Open shame. Stark nakedness. Utter humiliation. Wrenching agony. But for the joy that was set

I'm forever devoted to Jesus and His way. He saved my life by laying down His own. There's no question as to whom I serve because nothing and no one can separate me from His love. I simply know too much about Him to ever doubt Him or His will for my life. I can sing without reservation that: "Jesus is all the world to me. My life, my joy and my all. He's my strength from day to day. Without Him I'd surely fall. When I am sad to Him I go. No other one can cheer me so. When I am sad, He makes me glad. He's my friend."

As you reflect on your own experience(s) with Jesus and what His sacrifice means to you, may your outlook on His worthship be reflected in your worship. He deserves our most sincere and passionate expressions of worship just because He endured the cross. Good Friday to you! Be blessed.