
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Accepting The Paint

One thing I've come to understand about life as a believer is that Father's methods can raise a lot of questions.  We often have our own ideas and perceptions of how things should go; and each time we do, we're reminded that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours.  When we feel like we're at the end of our ropes, He's waiting for us to let them go so He can catch us.  When we feel like our backs are against the wall, He's waiting for us to stop fighting long enough to allow Him to lift up a standard against the enemy.  See, we struggle with letting go of life's ropes and putting down our fists when the fight seems to be the most intense; yet scripture continues to remind us that His strength is made perfect in weakness (as found in 2 Corinthians 12:9).

In contemplating the frailties of life, some days this journey plays out like a suspense thriller.  Finding myself in one vulnerable place after another is honestly quite stressful, and there are indeed times when my moody side just doesn't want to be bothered after having dealt with all the drama. (Can I get just ONE witness?!)  Yes, as grateful as I am to Yahweh for making ways, opening doors, snatching me out and catapulting me forward, the compounding stress that comes with waiting on Him takes a toll on me when TIME is of the essence.  If you didn't know, well now you know: living on eternity's timetable is NOT for the faint of heart because He who is from everlasting to everlasting is literally in no one's hurry.  He has His own appointed time for everything He sets His hands to do to be accomplished.  And regardless of how we may feel, there's absolutely NOTHING we can do about it.

In considering His ways, our Heavenly Father reminds me of a master painter.  The painter envisions his masterpiece complete before he even starts working on it.  And because the vision--which has made an indelible impression upon the painter--is ever before him, there's no need to rush the painting's completion.  The creative process lends itself to careful contemplation by the artist of what will or will not work because--when it comes to producing masterpieces--it's NEVER about how quickly the finished work manifests but how closely it mirrors what was initially envisioned.  Father does all things WELL, but our desire for Him to do it NOW interferes with His intention to create something MASTERFUL.  The challenge then, therefore, becomes us freeing ourselves from the constraints and limitations of time to avail ourselves as canvases that are prime candidates for masterpiece status.

I recently ran across something I wrote and shared quite some time ago in a different format.  Hopefully, what follows ministers to you as it did to me: "Every brush stroke GOD makes upon the canvases of our identities creates a more noticeable resemblance to that of Christ Jesus.  What the Father allows to happen never interferes with His vision for the work in progress.  He envisions the end from the beginning and strategically paints each stroke of our lives.  There is a masterpiece being birthed, despite how things may now appear.  And regardless of how slowly the process may seem to be moving, the finished work--in all its glory--shall be revealed in due time.  However, until then, strive to be the best canvas possible.  Don't reason with the painter, just accept the paint."

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