
Saturday, August 4, 2012

In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Six | 08.04.12

Happiness has so much to do with belief.  To believe simply means to accept as both real and true.  Therefore, we must be mindful that meditating on ANY thought long enough will eventually make it believable.  And in a matter of time, the beliefs we espouse will cause a corresponding pattern of behavior to emerge.  Moreover, if practiced for a substantial period, the behavioral patterns we exhibit will become our own culturally accepted norms; and that which is deemed to be normal within our culture creates an identity to which we ascribe.  And just to think, this identity all started with a mere thought.

SO CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!  Guard your eyes and ears, beloved, from influences whose ideas promise happiness but contradict the Kingdom of GOD.  The media is merely a tool to QUICKLY spread ideas, many of which are held by a minority, to the masses through a program of INCESSANT repetition.  It doesn't take much these days for just one corrupt seed planted in a person's mind to take root and cause a change of mind.  Christians who are not firmly grounded in the beliefs of the faith WILL be targeted and led astray in these last days.  The Bible guarantees this, so think it not strange when you see it happen to people you know!

The enemy doesn't have a problem with us going to church, if we're merely going there to be entertained.  He doesn't mind us reading our Bibles, if it's purely academic to us and we have no intention of obeying and applying what it says.  Satan is thrilled to see us get involved in the work of ministry, yet continue to live closeted lives shrouded in the secrecy of our sins and perversions.  The devil is in no way threatened by us claiming we have been filled with the Holy Ghost when our pitiful lives show no evidence of the power thereof.  It's time we wake up, children of the Most High GOD!  If you haven't figured it out yet, we're being defeated by our thoughts.  We are living beneath our privilege as the redeemed because of our thoughts.  We have been made weak and feeble people, many thanks to our stinking thinking.  And we wonder why Christians are so unhappy...

Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part Seven).

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