
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Never Cease To Worship | 07.08.12

While contemplating the power of worship a while back, I was inspired to post the following status update on the FHW Facebook page:
"As we worship and usher GOD's presence into our lives, it's the very weight of His glory that tips the scales of life situations in our favor.  So NEVER cease to worship..."
For those who may not know, there is an empowerment that comes with worshiping GOD.  It follows the release of cares and concerns regarding situations over which we, many times, have zero control.  When we choose to worship GOD, as opposed to worshiping problems via our worry, a holy activation begins to take place.  There's a rising up of GOD's power within us that lifts our countenance, changes how we perceive our situations and even manifests solutions.  Worship is indeed powerful because it's our way of letting GOD know that He is more worth our time, energy and resources than the many other things that daily tug on us.

By making GOD's presence in our lives a top priority, we position ourselves to daily witness GOD shifting His weight on our behalf.  GOD's glory does not show up where it's not welcomed.  Therefore, we must make a habit of ensuring the Holy Spirit is ALWAYS welcome in our lives and not just when we want something.  We must never let ourselves become overconfident.  In order to consistently see GOD's glory tip the scales of life situations in our favor, we must REQUIRE the presence of GOD.  Let's strive to increase the extremity of our sincerity, thereby causing us to do away with the foolishness of religion.  Let's focus on our faith and refuse to allow situations and circumstances to rob us of the joy of our salvation.  Be found in worship.  Be found exalting GOD above all else.  And we'll see His power manifest as His presence saturates our lives.

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