
Monday, February 13, 2012

The Flipside of Being Justified (Part 2 of 2) | 02.13.12

(Continued from Part 1)  I was recently contemplating how ungrateful we can be as Christians.  One need not look too hard to see the numerous ways in which our ingratitude is displayed.  We disobey GOD more times than we care to recall, yet we're always standing in the need of a blessing.  We constantly complain about how things are not going as we wish, but we fail to obey GOD in the simplest of matters.  We drag our moody selves to church on Sunday like we're doing GOD and the minister a favor, and we have the nerve to sit in the sanctuary as if we're part of some live studio audience waiting to be entertained.  Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 that it's the will of GOD in Christ Jesus concerning us that we give thanks IN EVERY-THING.  But the aforementioned hardly paints a picture of us being a thankful people.

Our obedience to GOD is not a preface given to properly address a congregation, satisfying man-made rules of church protocol.  Obedience is a lifestyle choice that identifies us as Kingdom citizens just as much as baseball reflects American sports.  I don't strive to obey GOD so that I can go to Heaven when I die because that deal is done and sealed.  I obey GOD as an offering of thanksgiving unto Him for even accepting me in the beloved.  Out of sheer appreciation for GOD sending His Son to secure my eternal salvation, I willingly choose to not do things that displease GOD as well as choose to do things that bring Him pleasure.  That doesn't mean that I ALWAYS do the right thing, but it does indicate a conscious effort is being made on my part to purposefully obey GOD.

What I love about the flipside of being justified is that it diverts attention from the negative (ie my past) and shifts the focus to the positive (ie my present and future).  My personal goal now is to use justification by faith and works as means of showcasing to others how grateful I am to Almighty GOD for the work He has accomplished in me.  It's my desire to live in such a way that it's easy for unbelievers to see that there is a reality in serving a risen Savior.  Father, I am so thankful to You for justifying me.  Allow me to preach the gospel, using words only when necessary; and I will forever do so with a grateful heart for as long as I have breath. 

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