
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose

There is indeed a process to fulfilling purpose.  As part of this process, what often goes overlooked is the transformative work being accomplished within us.  When in pursuit of purpose, the pursuit forges the degree of maturity required to experience success on Yahweh's terms as opposed to our own.  It takes mature offspring to understand that what actually makes success, according to Father's plans, so sweet is that it's timed so perfectly.  This is why one of my favorite biblical phrases has become that of "in the fullness of time."

In our microwave mentality of a society, we daily see people willing to settle for "good enough" right now instead of waiting to receive "the best" at the appointed time.  While this largely occurs because of an impatient mindset, some people are simply worn down mentally by the frustration of waiting.  Their frustration further manifests itself in their hearts.  No longer willing to await destiny's arrival, a frustrated person may--with seemingly good reason--buckle under the pressure of waiting in order to obtain immediate relief and easily settle right now for that which is pleasing instead.

My encouragement to us all in the days ahead is that we intentionally ascribe to the words penned in Philippians 4:4-8.  Within these extremely powerful verses of scripture are found life-changing keys that the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit has made available to us for the express purpose of ensuring we fulfill purpose and are matured by the process of its fulfillment.  Since the weight of this topic is resting so heavily upon me, the final weeks of this year will be spent expounding on these five verses in a multi-part series to prepare us for the New Year.  So please be on the lookout for the coming installments.

In the meantime, I would that you consider this: do not allow your mind to be consistently reminded of how long it is taking the plan of GOD to unfold for your life.  Simply submit to the season you are in and be content in following the Holy Spirit's lead.  For some, contentment in this season of your life seems impossible.  Maybe you have gotten offtrack and feel like you are wandering?  If so, then stop right where you are and get back on track.  Don't make it any more complicated than it needs to be.  (If you happen to need a listening ear, then feel free to contact me or someone else whom you trust.)  Remember, everything works together for good to those who love GOD and are the called according to His purpose, as stated in Romans 8:28.  Because you sense His purpose calling you, seek to love (i.e. obey) Him and you are guaranteed to see "good" produced in your life.

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