
Friday, May 20, 2016

Staying Power

In order to run this race of a life with patience, we must have the stamina to endure what--at times--can be a very grueling experience.  Yes, life can be hard; but we have unlimited access to the grace to persevere.  I'm reminded here of the term "staying power," which is the ability or strength to last or endure.  It's the quality or ability that allows someone or something to continue being effective and successful.  Today, we're living in a time when effectiveness and success are less and less evident in people's lives simply because they lack the endurance to finish what's been started.

When we consider how our Heavenly Father works, we see that everything Abba starts gets finished because it was already finished at the start.  In other words, whenever He starts something, Him starting it is proof that it's already complete.  Therefore, may I suggest that our ineffectiveness and unsuccessful efforts directly correlate to the fact that what we set out to do was pretty much unfinished from the beginning.  Our minds must be renewed here to understand that when something reaches its completed state in the unseen realm, it is THEN--and ONLY then-- that the process of fulfillment can begin in the physical realm.  Essentially, the execution of a half-baked idea is purposed to reveal that the idea was always half-baked.  It furthermore causes us to see that we cannot fully commit to physically manifesting what our lack of commitment in the spiritual realm has already failed to manifest.

Our problem is that we lack vision.  And work plans can only be devised for that which has been envisioned.  Without a clear picture of the finished product, there can be no documented procedures on how to start at Point A and arrive at a finished product that bears the image and likeness of the vision.  Furthermore, the absence of vision will surely set us up for failure.  It's impossible to have the staying power necessary to overcome the various hurdles encountered while bringing a vision to pass when you're not clear on what the end result looks like.  And here's the more sobering thought: you simply cannot commit to that which you're unclear about.  No one in their right mind will commit to a vision that's foggy, but how many times have we all been guilty of attempting to do something about which we're unclear?  In fact, when the situations and circumstances surrounding the process of materializing that foggy vision become too hard to handle, quitting is usually what happens next, doesn't it?  So in order to stay committed unto the completion of a thing, we must possess a clear understanding of what is indeed being finished.

Bible says that committing our works to the LORD causes our thoughts to be established (Proverbs 16:3).  If nothing else occurs as a result of sharing this writing, THAT'S what I want to encourage someone to do today...  STAY COMMITTED!  Isaiah 40:31 says those who wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  Hear me well today: your continued service to the LORD in all you do is a decision YOU make that activates--via the establishing of your thoughts--the staying power required for you to continue being effective and successful.  When your works are committed to the LORD, the very pondering and meditations of your mind get accomplished because YOU are renewing your strength each and every time you're reminded of the vision--that is, what you've already finished in the unseen realm that's now undergoing it's process towards completion.

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