
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just Go With the Flow | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Recently, my spiritual big sister Sylvia asked a question on one of her Facebook statuses:
"Do your actions interrupt the flow of the Spirit in your life?"  
It really got me thinking because part of me was like, "Yeah, it does."  But as I began to meditate on that thought, the Holy Spirit brought back something back to my remembrance that profoundly ministered to me.  Of all things, it was something from the motion picture "Finding Nemo."  For those who have seen the film, you may be familiar with the Eastern Australian Current (EAC) that Nemo's father took to Sydney.  If not, check out this short clip from the movie.

Before you think I've just completely lost it, allow me to explain how the EAC fits into all of this.  This current is ALWAYS present and NEVER loses strength.  However, in order to access its strength, the sea creatures have to leave where they are and go to it.  I'm sure there are a number of sea creatures who have seen the EAC and are maybe even knowledgeable of its existence, but they have never experienced its flow and how powerful it is.  And never experiencing it neither negates the current's presence nor diminishes its strength.

So the first thing we need to establish is that the flow of the Holy Spirit is much too powerful for its current to be interrupted.  GOD's Spirit is a continuous power source that's never completely exhausted.  But the interesting part of Sylvia's question was the phrase "in our lives."  When it comes to any interruption of the Holy Spirit's ability to flow in our lives, then all eyes are on us.  Too often we get upset about the Holy Spirit's flow being interrupted in our lives and neglect to understand WHAT caused this from the beginning: our actions.  It's the choices we make that position us outside of the path in which the current flows.  The current is still present and flows at the same strength it always has; but because we have plugged into something other than the Holy Spirit to 'empower' us, so to speak, we end up being drained instead of energized.  However, as we struggle in our drained state, the current of the Holy Spirit loses no strength.

Therefore, as we find ourselves experiencing the weakness that evidences our choices having moved us out the current's path, let's not continue in our weakened state.  Instead, let's hasten back to the path so we can experience the flow.  Going with the flow of the Holy Spirit is more than just some charismatic church experience.  Flowing in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit is part of our identity as Kingdom citizens and believers of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:17-18).  So don't fight it, just go with the flow.

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