
Saturday, April 16, 2016

It's All In The Hands

Most people like the idea of pursuing their visions and prospering therein, but great ideas--no matter how likable they are--are unfruitful without willful, decisive action (i.e. faith).  We must renew our minds in this area because ideas are only as good as their execution.  If an idea does not produce fruit, then it's essentially worthless.  Let's go even deeper: if your faith is not producing the fruit of righteousness, then it's worthless.  Now to be fair, ideas--and even faith--do carry a degree of intrinsic value.  However, the worth that can be attributed to them is based solely upon how valuable they are in the respective individual's hands.

One of my favorite statements throughout the Bible is found at the very end of Romans 12:3 (KJV): "...God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."  This blesses me EVERY time I hear it because it reminds me that every individual has been given the same amount of faith to work with. No one has more or less than anyone else!  It's all in what you do with the measure you've been dealt.  Therefore, faith requires action in order to harness its ability to produce fruit.  Your faith is purposed by design to bring forth that which has the ability to sustain you.  But it's not just going to appear out of thin air!  There must be preparation before manifestation, which means you've got to work what you've got with all you've got.

Proverbs 10:4 (NIV) reads, "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth."  Hands that are willing to work and commit to doing so diligently are actively engaged in making preparation for manifestation.  Otherwise, if there be no preparation, opportunity will leave just as quickly as it comes because it only gives "the hook up" to those who are prepared.  For too long there has been this "misconception" that supernatural hook-ups happen because of the mere fact that the favor of GOD rests on His people.  What activates that favor is your faith!  GOD doing exceeding abundantly above all you can ever ask or think is according to the power AT WORK in you.  But what good is the power at work IN you if it can't work THROUGH you and your hands?


  1. Ok again on point. Awesome word keep posting all that read should be BLESSED...I know I'm getting wisdom from it.😊😊😊

    1. Your feedback is certainly encouraging me to continue pulling on Heaven for more! Thanks, Ms. Princess, for sharing how you've been impacted by the posts. As I'm blessed to receive, so freely will I pass it along to others.


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