
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Process of Fulfilling Purpose - Part 2

In a recent discussion, my spirit received an on-the-spot download illustrating the fulfillment of purpose that was just too good not to share.  So, here goes: a hurricane lamp without oil has everything required to fulfill its purpose, EXCEPT fuel (i.e. oil) and energy (i.e. fire).  Something of substance must be poured into it to sustain the lamp's work output over time, and something else of a combustible nature must spark to ignite (or activate) its inherent ability to work.  Although the lamp possesses the hardware (i.e. the body or the physical components) to work, it lacks the resources--that is, the fuel and the energy--to actualize its potential.  In other words, the lamp is lifeless and useless without anything to put legs to the faith of its manufacturer.

Bible says that every man has been given the measure of faith.  Yahweh has indeed provided every person the physical components to accomplish what s/he has been created to do.  Furthermore, no manufacturer with a reputation worth upholding would produce a product that is incapable of living up to its claim.  Therefore, as Yahweh's products, we have got to become VERY serious about obtaining knowledge, achieving understanding of that knowledge, and receiving wisdom concerning its application, so we can manifest Father's original intent for our lives.  Fulfilling purpose has got to become just that serious for us!

When a person dies having not fulfilled their reason for being, there will be no one else there to blame for all those years ignorantly spent wasting time.  And given all the people we see dying daily whom we remark about being "gone too soon," SOMETHING should arise within each of us that motivates our refusal to live beneath our potential.  Every year of our lives, we should strive to understand our purpose more and more.  Otherwise, we will NEVER govern ourselves, our time, our talent, and our treasure to make each day count.  When Bible talks of us numbering our days, we should take that as being us intentionally making life matter one day at a time.  This is the process of fulfilling purpose!

Be sure to check out the previous installment...  You can also now read Part 3 of this powerful series!


  1. Thank you for this wonderful post! Many times we may feel like we are not doing what we are purposed to do. We feel "stuck" or as if we are moving but not going anywhere...marching in place. We have the hardware but are not applying the resources. This makes me think of James 2:17 (NIV) that says, "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

    The lamp on my desk has all of the hardware needed for it to function within its purpose but if I don't plug the power cord into the outlet, it is useless. It requires work and action on my part for that which I have been provided with to work. Thank you for the reminder to work what we have and that fulfilling purpose has to become serious for us. I am taking heed to what you are saying and refusing to live beneath my potential and intentionally making life matter one day at a time! Bless you!

    1. WOW! Thanks so much, Chandra, for sharing your thoughts... I couldn't agree more! For too long I've NOT worked with what I had because I felt like it wasn't enough. It's taken me seeing others who DID use what they had succeed while I watched from the sidelines wondering when it would be my turn. Purpose is indeed calling, and time is stopping for no one. So yes, no more living beneath our potential. We will instead be intentional about making every day count! Bless you, my friend!


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