
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Worship Brings Transformation

One of the greatest things that can happen in your life is the inner transformation that occurs as evidence of your life of worship.  Believers often talk about themselves being worshippers, but their lifestyles will sometimes make you wonder if worship is really at work in them.  And it's not that there is an expectation for GOD's people to be without flaws and issues.  (Because GOD never promised a life void of flaws and issues, only a life in which His people would be empowered to live victoriously over them all.)  There is, however, an expectation that the sensitivity the life of worship imparts frees the believer to acknowledge their shortcomings without becoming victim to them.  The barriers that separate people, causing mankind to pay more attention to our differences than our similarities, are ultimately destroyed when the Creator and who we are in Him becomes our main focus.

As any true worshipper can confirm, the transformation that happens in those sacredly secret spaces of the soul is all the proof you need that GOD is in you and you are in Him.  His presence stirs the mind, will and emotions in such a profound way that you begin to see Him, yourself and everything (as well as everyone) around you differently.  Internally, what was once closed off amazingly opens and experiences a power so supernatural that your humanity hardly has the strength to stand in such an overwhelming presence.  Walls built in response to past hurts and disappointments literally topple beneath the weight of GOD's everlasting love, and the Father's reassurance provides the encouragement necessary to walk by faith in the newness of life when physical senses would find safety in the bondages of those old fears.

GOD desires so much more for His people!  Therefore, don't just enjoy GOD's presence but seek to be transformed by it.  And by the renewing of your mind, experience how life is truly meant to be enjoyed.  The freedom, the love, the fellowship, the peace.  As it reads in Psalms 16:11, in GOD's presence is fullness of joy.  For me, there is no other place that I'd rather be than in the presence of Almighty GOD.  Regardless of what others may say, think or feel, I have no doubt in my mind that I'm all the better for the quality time I spend with my Heavenly Father... And for those who beg to differ, my lifestyle proves this to be true when my words are less than convincing.  I am a devoted worshipper of Yahweh for life because worship of Him has truly transformed my life.


  1. This truly Blessed me. I will be following your blog. May GOD continue to Bless you with greater WISDOM.🙌🙌🙌

    1. Thanks so much for reading FHW! I'm extremely grateful for your continued prayers and support, Ms. Princess. As wisdom is released from GOD, it's most definitely my intention to share it with others.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for checking out the post and leaving your feedback, Christal! Looking forward to sharing more in the future and blessing the Body with what the Father has shared with me.


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