
Monday, August 13, 2012

Destiny, Servant of Purpose | 08.13.12

I recently came to a new realization on a familiar topic: destiny is for you, purpose is for others.  Sometimes destiny is easier to see and understand than purpose, and that's okay.  We all have dreams and visions of where the gifts GOD has given will take us, as we submit them as well as ourselves to His lordship.  These snapshots of our future generate overwhelming excitement, and we love to rejoice over the greatness to come.  But know that your destiny is servant to purpose because  it's your purpose--not your destiny--that will impact the lives of people and become the legacy you leave behind.  Destiny is merely the vehicle by which purpose is fulfilled.

I'm reminded of a teaching delivered by Elder Lisa V. Wiley some years ago on her favorite Bible personality, a young man by the name of Joseph.  I won't attempt to recount the extraordinary story of his life, but I encourage you to read it for yourself in the Book of Genesis.  However, I would like to offer this one tidbit to you of which Elder Wiley made me aware: Joseph was indeed destined for the greatness of the throne, but what he envisioned was not his purpose.  Joseph's purpose for being was to bring his father Jacob's family (of less than 100 people) to Egypt, so they could become a mighty nation (that numbered well over 1 million when they left Egypt).  Joseph was given life to prepare the way for GOD's government to be established in the Earth through a nation of people.  If Israel had never become a nation, then GOD's promise to make Abraham the father of many nations--among other GOD-promises--would not have been fulfilled.

Joseph endured hatred and abandonment from his family, enslavement via strangers, and false accusation as well as imprisonment while ALL ALONE in a foreign land with none of his family around.  But he was able to remain hopeful because he had a clear picture of his destiny at the forefront of his mind: him, the youngest of his father's sons, being seated on a throne and his family kneeling before him.  If all you have is a single picture of where GOD promised He'd take you, then hold on to it with all your might as you go THROUGH the process.  Let destiny keep you motivated to press on when times get tough and your body grows weary.  Let destiny keep the fire of your passions ablaze when life's situations try to snuff out your zeal.  Let destiny push you to love and forgive those who have hurt you and caused suffering to enter your life.  Eventually, your purpose will emerge and you'll be able to look back and say, "NOW I understand why things had to be this way.  What was meant for evil has, in fact, come to pass for my good!"

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