
Monday, January 31, 2011

What Did You Say? | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

One thing I've noticed throughout my life as a born again believer is that the level of my spiritual maturity--at any given point--can be gauged by assessing how well I handle the tasks GOD places before me.  Whether it be something I read about in the Bible, heard in a sermonic message/teaching, or was prompted to do by the Holy Spirit, my reaction to the task or assignment is a great indicator of where I'm at spiritually.  The first thing I say is the best indicator because the first reaction is usually the most honest, as it pertains to my heart.

This past weekend, I ran across a photocopy of something I received years ago from a motivational email. I'd like to share it with you because words are powerful.  We casually say things without fully considering its meaning, yet the atmosphere doesn't consider our ignorance (willful or innocent).  As we speak, the atmosphere responds because that's the order of things.  Therefore, it's in our best interests as agents of atmospheric change to heighten our awareness of the words the proceed from our lips.  So here is the message:
Did is a word of achievement.
Won't is a word of rebellion.
Might is a word of mediocrity.
Can't is a word of defeat and fear.
Ought is a word of duty.
Try is a word of little faith.
Maybe is a word of procrastination.
Will is a word of courage.
Can is a word of power and self-determination.
Doing is a word of progress and fulfillment.
Done is a word of success.
It's that simple, friends. I challenge you to carefully examine your own usage of these words.  Think: "What kind of task is this word in response to?  Why do I feel the need to respond with that particular word?  How often do I use this word?"  Word usage may seem like a small, insiginificant thing; however, Bible says that the little foxes spoil the vines (Song of Solomon 2:15).  Our enemy is counting on us not to perceive such "small things" as threats to our well-being, but gone unchecked they will snatch the fruit of our labor before we ever see its full development.  Therefore, let's not allow our words to work AGAINST US when they've been designed to work FOR US.  Remember: "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles" (Proverbs 21:23).

1 comment:

  1. Say at dat'brotha! LOL! Death and life is in the power of the tongue- the choice is ours! You're right- the enemy wants us to think that small things have small effects. But he is a liar, because small things have large effects. Besides, seeds are always small! Word up!


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