
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Be Willing and Productive

While in a training session as part of my professional development, there was something said with regard to teamwork that vibrated with Heaven's frequency and caught my spirit's attention: "The people you get to help you must be willing AND productive.  If they can't produce, then don't you depend on them."  I actually shared the below status update on my Facebook timeline with regard to that moment.

Through additional time spent in prayer and meditation, something more was released that I definitely feel is worth sharing.  As I mentioned in the Facebook post, the people we see being used are those who are both willing and productive.  As I meditated more on this, it occurred to me that productivity is a byproduct of obedience.  What hit my spirit man was the verse of scripture that "if you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" (Isaiah 1:19).  Willingness and obedience here guarantee a reward because they result in productivity.  And just as it is written in both the Old and New Testaments, "the ox that treads out the corn shall not be muzzled" (Deuteronomy 25:4, 1 Corinthians 9:9, 1 Timothy 5:18).  The harvest that our willingness and obedience produces cannot be withheld from us.  We must be rewarded!

Let me tell you: this should encourage someone whose level of productivity has not been where it should be.  Talk about seeing the mercy of GOD firsthand in the form of warning!  We must not be deceived into thinking that our willingness--often characterized by our excitement, passion, and good intentions--is worthy of being rewarded.  Willingness must lead to obedience because willingness--of itself--does not produce reward.  Isaiah 1:19 is not a complete sentence!  If you read on to Isaiah 1:20, you will see that destruction was the end of those who refused and rebelled.

Therefore, fellow Kingdom citizens, our focus MUST be production-oriented.  In fact, the wiser among us will begin to establish accountability partnerships with our covenant partners, thereby ensuring that we are setting monthly production goals aligned with our respective purposes.  Doing so will set us up to eat the good of the land, fully assured that our existence will ALWAYS be that of abundant provision--even when those around us may be experiencing the effects of drought and famine.  We are entering a season in which obedience will carry far greater value than we have ever seen.  Productivity will signify manifested obedience, and the lack of productivity will surely expose the willing who are all talk with zero follow-through.

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