
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Four | 07.31.12

We all have desires--both bad and good.  GOD understands that; and no matter how "out there" our desires may be, He's in no way shocked by them either.  It should be good news to someone that GOD sees into our innermost desires and is not shocked by what is found therein.  This serves to help us understand why GOD has given us the ever present Holy Spirit to dwell within us: that He might lead and guide us into all truth.  And the truth of the matter is that many things we desire in our attempts to be happy are neither good nor beneficial for us, irregardless of how badly we may want them.

But there's something terribly wrong with pursuing what GOD does not desire us to have anyway, as if us wanting something bad enough will somehow sanctify it in His eyes.  Furthermore, it's most assuredly in poor taste to blame GOD for the resulting consequences of our efforts to obtain that which He has forbidden us to have.  GOD is neither responsible for our poor decision making nor the rebellious nature from which it emanates.  And He's surely not responsible for the calamity that befalls us, like He's just sitting there waiting to punish us as He stalks our every move.

So why then do we feel entitled to diametrically oppose GOD's directives to instead pursue our own perceived happiness?  I'm led to believe that it's pride.  And with pride comes GOD's resistance.  Scripture says in 1 Peter 5:5 that GOD gives grace to the humble.  GOD releases His favor in the lives of humble people.  When we operate in humility, we obey GOD even when it hurts or we feel that GOD's requirements are unfair; and He rewards our obedience accordingly in ways money can't even buy.

Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Five).

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