
Saturday, July 21, 2012

In Pursuit of Happiness - Introduction | 07.21.12

Over the years, it's been ingrained in me that happiness is dependent on what "happens," whereas joy is independent of the circumstances.  I have--more or less--held on to that for quite some time; however, a conversation got me to thinking about happiness all over again.  This conversation both touched my heart and stirred my thoughts in a way that doesn't happen often.  It led me to meditate on what it really means to be happy because there are so many people--believers and unbelievers alike--who are unhappy and willing to do almost anything to simply be happy.  

I can't even convey how my heart ached as I sat there and listened because I had no words.  I felt helpless, like I couldn't do a single thing but be present in the moment and attentive to what was being said.  To the soul who opened up to me, it meant the world.  But I was truly at a loss for what to say, and that bothered me.  And as hurtful a sting as it was, the emotional reaction I had to my inability to say anything was humbling.  GOD allowed me to experience that moment so I would be motivated to seek His thoughts on the matter because simply sharing my personal feelings wouldn't do a single thing for this person.

And this one person is not the only one.  There are so many people who are in pursuit of happiness.  They don't want much.  They just want to be happy.  My heart truly goes out to those whose desperation to feel happy leads to their pursuit of nearly anything that can potentially provide it for them.  So now, my quest (and prayer) is to obtain a solid understanding of happiness from the Kingdom's point of view. I desire that GOD help me to articulate His will to those who are desperately seeking to simply be happy before their pursuit of a destructive form of happiness ultimately leads to their demise.  

Read the next installment (In Pursuit of Happiness - Part One)

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