
Monday, December 31, 2012

The Desire For Fresh Fire | 12.31.12

As I was getting caught up on some work earlier this morning, the phrase "fresh fire" dropped in my spirit.  In times past, I heard this phrase but never really paid any mind to it.  I guess, at the time, it didn't arrest my attention enough for me to ponder its meaning.  However, with all the peculiar things that have been happening in my life lately, it did this time.  Initially, my thoughts were, "How can an element like fire, which has existed as long as air and water, be fresh?"  That REALLY stumped me.  And then the Holy Spirit says, "It's fresh with each igniting."  Hmmm, the fire that is freshly ignited...

I think it not strange, friends, that I heard "fresh fire" on today.  Lately, my spirit has been becoming more and more sensitive to the importance of INCREASING OUR AWARENESS of GOD's presence.  With all that is going on in the Earth realm, it's not enough to just mentally grasp the idea that GOD is here with us.  In order for us, as worshippers, to transition from needing more of GOD to knowing Him more we must EXPERIENCE GOD MORE.  It must become pertinent that our relationship with GOD be characterized by our first-hand experiences with GOD.  With no shared experience, there's no shared relationship.  And with no shared relationship, there's only religion: a third-party account of another individual's experience that one receives and ascribes to as their own.  It's no different than our dealings with the people we personally know versus those we do not know (and sometimes deceive ourselves into thinking we know them through someone else's relationship with them).  But back to "fresh fire"...

Interestingly enough, GOD has physically manifested His presence on more than one occasion in the Bible as fire.  Therefore, it's a no-brainer that I'm led to believe fire represents a manifestation of GOD's presence.  And if "fresh fire" is understood as being the fire that is freshly ignited, then--in the context of increasing our awareness of GOD's presence and experiencing Him more--I take that phrase as being a mandate to worshippers everywhere to be fire starters.  I take that as believers being more determined than ever to not relegate GOD's presence and power to mere words printed on pages.  It is time our passion for GOD's manifested presence be ignited so we can posture ourselves to call forth His glory to be revealed in the Earth like never before.  It's time our desire to experience GOD become so combustible that manifestations of His power and presence are freshly ignited everywhere we go as we release the sound of Heaven in the Earth.  This, friends, is how our dominion over the Earth and its resources is to be exercised.  This is how territory is conquered for the advancement of the Kingdom.  The key to us pursuing, overtaking and recovering all is us being conduits for fresh fire here in the Earth realm.  Instead of fire fighters, we should endeavor to be fire starters everywhere the soles of our feet tread.



    1. YES, LORD!!! Thanks, Tangie, for reading today's post and leaving your feedback. I felt the heat from it!


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