
Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Peace of GOD Guards (Part 1 of 2) | 01.28.2012

At the request of my dear friend Necole, my blog today is a continuance of a status update I posted on Facebook on Wednesday (01/23/12):
"Elton Taylor believes that there's no need to be anxious when we've prayed and cast our cares upon the LORD.  It's when we don't pray and make our requests known to GOD that we feel like a bundle of nerves."
When I posted this, I was literally facing a situation that INSTANTLY turned me into a bundle of nerves at first.  The anxiety was highly uncomfortable and it quickly became clear that I had a choice to make.  I could either suffer in anticipation of what was about to happen, or be at peace despite whatever was lying ahead.  In fact, it's times like these that test who we are and what we're made of.  As far as Christianity goes, right here is where the rubber meets the road in the walk of faith.

In getting a grip of my emotions, I had to command my soul to be at peace.  My spirit man literally put me in check because I was so nervous I couldn't even keep still.  The Holy Spirit reminded me in that moment of Philippians 4:6, which was the scriptural basis for my status update.  Not really having the mind (or words) at that moment to pray in English, I had to pray in the spirit until peace manifested in me.  (Sidenote: My heart goes out to people who are NOT filled with the Holy Ghost and DO NOT pray in tongues because when I don't know the words to say, He does. That's all I'm saying...)

For those who don't know, there is nothing like the peace of GOD.  Absolutely NOTHING like it!  As a matter of fact, Philippians 4:7 continues the thought from verse 6 by stating that the peace of GOD passes all understanding.  The peace of GOD is so supreme that it has the ability to bypass our human intellect to guard our very souls (i.e. our hearts and minds) from the toxic thoughts created by confusion, of which Satan is the author (1 Corinthians 14:33).  But there's more...

TO BE CONTINUED...Check out Part 2!

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