
Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Journey To Rediscovery - Part 3 of 3

Through sanctification, our born again spirit, which is the actual bearer of GOD's image and likeness within us, connects us to the Holy Spirit.  It is He who, along with the Word of GOD, nourishes and fortifies our faith as we undergo the process of "dis-covering" ourselves--that is, the real "us" whom GOD purposed and designed us to be before the foundations of the world.  As part of this process, our faith in the Word of GOD as well as the power and presence of His Spirit within us causes our spirit man to wax strong enough to boldly command our souls to line up with Heaven's culture.  What we have established in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series has, therefore, brought us to THIS point: no matter how "good" we--as humans--may think ourselves and mankind as being, it's not until our spirit man is made alive that we can even begin to assimilate to GOD's way of doing things.

We are tripartite beings: SPIRITS possessing SOULS who live in BODIES.  The soul of man is caught BETWEEN the spirit and the body, both of which have the ability to influence our soulish realm (the mind, will and emotions).  The soul is literally the battleground between light and darkness, good and evil.  Prior to the new birth, the spirit lies dormant and the soul is totally influenced by the body's five senses (which dominate how humanity makes sense of its earthly surroundings).  Now do you see the picture coming together? Without spirit--the very core of who we were really designed to be--actually influencing us, we basically grew up and matured in this world's system, relating the pleasures of the five senses to that which is good and likewise relating unpleasant experiences to being bad.  If whatever we saw, smelled, heard, tasted and felt was enjoyable, then it was understood as being good; and vice versa.

But the new birth awakens the spirit man, which over time must establish its dominance over the soul and the body.  This is why it is SO IMPORTANT to be taught the rightly divided Word of GOD, to fellowship with others believers of like precious faith and to create an environment for ourselves that is conducive for the development of spiritual maturity.  I mean, we can't just not know the Bible, always hang out with ungodly people, consistently expose ourselves to all kinds of worldy media and honestly expect to become mature in the faith...  THAT'S CRAZY!!!  When we talk about getting back to Eden, we're REALLY talking about getting back to living from the inside out--the spirit governing the soul, which in turn governs the body.

And therein lies a major problem with so-called Christianity!  People wonder why "the Christians" are acting any kind of way, but it's because there are too many immature believers running around whose spirit man have not been properly equipped to establish godly order WITHIN THEMSELVES. People claim they are saved, but they're not sanctified.  People believe in the power of the Holy Ghost, but are not filled with the Holy Ghost.  People proclaim that they are blessed, but their material possessions fail to fill the void within.  Many people in church are simply out of alignment; and despite the length of time that has passed since making their profession of faith in Christ, they have yet to begin the processing of rediscovering themselves.  And if they have started, sadly little or no notable progress has been made.

Hopefully, this series of writings has challenged your thinking and encouraged you to reflect on your faith as well as your beliefs.  It has certainly done so for me.  As always, it would be great to hear your feedback.  Although I'm not one to debate the Word of GOD, I do respect the beliefs of others and see the benefit in having healthy conversations about our beliefs.  Thank you for taking the time to read FHW, and I pray you remain in the perfect peace of the Most High GOD.

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