Monday, December 31, 2012
The Desire For Fresh Fire | 12.31.12
As I was getting caught up on some work earlier this morning, the phrase "fresh fire" dropped in my spirit. In times past, I heard this phrase but never really paid any mind to it. I guess, at the time, it didn't arrest my attention enough for me to ponder its meaning. However, with all the peculiar things that have been happening in my life lately, it did this time. Initially, my thoughts were, "How can an element like fire, which has existed as long as air and water, be fresh?" That REALLY stumped me. And then the Holy Spirit says, "It's fresh with each igniting." Hmmm, the fire that is freshly ignited...
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Need For Motivation - Part 2 | 12.30.12
In discussing the initial post on this topic with friends, the idea arose of faith being something deep within that brings out the best in us. Let's also add to that faith's ability to ignite our own capabilities to take the necessary corresponding action that will manifest the potential outcomes we believe will become reality. Faith represents the course of action we take following our receipt of inspiration; and by reason of the choices and decisions we make, it's a definite indication of what we trust will manifest our desired outcomes. But somewhere between being inspired and walking by faith, there lies motivation. Between us receiving the vision and carrying it out there is an engagement of our "want to" to our "will to" once we've discovered the "why do".
Saturday, December 29, 2012
To Like Or To Love | 12.29.12
A couple of days ago, I ended up in a conversation about the trials of trying to like difficult people. We've all encountered those individuals who, for one reason or another, make it really hard for us to dwell peaceably with them. Whether they be in our families, workplaces or the various organizations in which we're involved, there's always THAT SOMEONE whom we find ourselves going to GOD in prayer about because they repeatedly rub us the wrong way. Well in that conversation, I shared what my own experiences have taught me; and it's my prayer that these life lessons are helpful to others, like myself, who are endeavoring to be those walking epistles read of men, both glorifying the Father above and pointing lost men to His amazing grace.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
The Need For Motivation | 12.27.12
After reading a friend of mine's Facebook status update on yesterday, I started thinking about the need for motivation from others. In pondering the word "motivation," my mind interestingly enough gravitated towards the word "motive". Quite intrigued by this, I began to wonder, "Why would I need someone else to provide me a motive for doing anything?" As a born again believer in whom the Holy Spirit resides, I most certainly do not lack inspiration because my growing sensitivity to the Spirit and how He communicates frequently triggers ideas and visions. And yes, I'm extremely grateful for this because I have come a long way in that regard. But back to this motivation thing... Why is motive such a difficult thing to generate for ourselves?
Holy Spirit,
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Trusting In GOD's Presence | 12.26.12
No matter what we face in life, we can trust in GOD's presence. Make no mistake about it: GOD is always with us, but we can never be confident in this thing if we fail to trust in His presence. In fact, it was spoken by Moses in Deuteronomy 31:6 to all Israel that the LORD "will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." (Hebrews 13:5 quotes this passage in a way more familiar to our hearing: "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.") Herein, though, lies the reality check: simply accepting the fact that GOD is present is not enough when our faith is under fire. When the will of GOD for our lives leads us through the valley of the shadow of death, we require more than the mere acceptance of GOD's presence... We must pursue an immutable awareness of GOD's presence, an awareness so strong that nothing we face can make us doubt His presence being with us. And as much as we may hate to acknowledge this, for our awareness of His presence to become that strong, it generally takes us encountering situations wherein only a manifestation of GOD's presence can get us through.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The Danger of Being Interested | 09.11.12
We all go through situations in life that frustrate us and get our blood boiling. Our minds are barraged with thoughts of giving up as we throw ourselves a pity party for one. And the saddest thing about it is that we feel all alone, when the truth of the matter is that we aren't alone at all. In fact, in moments like this, we're really just upset because we couldn't get our way. But for many of us, it's precisely in these moments of failed expectation that we simply lose interest and quit.
The notion of "losing interest" may not seem like a big deal. After all, it's okay to count one's loses and move on, if a situation doesn't improve, right? Well, that depends on the situation. If the situation in question is one into which GOD has directed us, then we have nothing to lose and, in turn, no losses to count. Knowing without a doubt that it was indeed GOD beckoning us, we especially have no justifiable reason for giving up due to declining interest. As a matter of fact, we shouldn't even be interested in GOD's work at all. Why? Because the danger of being interested is that interest is unstable and, as humans, our nature is to prioritize our interests according to their ability to benefit us. And when it comes to doing Kingdom work, we can not afford to be unstable or base our prioritization of GOD's work on what we stand to possibly gain from it.
GOD is looking for passionate people, not those who are merely interested. There's a big difference between passion and interest. Passion endures times of testing and even intensifies in the midst of adversity. When we are filled with passion, it's like a raging inferno within that drives us to continue when those who are merely interested get frustrated and give up. Passion keeps you up at night envisioning, planning and working, even to the point where you skip meals because you're not even hungry. Well, you're hungry but just hungering for something more than food can provide. Your soul is seeking the sustenance that only comes from tapping into the power of purpose and experiencing the attainment of self-actualizing, life-affirming goals. Passion motivates us to pursue feats that confirm our reason for being, and that's EXACTLY where GOD wants us to be because it's there that He can use us the greatest for His glory.
I challenge you to discover what you're passionate about. If you don't know, it's okay to start by defining your interests. Seek GOD for clarity in understanding where amongst your interests do your passions lie. Don't be discouraged if you find yourself to be passionate about something you know little or nothing about. Be open to learning because becoming knowledgeable of your passions will make it easier for you to operate in wisdom concerning them as well as work more confidently. This is when you will begin to really see yourself ruling, reigning and dominating in life because you are NOW functioning in your area of influence, the area in which GOD has ordained for you to be fruitful and multiply. There is prosperity in passion, not interest. If you're not passionate, then the greater danger of being interested is that success IS NOT an option but rather a pipe dream.
The notion of "losing interest" may not seem like a big deal. After all, it's okay to count one's loses and move on, if a situation doesn't improve, right? Well, that depends on the situation. If the situation in question is one into which GOD has directed us, then we have nothing to lose and, in turn, no losses to count. Knowing without a doubt that it was indeed GOD beckoning us, we especially have no justifiable reason for giving up due to declining interest. As a matter of fact, we shouldn't even be interested in GOD's work at all. Why? Because the danger of being interested is that interest is unstable and, as humans, our nature is to prioritize our interests according to their ability to benefit us. And when it comes to doing Kingdom work, we can not afford to be unstable or base our prioritization of GOD's work on what we stand to possibly gain from it.
GOD is looking for passionate people, not those who are merely interested. There's a big difference between passion and interest. Passion endures times of testing and even intensifies in the midst of adversity. When we are filled with passion, it's like a raging inferno within that drives us to continue when those who are merely interested get frustrated and give up. Passion keeps you up at night envisioning, planning and working, even to the point where you skip meals because you're not even hungry. Well, you're hungry but just hungering for something more than food can provide. Your soul is seeking the sustenance that only comes from tapping into the power of purpose and experiencing the attainment of self-actualizing, life-affirming goals. Passion motivates us to pursue feats that confirm our reason for being, and that's EXACTLY where GOD wants us to be because it's there that He can use us the greatest for His glory.
I challenge you to discover what you're passionate about. If you don't know, it's okay to start by defining your interests. Seek GOD for clarity in understanding where amongst your interests do your passions lie. Don't be discouraged if you find yourself to be passionate about something you know little or nothing about. Be open to learning because becoming knowledgeable of your passions will make it easier for you to operate in wisdom concerning them as well as work more confidently. This is when you will begin to really see yourself ruling, reigning and dominating in life because you are NOW functioning in your area of influence, the area in which GOD has ordained for you to be fruitful and multiply. There is prosperity in passion, not interest. If you're not passionate, then the greater danger of being interested is that success IS NOT an option but rather a pipe dream.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The More Accurate Portrayal | 09.09.12
Not too long ago, I made a comment on a friend's Facebook status that reads as follows:
In understanding this, we clearly see then that our efforts to impress and/or please other people are pointless. If we stand a great chance of being misunderstood trying to be what others find preferable (or even worse, what we think will impress them), then why bother trying at all? Why can't we just be ourselves? Why must we seek the validation (or approval) of others to feel better about ourselves? Why are we wasting our time, energy and money trying to portray someone else's fantasy? People will NEVER be able to see the totality of who you REALLY are, so why put yourself through the trouble of changing so they can misunderstand this alterior personality you've created also?
We are fearfully and wonderfully made by GOD Almighty (Psalms 139:14). If we change ANYTHING about ourselves, it should be to intent of transforming the outer man into one more resembling the inner man. As new creatures in Christ, our spirit man is perfect and is the unseen replica of the glorified body we will receive upon the return of our Christ when we are changed (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Until then, we ought strive to not be conformed to this world, as it says in Romans 12:2; but we should rather undergo a life long process of transformation that focuses on our minds being renewed, so we can begin to think like that perfect spirit man within. And as we start to think more like the spirit man, we will begin to act more like the spirit man. Little by little, the transformation becomes more evident; and even if people NEVER notice, we notice the change and so does GOD.
"...we must embrace the fact that there's more to us than most people will ever see. We toil, stress and go broke to create an image that is--at the end of the day--an inaccurate portrayal of who we really are."There comes a time in each person's life when you must be so comfortable in your own skin that you could care less what anyone, even those closest to you, may think about you. I've had to come to this hard realization in my own life. I can't afford to make people see what I want them to see because -- at the end of the day -- they're only going to see what THEY want to see. That's right: right or wrong, people will come to their own conclusions because men (Christians included) see the outer appearance, but GOD knows the intent of the heart (1 Samuel 16:7; Jeremiah 17:10).
In understanding this, we clearly see then that our efforts to impress and/or please other people are pointless. If we stand a great chance of being misunderstood trying to be what others find preferable (or even worse, what we think will impress them), then why bother trying at all? Why can't we just be ourselves? Why must we seek the validation (or approval) of others to feel better about ourselves? Why are we wasting our time, energy and money trying to portray someone else's fantasy? People will NEVER be able to see the totality of who you REALLY are, so why put yourself through the trouble of changing so they can misunderstand this alterior personality you've created also?
We are fearfully and wonderfully made by GOD Almighty (Psalms 139:14). If we change ANYTHING about ourselves, it should be to intent of transforming the outer man into one more resembling the inner man. As new creatures in Christ, our spirit man is perfect and is the unseen replica of the glorified body we will receive upon the return of our Christ when we are changed (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Until then, we ought strive to not be conformed to this world, as it says in Romans 12:2; but we should rather undergo a life long process of transformation that focuses on our minds being renewed, so we can begin to think like that perfect spirit man within. And as we start to think more like the spirit man, we will begin to act more like the spirit man. Little by little, the transformation becomes more evident; and even if people NEVER notice, we notice the change and so does GOD.
Monday, September 3, 2012
New Thinking Must Come | 09.03.12
I recently read a guide that contained a few sentences, which literally screamed from the pages at me. The words spoke so powerfully to what I've been experiencing, even though they were written for another purpose. With just a few minor alterations to them, I was able to use those words to pen a more fitting word of encouragement that clearly spoke to my situation. I pray that it also speaks directly to yours.
In our excitement that GOD is doing a new thing in and through us, we often forget that with this "new thing" must come "new thinking." Approaching the "new thing" with the "current thinking" will drive us to quit before we really even get started. Measuring the success of something that's totally new against something already established is counterproductive to our progress. We must remember that GOD is birthing something new in us in order to defy the limits we've imposed on ourselves or allowed others to place upon us. GOD impregnates us with such grand possibilities so we can press past what we've come to know will work into a new realm in which our current thinking is rendered obsolete. NEW opportunities present NEW challenges, which require NEW strategies born out of NEW thinking.
So be encouraged, friends, that when you're doing something you've never done before, avoid measuring your successes against those of others (or even your own prior successes). See each step you take in the right direction as a success - PERIOD - and celebrate each one. Don't compare your accomplishments to those of anyone else. They're on their path, so you follow yours. GOD gave you the vision for the work to which He's called you, so focus on following His lead. Trust me, He will let you know when you veer offtrack. Psalms 37:5 is a most reassuring reminder to us that when we commit our way to the LORD and trust in Him, He will bring to pass whatever we seek to accomplish for the sake of His glory.
"When building the infrastructure for the ongoing sustainability of a new undertaking, it is important to start small and increase gradually as resources permit. If you set expectations too high in the beginning, there is the danger of viewing incremental achievements as failures when the reality is that this is a new undertaking and every step in the right direction is a success. It takes time to accomplish anything of value. Understand that building is a process."
In our excitement that GOD is doing a new thing in and through us, we often forget that with this "new thing" must come "new thinking." Approaching the "new thing" with the "current thinking" will drive us to quit before we really even get started. Measuring the success of something that's totally new against something already established is counterproductive to our progress. We must remember that GOD is birthing something new in us in order to defy the limits we've imposed on ourselves or allowed others to place upon us. GOD impregnates us with such grand possibilities so we can press past what we've come to know will work into a new realm in which our current thinking is rendered obsolete. NEW opportunities present NEW challenges, which require NEW strategies born out of NEW thinking.
So be encouraged, friends, that when you're doing something you've never done before, avoid measuring your successes against those of others (or even your own prior successes). See each step you take in the right direction as a success - PERIOD - and celebrate each one. Don't compare your accomplishments to those of anyone else. They're on their path, so you follow yours. GOD gave you the vision for the work to which He's called you, so focus on following His lead. Trust me, He will let you know when you veer offtrack. Psalms 37:5 is a most reassuring reminder to us that when we commit our way to the LORD and trust in Him, He will bring to pass whatever we seek to accomplish for the sake of His glory.
Monday, August 20, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Eight | 08.20.12
Happiness is found in allowing GOD to be LORD of all in our lives. When GOD is given permission to rule, it is then that He is indeed seen as LORD. Webster's Dictionary primarily defines the verb "rule" as "to exert control, direction, or influence on." Most times, we tend to consider "ruling" to ONLY be controlling; however, let's broaden our perspective and embrace a more comprehensive approach. I believe the dictionary is on to something here worth exploring, so let's dig into this a bit further.
In evaluating this definition of "rule," we see three distinct forms of a single action. Since GOD created mankind as being free will moral agents, it is not my belief that GOD controls us nor does He desire to do so. However, I do believe that GOD CONTROLS the elements of our environment because He established the physical systems by which life on Earth operates. Additionally, I believe that GOD DIRECTS our paths because the situations and circumstances we face are only those He allows. Since everything about us was predestined before the foundations of the world, never do we face anything that is not purposed to move us closer to the will of GOD being fulfilled in our lives. Lastly, because we are free will agents and must choose the way(s) we take, GOD INFLUENCES us to leverage the measure of faith He's already given us (according to Romans 12:3) to believe and take corresponding action. GOD wants to reason with us. It's His desire to influence our decision-making, not to force or buy our compliance with His will. Our choosing to obey GOD must be a decision of the heart, not one of self-preservation. Otherwise, the authenticity of our choice to fellowship with GOD is lost.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Destiny, Servant of Purpose | 08.13.12
I recently came to a new realization on a familiar topic: destiny is for you, purpose is for others. Sometimes destiny is easier to see and understand than purpose, and that's okay. We all have dreams and visions of where the gifts GOD has given will take us, as we submit them as well as ourselves to His lordship. These snapshots of our future generate overwhelming excitement, and we love to rejoice over the greatness to come. But know that your destiny is servant to purpose because it's your purpose--not your destiny--that will impact the lives of people and become the legacy you leave behind. Destiny is merely the vehicle by which purpose is fulfilled.
I'm reminded of a teaching delivered by Elder Lisa V. Wiley some years ago on her favorite Bible personality, a young man by the name of Joseph. I won't attempt to recount the extraordinary story of his life, but I encourage you to read it for yourself in the Book of Genesis. However, I would like to offer this one tidbit to you of which Elder Wiley made me aware: Joseph was indeed destined for the greatness of the throne, but what he envisioned was not his purpose. Joseph's purpose for being was to bring his father Jacob's family (of less than 100 people) to Egypt, so they could become a mighty nation (that numbered well over 1 million when they left Egypt). Joseph was given life to prepare the way for GOD's government to be established in the Earth through a nation of people. If Israel had never become a nation, then GOD's promise to make Abraham the father of many nations--among other GOD-promises--would not have been fulfilled.
I'm reminded of a teaching delivered by Elder Lisa V. Wiley some years ago on her favorite Bible personality, a young man by the name of Joseph. I won't attempt to recount the extraordinary story of his life, but I encourage you to read it for yourself in the Book of Genesis. However, I would like to offer this one tidbit to you of which Elder Wiley made me aware: Joseph was indeed destined for the greatness of the throne, but what he envisioned was not his purpose. Joseph's purpose for being was to bring his father Jacob's family (of less than 100 people) to Egypt, so they could become a mighty nation (that numbered well over 1 million when they left Egypt). Joseph was given life to prepare the way for GOD's government to be established in the Earth through a nation of people. If Israel had never become a nation, then GOD's promise to make Abraham the father of many nations--among other GOD-promises--would not have been fulfilled.
Friday, August 10, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Seven | 08.10.12
Considering all that's been said til now, let me ask you this... Do you REALLY want to be blessed? Do you REALLY want to live free of the bondage of sin? Do you, for the first time in your life, REALLY want to be happy? Then let me tell you something... You can't name it and claim it, neither can you blab it and grab it. You can't turn around three times or just praise your way into it. You can't even give your way into it because this right here is the result of something much greater: you need to BE TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind.
It takes cutting off your ties to the world system and immersing yourself in the culture of Heaven to experience a life-altering metamorphosis of being. It requires fasting and spending time in prayer to hear the voice of GOD and clearly discern the spiritual activity happening all around you. You need to eat the Word of GOD daily and make it a top priority to understand and apply what you're reading, if you plan on walking in the wisdom it declares. And you need to be filled with the Holy Ghost to walk in the power and demonstration of Heaven's influence over the Earth realm.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Confidence We Have | 08.08.12
This past Saturday, the following Facebook status I posted seemed to garner a good bit of attention:
"Elton Taylor believes the very best thing to do whenever you feel overwhelmed is to ASCEND IN WORSHIP. Worrying solves nothing. Emotional reactions change nothing. They only make YOU worse off... But when you elevate your mind above the circumstances and begin to magnify the LORD your GOD, something happens... YOU change! Your perspective, your response, your attitude ALL change because NOW you're looking at those same circumstances from a totally different angle than before. You being able to get past how you feel and call for an uprising of GOD's glory without musicians, a worship team or pastor is what keeps you together AWAY FROM THE PHYSICAL SANCTUARY. #TrustMe #YourSanityDependsOnIt"What I didn't share on Facebook was that I was speaking from my own experience of what was going on that very day. I began to feel overwhelmed by things happening around me, and it became more evident as my mind began to race with thoughts of "What if?," "How will I?" and the such. The hovering presence of worry was attempting to set in, and then I remembered something: "I don't have to feel this way!" I can't tell you how many times I've said, "The joy of the LORD is my strength," "In His presence there is fullness of joy," and "Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the LORD delivers them out of them all." BUT THIS TIME, I had to do more than just SAY it... I had to BECOME it. Those words had to COME to BE...IN ME.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Six | 08.04.12
Happiness has so much to do with belief. To believe simply means to accept as both real and true. Therefore, we must be mindful that meditating on ANY thought long enough will eventually make it believable. And in a matter of time, the beliefs we espouse will cause a corresponding pattern of behavior to emerge. Moreover, if practiced for a substantial period, the behavioral patterns we exhibit will become our own culturally accepted norms; and that which is deemed to be normal within our culture creates an identity to which we ascribe. And just to think, this identity all started with a mere thought.
SO CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED! Guard your eyes and ears, beloved, from influences whose ideas promise happiness but contradict the Kingdom of GOD. The media is merely a tool to QUICKLY spread ideas, many of which are held by a minority, to the masses through a program of INCESSANT repetition. It doesn't take much these days for just one corrupt seed planted in a person's mind to take root and cause a change of mind. Christians who are not firmly grounded in the beliefs of the faith WILL be targeted and led astray in these last days. The Bible guarantees this, so think it not strange when you see it happen to people you know!
human nature,
Thursday, August 2, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Five | 08.02.12
In choosing to rebel and pursue our own happiness, we face the resistance of GOD as we attempt to satisfy by our own means the cravings of our flesh. Please understand that this resistance isn't so much GOD going out of His way to thwart our efforts Himself. It's actually more sophisticated than that. We essentially come head-to-head with the unseen systems established in eternity before the foundations of the world that govern the environment with which we interact through our five senses.
Everything GOD created is subject to its respective systems of operation. These systems govern the cause and effect relationships of all our interactions with the created world. Therefore, prideful people find themselves perpetually stuck between a rock and a hard place because they're fighting a never-ending battle against a grace-less opponent. And one can't help but be unhappy living that kind of life.
When we are deceived into believing that which GOD has forbidden makes us happy and determine to pursue it anyway, then arises a spirit of arrogance that blinds us to the impending consequences of our actions. The high we experience in our perceived happiness is so euphoric that it blinds us to the harsh reality that ultimately lies ahead. We become so arrogant that we feel invincible; and the grip of pride is so firm that we even dismiss the smaller, less catostrophic consequences of our choices because they aren't painful enough. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. When you're blinded by pride, you can't see the destruction to come; and when a haughty spirit has you high, falling is the last thing on your mind.
Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Six).
Everything GOD created is subject to its respective systems of operation. These systems govern the cause and effect relationships of all our interactions with the created world. Therefore, prideful people find themselves perpetually stuck between a rock and a hard place because they're fighting a never-ending battle against a grace-less opponent. And one can't help but be unhappy living that kind of life.
When we are deceived into believing that which GOD has forbidden makes us happy and determine to pursue it anyway, then arises a spirit of arrogance that blinds us to the impending consequences of our actions. The high we experience in our perceived happiness is so euphoric that it blinds us to the harsh reality that ultimately lies ahead. We become so arrogant that we feel invincible; and the grip of pride is so firm that we even dismiss the smaller, less catostrophic consequences of our choices because they aren't painful enough. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before the fall. When you're blinded by pride, you can't see the destruction to come; and when a haughty spirit has you high, falling is the last thing on your mind.
Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Six).
human nature,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Four | 07.31.12
We all have desires--both bad and good. GOD understands that; and no matter how "out there" our desires may be, He's in no way shocked by them either. It should be good news to someone that GOD sees into our innermost desires and is not shocked by what is found therein. This serves to help us understand why GOD has given us the ever present Holy Spirit to dwell within us: that He might lead and guide us into all truth. And the truth of the matter is that many things we desire in our attempts to be happy are neither good nor beneficial for us, irregardless of how badly we may want them.
But there's something terribly wrong with pursuing what GOD does not desire us to have anyway, as if us wanting something bad enough will somehow sanctify it in His eyes. Furthermore, it's most assuredly in poor taste to blame GOD for the resulting consequences of our efforts to obtain that which He has forbidden us to have. GOD is neither responsible for our poor decision making nor the rebellious nature from which it emanates. And He's surely not responsible for the calamity that befalls us, like He's just sitting there waiting to punish us as He stalks our every move.
So why then do we feel entitled to diametrically oppose GOD's directives to instead pursue our own perceived happiness? I'm led to believe that it's pride. And with pride comes GOD's resistance. Scripture says in 1 Peter 5:5 that GOD gives grace to the humble. GOD releases His favor in the lives of humble people. When we operate in humility, we obey GOD even when it hurts or we feel that GOD's requirements are unfair; and He rewards our obedience accordingly in ways money can't even buy.
Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Five).
human nature,
Sunday, July 29, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Three | 07.29.12
Bible says that Jesus learned obedience by the things He suffered (Hebrews 5:8). Therefore, this tells me that Jesus became proficient in obeying GOD because of the suffering He experienced. When most of us are suffering, our selfish preoccupation with how unhappy we feel at the moment trumps our commitment to trust and obey GOD. Trust is born out of belief; and quite frankly, it's hard to obey GOD when we don't trust Him.
I can't even begin to imagine how GOD feels when our actions indicate our lack of trust in Him. He wants so much for us to be happy, and He's spared no expense in providing us everything required to live happily ever after; and yet we still choose to lean to our own understanding, fumbling and bumbling our way through life being victimized by the effects of consequences we brought upon ourselves. No loving Father wants to see His child suffer in that way. He'd rather us suffer for His name's sake, not for the sake of our fleshly lusts.
Hebrews 5:9 states that following Christ's suffering came perfection. The suffering GOD allows us to endure plays a vital part in us becoming complete in Him. And there's no greater happiness than that found in being complete, whole and entire. To know the satisfaction that only GOD can provide epitomizes happiness. Life simply doesn't get much happier than being free of cares and totally reliant on the Father, who is the ultimate satisfier.
Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Four).
I can't even begin to imagine how GOD feels when our actions indicate our lack of trust in Him. He wants so much for us to be happy, and He's spared no expense in providing us everything required to live happily ever after; and yet we still choose to lean to our own understanding, fumbling and bumbling our way through life being victimized by the effects of consequences we brought upon ourselves. No loving Father wants to see His child suffer in that way. He'd rather us suffer for His name's sake, not for the sake of our fleshly lusts.
Hebrews 5:9 states that following Christ's suffering came perfection. The suffering GOD allows us to endure plays a vital part in us becoming complete in Him. And there's no greater happiness than that found in being complete, whole and entire. To know the satisfaction that only GOD can provide epitomizes happiness. Life simply doesn't get much happier than being free of cares and totally reliant on the Father, who is the ultimate satisfier.
Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Four).
human nature,
Friday, July 27, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Two | 07.27.12
When we determine to find happiness on our own outside of GOD's way of doing things, the burden to maintain that happiness squarely falls upon our shoulders. However, seeking to live according to GOD's precepts insures our happiness because our GOD, the Faithful GOD, guarantees it. Scripture says, "Happy are the people whose GOD is the LORD" (Psalms 144:15). Therefore, allowing GOD to be LORD over ALL frees us of any responsibility to find our own happiness. He assumes the responsibility of creating happiness for us. However, we must be willing to accept the happiness GOD freely makes available to us as our LORD.
The Word of GOD clearly instructs us how to be happy. But somewhere along the way, we find ourselves believing that we--in our own limited understanding--know better than GOD's Word what works for us. If we are really honest with ourselves, we would admit that we get ourselves into more trouble than the enemy can be blamed for bringing. Choosing to do anything contrary to GOD's way of doing things is the result of our own lack of belief that GOD will provide what will satisfy us.
WE determine what WE feel WE need right now, and WE go get it for OURSELVES instead of accepting as real and true the simple fact that GOD knows best what we require and has already seen to it that provisions are made for us. Our problem is that we fail to make the connection that doubting both GOD's ability and His desire to provide ALWAYS leads to disobedience. When we allow unhappiness to overtake us, THEN we choose to sin because human nature translates unhappiness as being suffering. And when we experience suffering, human nature interprets that as our cue to take matters into our own hands and bring about for ourselves the satisfaction we so desire.
Check out "In Pursuit of Happiness - Part One" as well as "In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Three".
human nature,
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Part One | 07.24.12
During my initial time of meditation on "happiness," the first scripture that came to mind was, "Happy are the people whose GOD is the LORD" (Psalms 144:15). At first, I wasn't sure why the Holy Spirit would bring this scripture to my remembrance, other than the fact that it was the only one of relevance I could recall. However, as I continued to just repeat the scripture to myself, something finally clicked. Happiness may, in fact, be dependent on what's happening for some people; but we, the redeemed of the LORD, can be happy no matter what's happening because our GOD is the LORD.
When we perceive all the happenings of our lives as being under the lordship of Jehovah, we can move beyond the emotional responses characteristic of our human instincts AND STILL BE HAPPY. Our GOD dominates all situations and causes all things to work for our good. We profess to love GOD and know that we are called according to His purpose, as we confess Romans 8:28. Therefore, it's in that confession and understanding that we must begin to see how our relationship with GOD is designed to override the default settings of our carnal psyche.
Don't be convinced of this notion that we're just human beings trying to have some kind of spiritual experience. Salvation creates for us the experience of Heaven on Earth NOW to the intent that we reconnect with who we really are: spirit beings having a human experience. Our relationship with GOD makes it possible for us to hone our focus in to see the bigger picture: we are a happy people simply because our GOD is the LORD. He's got ALL of this, He's our Source and we can trust Him to provide for every area of our lives.
Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Two).
human nature,
Saturday, July 21, 2012
In Pursuit of Happiness - Introduction | 07.21.12
I can't even convey how my heart ached as I sat there and listened because I had no words. I felt helpless, like I couldn't do a single thing but be present in the moment and attentive to what was being said. To the soul who opened up to me, it meant the world. But I was truly at a loss for what to say, and that bothered me. And as hurtful a sting as it was, the emotional reaction I had to my inability to say anything was humbling. GOD allowed me to experience that moment so I would be motivated to seek His thoughts on the matter because simply sharing my personal feelings wouldn't do a single thing for this person.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Never Cease To Worship | 07.08.12
While contemplating the power of worship a while back, I was inspired to post the following status update on the FHW Facebook page:
By making GOD's presence in our lives a top priority, we position ourselves to daily witness GOD shifting His weight on our behalf. GOD's glory does not show up where it's not welcomed. Therefore, we must make a habit of ensuring the Holy Spirit is ALWAYS welcome in our lives and not just when we want something. We must never let ourselves become overconfident. In order to consistently see GOD's glory tip the scales of life situations in our favor, we must REQUIRE the presence of GOD. Let's strive to increase the extremity of our sincerity, thereby causing us to do away with the foolishness of religion. Let's focus on our faith and refuse to allow situations and circumstances to rob us of the joy of our salvation. Be found in worship. Be found exalting GOD above all else. And we'll see His power manifest as His presence saturates our lives.
"As we worship and usher GOD's presence into our lives, it's the very weight of His glory that tips the scales of life situations in our favor. So NEVER cease to worship..."For those who may not know, there is an empowerment that comes with worshiping GOD. It follows the release of cares and concerns regarding situations over which we, many times, have zero control. When we choose to worship GOD, as opposed to worshiping problems via our worry, a holy activation begins to take place. There's a rising up of GOD's power within us that lifts our countenance, changes how we perceive our situations and even manifests solutions. Worship is indeed powerful because it's our way of letting GOD know that He is more worth our time, energy and resources than the many other things that daily tug on us.
By making GOD's presence in our lives a top priority, we position ourselves to daily witness GOD shifting His weight on our behalf. GOD's glory does not show up where it's not welcomed. Therefore, we must make a habit of ensuring the Holy Spirit is ALWAYS welcome in our lives and not just when we want something. We must never let ourselves become overconfident. In order to consistently see GOD's glory tip the scales of life situations in our favor, we must REQUIRE the presence of GOD. Let's strive to increase the extremity of our sincerity, thereby causing us to do away with the foolishness of religion. Let's focus on our faith and refuse to allow situations and circumstances to rob us of the joy of our salvation. Be found in worship. Be found exalting GOD above all else. And we'll see His power manifest as His presence saturates our lives.
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Spirit Behind A Thought | 07.02.12
Words are thoughts communicated in written or audible form. Therefore, the Word of GOD can be better understood as a record of GOD's thoughts. But more than just that, GOD's Word bears His Spirit. It is the Spirit behind GOD's Word that empowers it to manifest transformation. The same goes for words that are contrary to GOD's. Our adversary, the devil, also communicates thoughts in written and audible form. And the demonic influence behind those thoughts are on assignment to manifest transformation, as well. However, the Kingdom of Darkness does not seek to transform us for the better. The demons behind those thoughts have every intention to establish strongholds in our lives when we choose to accept them as real and true.
We must be careful of the thoughts we entertain. Every thought is either good or evil, so there's no in-between. And behind every thought there is a spirit, so there's no such thing as it coming by happenstance. Seeking to connect itself to us, the spirit behind a thought is a purposeful, skilled influencer specializing in physically manifesting through human anatomy ideas that originated in the unseen realm. Believe it or not, we are indeed conduits for the physical realization of invisible, intangible thoughts that are not entirely our own. In fact, we are motivated by inspiration to do everything we set our minds to accomplish. As intricately made a species as we are, human beings are simply not intelligent enough to completely think on their own. Our minds are literally highway systems for the trafficking of thoughts from the unseen realm requiring bodies to fulfill their respective purposes. The task we've been given, as free will moral agents, is that of directing the traffic.
We must be careful of the thoughts we entertain. Every thought is either good or evil, so there's no in-between. And behind every thought there is a spirit, so there's no such thing as it coming by happenstance. Seeking to connect itself to us, the spirit behind a thought is a purposeful, skilled influencer specializing in physically manifesting through human anatomy ideas that originated in the unseen realm. Believe it or not, we are indeed conduits for the physical realization of invisible, intangible thoughts that are not entirely our own. In fact, we are motivated by inspiration to do everything we set our minds to accomplish. As intricately made a species as we are, human beings are simply not intelligent enough to completely think on their own. Our minds are literally highway systems for the trafficking of thoughts from the unseen realm requiring bodies to fulfill their respective purposes. The task we've been given, as free will moral agents, is that of directing the traffic.
Holy Spirit,
spiritual warfare,
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Released To Respond | 06.30.12
Release is the freedom to start all over again but with a greater sense of responsibility than before. Bondages are absolutely nothing to play with. They wreck lives, destroy relationships, ruin careers, dissolve trust, deplete finances, manifest disease and ultimately kill people. The opportunity to experience release from any form of bondage is nothing short of us witnessing the miraculous extension of GOD's life-altering mercy. The freedom to start all over again, however, is not a license to enter into that same bondage again.
Responsibility is simply the ability to respond. With every bondage release there must come greater ability to respond to the factors that initially led us into the bondage from which we've been released. Why? Because the enemy is not intimidated by freedom. As a matter of fact, according to Matthew 12:43-45, an unclean spirit that's been cast out comes back with seven other demonic influences more evil than itself because--just like GOD's plans--Satan's plans require human anatomy for earthly manifestation. Therefore, deliverance is about much more than a release unto freedom. Following the recovery of territory occupied by the Kingdom of Darkness in an individual's life, there must be an imparting of power that divinely enables the now free individual to guard their territory against the greater attack to come.
Responsibility is simply the ability to respond. With every bondage release there must come greater ability to respond to the factors that initially led us into the bondage from which we've been released. Why? Because the enemy is not intimidated by freedom. As a matter of fact, according to Matthew 12:43-45, an unclean spirit that's been cast out comes back with seven other demonic influences more evil than itself because--just like GOD's plans--Satan's plans require human anatomy for earthly manifestation. Therefore, deliverance is about much more than a release unto freedom. Following the recovery of territory occupied by the Kingdom of Darkness in an individual's life, there must be an imparting of power that divinely enables the now free individual to guard their territory against the greater attack to come.
spiritual warfare,
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
No Longer Finishing Last | 06.12.12
Over a period of just a few days, I had several conversations with different people during which frustrations were aired concerning the trials and tribulations of simply being "nice." There's a saying that states, "Nice people finish last," but I beg to differ. The biggest mistake we make as nice people is believing that everyone we are nice to is nice just like us. Not so... Just because nice people believe in treating others the way we wish to be treated, we can not assume that others function similarly.
Nice people are essentially givers and will put their own needs aside to help someone else. Don't get me wrong: that's a very good and noble thing. However, it's a not so good thing when someone's niceness is taken advantage of and abused. And as much as I hate to admit it, that tends to be the case for nice people. Where we, as nice people, fail miserably is in not understanding that givers always attract needy people; and needy people--point blank--are not givers. In fact, needy people are award-winning receivers. They have little or no regard for the time and plans of givers because their whole world revolves around what's happening to them and how they feel about it. Since people can only do to a person what that person allows them to do, it's time to stop feeling frustrated with inconsiderate people and leverage that frustration to create change.
My own life experiences have really allowed the Holy Spirit to teach me what must be done to ensure I don't finish last simply because I'm a nice person. Making time to take inventory of my relationships is VERY important because a conscious effort must be made to clearly identify the givers as well as the needy folk. And as good as it may feel to write off the needy people, that's not the Kingdom-driven approach to take... Instead, I must choose to govern my time in such a way that more of it is invested in nurturing stronger relationships with the fellow givers in my life as opposed to those always in need. Eventually, the needy people will either adapt to not having as much access to me as before or they'll walk away because they've found another giver who's willing to invest more time into their neediness than I am.
Nice people are essentially givers and will put their own needs aside to help someone else. Don't get me wrong: that's a very good and noble thing. However, it's a not so good thing when someone's niceness is taken advantage of and abused. And as much as I hate to admit it, that tends to be the case for nice people. Where we, as nice people, fail miserably is in not understanding that givers always attract needy people; and needy people--point blank--are not givers. In fact, needy people are award-winning receivers. They have little or no regard for the time and plans of givers because their whole world revolves around what's happening to them and how they feel about it. Since people can only do to a person what that person allows them to do, it's time to stop feeling frustrated with inconsiderate people and leverage that frustration to create change.
My own life experiences have really allowed the Holy Spirit to teach me what must be done to ensure I don't finish last simply because I'm a nice person. Making time to take inventory of my relationships is VERY important because a conscious effort must be made to clearly identify the givers as well as the needy folk. And as good as it may feel to write off the needy people, that's not the Kingdom-driven approach to take... Instead, I must choose to govern my time in such a way that more of it is invested in nurturing stronger relationships with the fellow givers in my life as opposed to those always in need. Eventually, the needy people will either adapt to not having as much access to me as before or they'll walk away because they've found another giver who's willing to invest more time into their neediness than I am.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Peace In Knowing | 06.10.12
Peace, it seems, is something many people are running short on these days. And not just those who are unsaved... There are MANY Christians whose lives are anything but peaceful. People everywhere are crying out for peace because the chaos of their daily existence is literally driving them crazy. They literally don't know from one day to the next HOW they're going to make it through, and the enemy is constantly flooding their minds with all kinds of crazy thoughts. Whether it be condemnation for past mistakes or anxiety over an uncertain future, the minds of so many are robbed daily of a peaceful presence.
We can test our prayer lives and dependence on GOD by how much peace we have in our hearts. These two areas of our lives are the first two places we should examine whenever we find ourselves not at peace. Philippians 4:6-7 teaches us that we're to pray earnestly and petition the Father with thanksgiving so that GOD's peace guards our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The peace we lack is a direct result of us either praying ineffectively or not praying at all. And when there's a lack of prayer, you better believe there's also a lack of dependence on GOD.
Holy Spirit,
spiritual warfare
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Love Responding To Love | 06.06.12
About a couple of days ago, I was listening to the song "How He Loves," as recorded by David & Nicole Binion along with the music ministry of Covenant Church. During his exhortation, David Binion says, "Worship is simply love responding to love." Now I've listened to this song a number of times over the two years I've owned this recording, but THIS TIME it stood out like never before. My guess is because I'm getting a greater understanding of GOD's love, its significance and its power, thanks to the book I recently finished reading ("Furious Pursuit: Why GOD Will Never Let You Go" by Tim King and Frank Martin), which has phenomenally impacted my life. (It was so good that I've consecutively read it twice and am about to read it AGAIN.)
Shortly after awaking this morning, I pondered that quote from David Binion and the Holy Spirit began to impart His insight to me as I meditated on those words. Worship is the manifestation of our relationship with GOD. He loves us so much that we'll literally spend the rest of our lives and all of eternity comprehending the magnitude of GOD's love. More than anything, worship is our response to GOD's love. The more extravagant our response to the love of GOD, the greater our comprehension of it. Furthermore, as we mature in the depth of our comprehension of GOD's love, the more extravagant growth we'll see in our love responding to His love.
Shortly after awaking this morning, I pondered that quote from David Binion and the Holy Spirit began to impart His insight to me as I meditated on those words. Worship is the manifestation of our relationship with GOD. He loves us so much that we'll literally spend the rest of our lives and all of eternity comprehending the magnitude of GOD's love. More than anything, worship is our response to GOD's love. The more extravagant our response to the love of GOD, the greater our comprehension of it. Furthermore, as we mature in the depth of our comprehension of GOD's love, the more extravagant growth we'll see in our love responding to His love.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Recognizing the Kingdom at Work (AUDIO) | 06.04.12
This week's inspirational podcast endeavors to help us better recognize evidence of GOD's Kingdom at work in our lives. It's so easy to take on the wrong perspective, but the Word of GOD is always there to ensure we do not lose sight of His heart's intentions for us. Material gain has its place in our lives, as Kingdom citizens; however, it in no way defines what life is all about in GOD's Kingdom.
kingdom citizenship,
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Just Be Balanced (AUDIO) | 05.15.12
This week's inspirational podcast stresses the need for balance in the Body of Christ. It is through our balanced lifestyles that we are able to let our lights shine and attract mankind to GOD's Kingdom as well as His way of doing things. There's no need to be radical or start a revolution... We just need to be balanced to effectively reach the masses.
kingdom citizenship,
Monday, May 7, 2012
Leave It Behind (AUDIO) | 05.07.12
This 5-minute inspirational podcast looks at why it is important for us as people of GOD to leave behind those things that characterized our old nature prior to redemption. GOD has a ministry assignment for each of us, and it is of utmost importance that we not take any unnecessary thing with us on our journey. Otherwise, we may set ourselves up for our own demise.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Experiencing GOD's Greater Glory - Part Two | 04.28.12
Being an obedient citizen is an extremely critical aspect of Kingdom life. It's directly linked to loving GOD, believing His Word and having faith in His promises, all of which are believed by some to be ABOVE obedience. Scripture says that if we love GOD, then we'll keep His commandments (John 14:15). Since the Book of James admonishes us to not only be hearers of the Word but doers also (James 1:22), believing GOD's Word implies we're doing something with the Word we've heard. Otherwise, it's rather hard for us to validate our beliefs. That which we believe must motivate us to take corresponding action. And, of course, we're all familiar with the scripture that faith without works is dead (James 2:20). Something must be done on our part in order to activate the power of our faith in GOD's promises. One of our best examples is Abraham, whose faith pleased GOD simply because He obeyed GOD. Abraham took Isaac, the promised son of his old age, up Mt. Moriah to offer him as a sacrifice, just as GOD instructed. As we can see, obedience is prominent in every aspect of worship.
So please hear my heart, friends and readers... It is not my mission to judge or condemn ANYONE should their beliefs and/or choices be different. In fact, I've been commissioned to help those--including myself--who are open to receiving the help GOD provides and doing better. I beseech--I beg--of us all to evaluate our own lives. Let's honestly consider how much of ourselves does GOD really have influence over? Instead of examining the lives of others, how about we pray concerning those areas in our own lives that we've made off limits to GOD? We're so fearful of what people would think, if they would ever know about our inner secret places, that even the illuminating power of GOD's Word can't even get past the barriers we've erected to provoke us towards personal improvement.
Father, make clear the instances in which our own rebellion against Your way of doing things have blocked our access to manifestations of Heaven's power here in the Earth. We're all tired of church as usual, and it's the desire of our hearts to experience miraculous moves of Your power in our midst. Help us to obey You, O GOD: we understand now that this how the glass ceiling over our worship will get shattered. Through obedience, we can expect to experience Your greater glory WHENEVER and WHEREVER we worship You. AMEN!
Feel free to check out Part 1 of Experiencing GOD's Greater Glory...
So please hear my heart, friends and readers... It is not my mission to judge or condemn ANYONE should their beliefs and/or choices be different. In fact, I've been commissioned to help those--including myself--who are open to receiving the help GOD provides and doing better. I beseech--I beg--of us all to evaluate our own lives. Let's honestly consider how much of ourselves does GOD really have influence over? Instead of examining the lives of others, how about we pray concerning those areas in our own lives that we've made off limits to GOD? We're so fearful of what people would think, if they would ever know about our inner secret places, that even the illuminating power of GOD's Word can't even get past the barriers we've erected to provoke us towards personal improvement.
Father, make clear the instances in which our own rebellion against Your way of doing things have blocked our access to manifestations of Heaven's power here in the Earth. We're all tired of church as usual, and it's the desire of our hearts to experience miraculous moves of Your power in our midst. Help us to obey You, O GOD: we understand now that this how the glass ceiling over our worship will get shattered. Through obedience, we can expect to experience Your greater glory WHENEVER and WHEREVER we worship You. AMEN!
Feel free to check out Part 1 of Experiencing GOD's Greater Glory...
Friday, April 27, 2012
Experiencing GOD's Greater Glory - Part One | 04.27.12
Something very interesting recently occurred to me. Well, first of all, I'm always listening, especially when people may be thinking that I'm not; and as I mentally replay dialogue that I've heard, certain statements and phrases usually stand out and catch my attention. In this particular instance, I was thinking about how we have a tendency to say we want "more of GOD," or that we want "a greater experience with GOD." While I do believe there are realms of glory we've yet to tap as worshippers, I don't believe that it's necessarily due to any "withholding" of glory on GOD's part. Although this may be a tough pill to swallow, the GOD-presence we desire to experience, in most cases, far exceeds the depth in which we actually worship the Almighty. We are the ones who limit GOD's ability to manifest Himself in greater ways because our worship, which we believe to be so deep, is in fact quite shallow. The worship we offer fails to bring us into the place of intimacy with the Father that we desire because our disobedience nonverbally communicates a lack of trust in GOD. And despite our best attempts at experiencing intimacy with GOD, who in their right mind feels comfortable letting their guard down around anyone they really don't trust?
I know this may offend some readers, but it's a truth of which we need to be made aware. We can love GOD, believe His Word, have faith in His promises AND STILL find ourselves desiring more from our worship experiences. Yes, I know that this sounds puzzling; however, what we neglect to consider a vital part of our worship is the powerful role obedience plays in the releasing of GOD's glory. Isaiah 64:6 has been quoted by many to affirm that "our righteousness is as filthy rags" to GOD; and unfortunately, when taken out of context, this verse of scripture can mislead many well-intended believers to minimize the vital importance of obedience by downplaying its effect on our ability to experience GOD like never before. The "righteousness" spoken of in Isaiah 64:6 refers to man not being able to achieve right standing with GOD on his own. However, once we've been declared righteous by GOD, then we are to live righteously in obedience to GOD. So let's be honest with ourselves, okay? We can only sing so many songs, say so many prayers and shed so many tears before we hit a plateau in the realm of the Spirit. Herein is the reason why our worship runs "smack dab" into spiritual glass ceilings: the places in GOD we desire to be require a greater degree of access than we've allowed ourselves to be granted... Reaching those untapped places in GOD we so desperately desire does not require better material to sing, more skilled musicians and vocalists, or higher quality instruments and audio equipment... The powerful moves of GOD we hunger for require lives of obedience, which in turn receive clearance from the heavenly government to function as portals (or conduits) for GOD's glory to enter the Earth realm.
Be sure to check out Part 2 of Experiencing GOD's Greater Glory
I know this may offend some readers, but it's a truth of which we need to be made aware. We can love GOD, believe His Word, have faith in His promises AND STILL find ourselves desiring more from our worship experiences. Yes, I know that this sounds puzzling; however, what we neglect to consider a vital part of our worship is the powerful role obedience plays in the releasing of GOD's glory. Isaiah 64:6 has been quoted by many to affirm that "our righteousness is as filthy rags" to GOD; and unfortunately, when taken out of context, this verse of scripture can mislead many well-intended believers to minimize the vital importance of obedience by downplaying its effect on our ability to experience GOD like never before. The "righteousness" spoken of in Isaiah 64:6 refers to man not being able to achieve right standing with GOD on his own. However, once we've been declared righteous by GOD, then we are to live righteously in obedience to GOD. So let's be honest with ourselves, okay? We can only sing so many songs, say so many prayers and shed so many tears before we hit a plateau in the realm of the Spirit. Herein is the reason why our worship runs "smack dab" into spiritual glass ceilings: the places in GOD we desire to be require a greater degree of access than we've allowed ourselves to be granted... Reaching those untapped places in GOD we so desperately desire does not require better material to sing, more skilled musicians and vocalists, or higher quality instruments and audio equipment... The powerful moves of GOD we hunger for require lives of obedience, which in turn receive clearance from the heavenly government to function as portals (or conduits) for GOD's glory to enter the Earth realm.
Be sure to check out Part 2 of Experiencing GOD's Greater Glory
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Pursue Peace | 04.24.12
In Psalm 34, there's a verse of scripture that admonishes us to pursue peace (Psalms 34:14). It was during a recent Bible study session at church that the Holy Spirit imparted some valuable insight to me regarding this Kingdom concept. Initially, when I heard the word "pursue," my thoughts went straight to "a chase." However, the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts in a different direction to better grasp what the scripture was trying to say. To pursue peace is to intently follow peace WHEREVER it goes.
During that night's session, we focused on "Excellence In Speech" as part of the teaching series "Pursuing the Spirit of Excellence." As Pastor Erick pointed out, "Our words are simply thoughts released in audible form." Whenever a thought is released in audible form, there is an intention for which it was released. Therefore, the heart--and not just the mind--come under the scrutiny of the hearers (as well as those who hear of our words secondhand). When we release our thoughts and expose our hearts to human scrutiny, we are no longer at peace as the intentions of our words are analyzed because our concern then becomes:
During that night's session, we focused on "Excellence In Speech" as part of the teaching series "Pursuing the Spirit of Excellence." As Pastor Erick pointed out, "Our words are simply thoughts released in audible form." Whenever a thought is released in audible form, there is an intention for which it was released. Therefore, the heart--and not just the mind--come under the scrutiny of the hearers (as well as those who hear of our words secondhand). When we release our thoughts and expose our hearts to human scrutiny, we are no longer at peace as the intentions of our words are analyzed because our concern then becomes:
- Was that THE BEST WAY to communicate my thoughts?
- Will my intentions be misunderstood?
- Did I EVEN have to say that?
- What do they think about me NOW?
- Etc, etc, etc...
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Flipside of Being Justified (Part 2 of 2) | 02.13.12
(Continued from Part 1) I was recently contemplating how ungrateful we can be as Christians. One need not look too hard to see the numerous ways in which our ingratitude is displayed. We disobey GOD more times than we care to recall, yet we're always standing in the need of a blessing. We constantly complain about how things are not going as we wish, but we fail to obey GOD in the simplest of matters. We drag our moody selves to church on Sunday like we're doing GOD and the minister a favor, and we have the nerve to sit in the sanctuary as if we're part of some live studio audience waiting to be entertained. Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that it's the will of GOD in Christ Jesus concerning us that we give thanks IN EVERY-THING. But the aforementioned hardly paints a picture of us being a thankful people.
eternal life,
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Flipside of Being Justified (Part 1 of 2) | 02.12.12
I was recently inspired by a Facebook status update from Jonathan Booth, in which he made mention of justification. What struck me was what I saw in the scripture he cited because I have never before noticed this. (Sidenote: That happens to me from time to time because--honestly--I don't know it all. Even though I've been in church all my life, I NEVER profess to know it all.) Jonathan's status update focused on faith in challenging situations, but what caught my attention was the following passage of scripture:
"But someone will say, You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only." (James 2:18, 21-24 NKJV)
Fred A Caldwell Sr,
human nature,
Friday, February 10, 2012
Manifesting the Glory of the Teacher (Part 2 of 2) | 02.09.12
(Continued from Part 1) We typically respond to situations in our lives based upon how we feel at the moment, which can be ANY number of ways. In order for us to mature in the faith, we must embrace the mindset that GOD only allows to happen to us that which is beneficial for us NO MATTER HOW it looks. See Romans 8:28. When we really get an understanding of this, it totally transforms how we react to circumstances because our minds have been renewed to perceive things differently than before. The situations we face may present themselves as the enemy coming to take us out, but the truth of the matter is that our situations are only granted access to us by GOD for the express purpose of escorting us to promotion. Basically, what appears to be a setback is merely assigned to be our springboard to the place where GOD wants us.
Steve Lawrence,
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Manifesting the Glory of the Teacher (Part 1 of 2) | 02.09.12
During times of great difficulty, it's important to understand that it's our faith that's being tried. Don't take it personal... because it's only a test. We often forget that before every promotion there MUST be a test. Furthermore, scripture (James 1:3) teaches us that the testing of our faith produces cheerful endurance (or patience). We're to let patience thoroughly transform our mindsets that--as we are transformed--we may be whole, lacking or wanting nothing once the process is complete (James 1:4).
One of the most common observations made while enduring a faith trial is that it seems like GOD could not be heard. We're quick to associate tests and trials with GOD trying to teach us something, but we fail to realize that it's during the test that the teacher is silent. If the lesson was indeed learned, then the teacher should not have to say a thing. However, just because the teacher is silent, it doesn't mean that the teacher is not present.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Only By Prayer and Fasting (Part 2 of 2) | 02.02.12
The following blog is a continuation from Part 1:
Faith comes by hearing both the Word that's already been spoken (Logos) as well as hearing what the Holy Spirit is yet saying (Rhema). If we can't posture ourselves to hear, then it begs to be asked what exactly are we saying when we open our mouths to praise GOD? Oh, that's right: WE DON'T... because THAT'S the praise team's job, just like it's the preacher's job to motivate us, the teacher's job to study the Word for us, and the intercessor's job to pray for us. If we can't MOTIVATE ourselves, STUDY for ourselves and PRAY for ourselves, then we need to REEVALUATE ourselves because our faith apparently is in man and not in GOD. Why do we place more faith in another man's ability to hear from GOD than our own? Simple: we're too apathetic and lazy to do that which is necessary to hear from GOD for ourselves. The whole point in Jesus reconciling us to the Kingdom and filling us with His Spirit is to the end that we indeed be able by the power of the same Spirit to boldly articulate prophetic utterances, consistently receive a Rhema Word and fervently pray for Heaven's earthly intervention OURSELVES. However, all of this requires us being able to hear from Heaven.
Holy Spirit,
Steve Lawrence,
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Only By Prayer and Fasting (Part 1 of 2) | 02.01.12
It seems something strange is happening with my blogging. As of late, I am being inspired by my own Facebook status updates. It's kind of weird, since I tend to get inspiration from other people's status updates and tweets; so bear with me as I adjust to the new thing GOD is doing. Earlier this week, I posted the following status:
"Elton Taylor believes that there are some things we desire from GOD which require prayer AND fasting. Sorry, but we just can't praise our way out of EVERYTHING. C'mon, that's just silly..."One of my goods friends left a comment that got me to thinking: " will be amazed at your heightened spiritual connection to really hear from GOD and how revealing scriptures are during that time frame." I began to consider how fasting and praying COMBINED create a heightened sense of awareness in our spirit man.
Holy Spirit,
Steve Lawrence,
Monday, January 30, 2012
Becoming the Being | 01.30.2012
There is something to be said about being consistent. The predictability that is characteristic of consistency IS NOT a bad thing. As a matter of fact, it's crucial to the effectual availing of ourselves for the King's use. Yes, the gifts and calling of GOD come without repentance (Romans 11:29); but that's certainly no excuse for being inconsistent. Our problem is that we've become more comfortable with having the gifts and calling than we are with having the power required to effectively operate in them. And since inconsistency is an indicator of disobedience, GOD is not interested in authorizing (or granting authority to) those who aren't willing to "become".
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Peace of GOD Guards (Part 2 of 2) | 01.29.2012
The following post is a continuation of yesterday's blog...
GOD knows that we're thoughtful creatures (in that our minds are filled with all kinds of thoughts), so he instructs us through the Apostle Paul on what we SHOULD BE thinking about. The very next verse in this passage (Philippians 4:8) lists all the things we should be thinking on as a result of the peace of GOD keeping our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Just picture this: the peace of GOD as an armed soldier standing at the gate of our hearts and minds only allowing the things that are true, honest, just, pure, love and of good report entrance into our hearts and minds. THAT'S WHY WE NEED TO PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, FOLKS!!!
Jesus Christ,
new birth,
Steve Lawrence,
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Peace of GOD Guards (Part 1 of 2) | 01.28.2012
At the request of my dear friend Necole, my blog today is a continuance of a status update I posted on Facebook on Wednesday (01/23/12):
"Elton Taylor believes that there's no need to be anxious when we've prayed and cast our cares upon the LORD. It's when we don't pray and make our requests known to GOD that we feel like a bundle of nerves."When I posted this, I was literally facing a situation that INSTANTLY turned me into a bundle of nerves at first. The anxiety was highly uncomfortable and it quickly became clear that I had a choice to make. I could either suffer in anticipation of what was about to happen, or be at peace despite whatever was lying ahead. In fact, it's times like these that test who we are and what we're made of. As far as Christianity goes, right here is where the rubber meets the road in the walk of faith.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Grace in the Workplace | 01.17.2012
I am grateful for the favor of GOD today. Even when facing seemingly impossible circumstances, GOD sends hope in the form of fellow Kingdom citizens who don't know you...but know you, if you get my drift. It's not so much that they know you, but rather that they know the Holy Spirit who dwells in you because the same Holy Spirit also dwells in them. When your life feels turned upside down, there's no telling who you'll run into or have to deal with. But thanks be to GOD for divine providence--the provision of GOD--being manifested with superhero precision just when we need it most.
As people of faith in the workplace, we never know WHO we'll meet on any given day in our respective lines of work. We never know who will cross our paths in need of a kind word, a little sympathy or some further assistance. I was recently blessed to make the acquaintance of such an individual, whose compassion for my own situation nearly brought me to tears because it was as if I was hearing the voice of GOD coming through this person's lips. It was clear that this individual was not only a Christian but a person of great faith who carried a powerful mantle for ministry without coming across as an extremist. The grace which I was extended was the reminder I needed that, no matter how bad the situation appeared, GOD was right there with me.
It makes me wonder how many times have I been just that for someone I encountered on my job? Can someone recall ever having such an experience with me as I was fulfilling my roles and responsibilities at work? Has anyone ever had an experience so powerful with me that it brought them the comfort and reassurance of knowing that GOD Almighty was with them in their time of despair? Many times we wait till service on Sunday morning or at midweek to minister, but we spend more time at our places of employment than we do at church. We don't need a title or a pulpit to minister to people. The simple fact that GOD allows people to daily cross our paths in the places we spend most of our time is all the ministry platform we need. After experiencing such a great manifestation of GOD's grace, I am compelled now more than ever for my lips to be the passageway for GOD's voice as well as my words to minister comfort and reassurance to those in the midst of turmoil as I work.
Holy Spirit,
kingdom citizenship,
Monday, January 9, 2012
Matching Heaven's Frequency (Part 2 of 2) | 01.09.12
Heaven's frequency grants us access to the yoke destroying power of the anointing that we so desperately need (Isaiah 10:27). But it's not enough to just find it--we must create a duplication of Heaven's sound right here in the earth. WE have to become the amplifier from which the sound of Heaven is audibly heard in the earth realm. In other words, we need to see ourselves as the conduits through which the sound of the eternal unseen world enters into time. This creates an avenue or thoroughfare, if you will, for the condition of Heaven to invade the condition of Earth and fulfill the purposes of the Almighty. And because the Spirit of GOD dwells inside of the redeemed, every born again believer has the capability to do this--not just the singers and musicians.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Matching Heaven's Frequency (Part 1 of 2) | 01.08.12
As worshippers, it should be our earnest desire to see a manifestation of GOD's glory EVERY time we enter into worship. Whether we be in a public or private setting, our time of worship should result in a divine visitation of GOD's Spirit. Otherwise, we've wasted our time. After all, there's just simply no point in performing ACTS of worship without encountering GOD DURING the worship. And that goes for everyone, not just the singers and musicians who have been tasked with leading the worship in our corporate gatherings.
In order to see a manifestation of GOD's power as we worship, it's imperative that we engage Him with this intention in mind. Sadly, we've become so engrossed in the entertainment value of skilled musicianship and vocal performance that we have become comfortable NOT experiencing GOD. Let's be honest: people have real problems, for which entertainment only provides escapism. However, it's the much-needed encounter with Heaven that provides solutions to the problems that slowly squeeze the life out of us. Therefore, when encountering Heaven, we must dismiss our souls' desire for entertainment and press in to the unseen spiritual realm.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Proof Is In The Power | 01.07.12
During the Christmas holiday, I had the wonderful privilege of traveling with my parents to New Orleans to spend time with my extended family. While there, I was blessed to visit the church that I call home because it's where I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior during my teenage years. The Life Center Cathedral in New Orleans is a very special place to me, and I was so glad to see everyone there. Bishop J. Douglas Wiley delivered a message on Christmas morning entitled "A Difficult Path To a Merry Christmas" from 2 Corinthians 8:9, a major point of which was:
"Jesus proved that GOD owns everything by multiplying food, ceasing storms and raising the dead."
JD Wiley,
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