
Friday, June 24, 2016

The Pleasure of Purpose

I came across an anonymous quote once via social media that goes, "STRESS makes you believe that everything has to happen right now. FAITH reassures you that everything will happen in GOD's timing." As I pondered this thought, what came to me was Psalm 118:24. This familiar verse encourages us to recognize that this is the day that the LORD has made and further inspires our choice to rejoice and be glad in it.  Given this thought, we must not allow stress to ruin what should be enjoyed.  Regardless of the circumstances, the choice to rejoice is ours! And we ought not allow anything or anyone to make us feel like we cannot rejoice in our time of waiting.

Our Father is faithful to perform that which He has promised (Hebrews 10:23). And guess what? Whatever Yahweh promised will come forth in due time. Therefore, we can stop all the worrying about WHEN it's going to happen.  That time, energy and effort can be better spent making preparation for the promise's arrival and focusing on ensuring the atmosphere is saturated with joy.  You see, our waiting should not be overshadowed by feelings of uncertainty simply because what we desire to happen isn't transpiring now.  We are to instead rejoice, knowing that GOD will make it happen EXACTLY when He planned for it to manifest.

In situation after situation, life's experiences have consistently revealed that timing doesn't get any better than the impeccable timing of Yahweh.  He is the author of time, and everything that exists entered into time at His choosing.  As we place our faith in Him to perfect (or bring to maturity) that which concerns us, we are then able to rest in the reassurance that Father has everything under control.  Just as no amount of worrying is going to make a cake bake any faster than the time already appointed for it to remain in the oven, so it is with the various matters in our lives that Yahweh has undergoing the process of perfection.  When our focus can shift from how long we are waiting to ensuring the process of perfection is complete, time really won't even matter.

In the scriptures, we read the account of creation in Genesis 1 and see--as each thing spoken into existence was created--where Father responded that it was good.  What made the creation good was that it was complete.  The process of perfection had been fulfilled, which also can be understood as creation now being properly outfitted to fulfill its purpose.  This is why we can't circumvent the process: the steps required to get from one state to another are preparation for purpose to be fulfilled.  Demanding now what is incomplete only sets us up to experience something that is incapable of living up to its reason for being.

When we allow our faith to do the walking, the journey called "process" is bearable and can successfully be completed.  Scripture records in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it's impossible to please Yahweh.  What pleases Father (or brings Him pleasure) is the fulfillment of purpose.  When what He creates functions according to His specifications, as the Manufacturer, therein can He find pleasure.  Therefore, as we strive to walk by faith and not by sight (scripture reference), we must become obsessed with allowing patience to have her perfect work in us, our lives and the various situations we face.  The process is positioning us to bring the Father pleasure, so be encouraged today to take the journey and--by all means--complete it.

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