
Sunday, May 8, 2016

It's Time To Shut It Down For Good

The older I become, the more I find daily self-examination to be necessary.  Even though I'm a bearer of fruit, I must also become a professional at inspecting what I produce.  Furthermore, I refuse to become a player of the blame game!  Because blaming the conditions and the circumstances will NEVER nullify the fact that I indeed produced the fruit in question.  No way can I ever dismiss that I play an active role in whatever my life manifests, even if it's nothing more than allowing what was produced to come forth in my ignorance.  So even if I'm not to blame for PLANTING the seeds, then I'm certainly to blame for NURTURING them and WATCHING them grow.  But I refuse to become one of those people who live all their days in bondage to incidents that happened years ago.

You see, we've got to get out of the habit of pointing the finger elsewhere.  As born again believers filled with the presence and power of the Set Apart Spirit, there is a responsibility that comes with this power we've been given.  Now we're in the position--as citizens of GOD's Kingdom--that the eyes of understanding are continuously being enlightened to the ungodly things about ourselves.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to deal with those things and not sweep them under the rug.  And yes, GOD knows our hearts; but understand that in Him knowing our hearts, He likewise knows when WE deliberately choose to refuse the victory secured by His Son's blood.  Our flaws MUST be confronted because excuses for unrighteousness are no longer valid once we become citizens of GOD's Kingdom, fully vested with the rights and privileges that citizenship affords.  We've been given power over all the power of the enemy; and in the Bible (i.e. the Constitution of the Kingdom), we are promised that with every temptation faced we'll also be provided a way of escape that we can bear it (Luke 10:19; 1 Corinthians 10:13).  So when we FAIL to bear it and point the finger at something (or someone) else, there are indeed THREE more fingers pointing right back at us.

Please understand that the unrighteous fruit we bear is the result of an unrighteous seed planted in our hearts that either went undetected or was merely dismissed.  But the longer that thing grows, the harder it becomes to destroy.  Because with each passing year, it's root system is becoming stronger and more established in the soil of the heart.  If you know anything about removing a fully established tree, it requires way more power to remove than does a seedling, which could have simply been plucked out of the ground early on.  That's why deliverance ministry is such a major component to establishing the agenda of GOD's Kingdom in the Earth.  It's like putting a chainsaw to a tree's trunk and a grinder to its roots.  Deliverance is particularly necessary for people who have well-established trees of unrighteousness that are deeply rooted in their hearts.  (Notice how, in just about every instance recorded in scripture where deliverance came forth, these were issues people had been dealing with for YEARS.)  Even the various ruts we find ourselves in, Friends, are the effects of ungodly roots systems that have yet to be destroyed.  And since systems--as long as they're fueled (or empowered)--are designed to function as perpetual machines, they produce the same results over and over again until they're destroyed.  They won't stop producing until their operations cease.  So with that said, I believe it's time we be inspired to shut some stuff down for good.

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