
Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Order of Righteousness (Part 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As a continuation of yesterday's blog post, I'd like to focus more on paranoia.  It can be best understood as the tendency toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others.  In order to move from one state of mind, in which we FELT everything was coming AGAINST US, into another state of mind, in which we KNOW everything is working FOR US, we must be declared righteous and, as a result of that declaration, live righteously.  Therein lies our power to triumph in every area of our lives.

Of course, this then leads me to wonder about our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ who always seem to be "under attack."  When we seek first the Kingdom (the rulership) of GOD and His righteousness (His way of doing things), it pulls everything into alignment (Matthew 6:33).  If righteousness and righteous living together produce order, then our mindset should not perceive life's situations as coming against us but as them rather working for us.  In other words, GOD only allows righteous people to face situations purposed and sent for their benefit.  Otherwise, it simply would not come our way.  Any feelings of being "under attack" are merely the result of unrighteous choices.

Entering into the metanoia of Christ ends the days of our minds being consumed by paranoia.  If we profess to have experienced a transformative change of heart, then we can't be paranoid.  Immature Christians and unbelievers daily live in suspicion and distrust of others.  We CAN'T walk in love AND be paranoid: THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!  At some point, we need to learn HOW to live.  We'll never experience the more abundant life that Jesus Christ promised in John 10:10 without embracing the metanoia.  The road to freedom is found on the path of righteousness, not religion.  A transformative change of heart is not necessary for us to be religious, which is why people can spend decades in religion and be no better off than they were when they first entered into it.

GOD desires to do a new thing in us; but in order for the new thing to come forth, the things of old must be abandoned.  It's time to repent, to change our minds, to shift our paradigms from whatever we have aligned ourselves with and properly align ourselves with GOD's program of work so we can perpetually operate in metanoia.  There's no room for paranoia where we're headed in fulfilling the purpose of GOD for our lives.  As GOD-worshippers, we must always be in expectation of things working for us, not against us.  Our joy must remain intact as we undergo the process.  We must not neglect our charge to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD (1 Corinthians 15:58).  Moving from paranoia to metanoia ensures the proper establishment of order in our lives so we can face life head-on knowing that EVERYTHING we encounter WILL benefit us. AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. E, hot post again! You hit on a point that I resolved years ago. If God allowed it, and I'm not at fault for it, then it is for my benefit...Period. It is time for believers to settle some things for good. Adopting the proper God-perspective once and for all. Who has time for all the mental 'back-n-forth' exercise. We have purpose to accomplish and confusion like such only halts progress. Again, good word brotha.


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