
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Handling Critics & Criticism (Part 2) | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

As we continue our discussion on handling critics and criticism, let's take a look at Jesus' use of the phrase "[not] fit for the kingdom of God" in Luke 9:62 so we can all be on the same page.  Believe it or not, this phrase actually does not refer to someone being fit for salvation or going to heaven--that's far from being the case here because GOD's agenda is MUCH bigger than those two things.  Jesus is speaking of one not being "well placed for the rulership or reign of GOD."  Our Father does not reign where ANYTHING other than the mark is being regarded because our intent focus on Him and His way of doing things is the place in which He reigns.  Anytime we focus on critics and criticism, GOD is NOT RULING US at that moment.  Furthermore, we've displaced ourselves--thereby absolving the devil and his imps of any blame--because we chose to shift our focus away from the mark. We're to blame for no longer being well placed for GOD's rulership. This is why Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14: "but this one thing I do, FORGETTING those things which are BEHIND, and REACHING FORTH unto those things which are BEFORE, I press toward ..."  Paul's reference to "forgetting," according to the Greek, means "to lose out of mind" as well as "to neglect."  Taking into consideration what we discussed in the previous post about "not looking back," this creates a whole new understanding of the adage, "Out of sight, out of mind."

We can not think on or entertain ANYTHING that's behind us (or outside our line of sight).  Whether it be a past littered with shameful acts or poor decisionmaking that's resulted in weighty consequences, JUST FORGET IT!  Furthermore, neglect everything and everyone that reminds you of those things.  If anything behind us bothers us, it's only because we've allowed it to.  So, it's time we stop blaming others for those things behind us being so bothersome, and start dealing with ourselves and how we leave the door open to be bothered.  (Trust me, I know the Spirit of GOD is moving right now even as you're reading this. I feel deliverance happening NOW in Jesus' name!)  When we neglect the critics and the criticisms, we'll also find ourselves becoming virtually unoffendable and perpetually joyful because all of our time, energy and effort is focused upon REACHING FORTH unto those things which are before.

It takes a steadfast, tenacious, bulldog-like determination to remain focused on the mark. In order to hear what people are saying and not think on it, we must be conditioned in our reaching forth.  We've got to desire the mark at the end of the row more than giving someone a piece of our mind or getting even.  Staying focused ensures a straight path, which any geometry student knows is the shortest distance between two points.  When we shift our focus and veer from the straight path, we prolong the journey towards the mark.  "So then," you may be asking, "if I'm going to eventually make it to the mark, why is it such a big deal that my row be straight?"  Simple: there's nothing attractive about a crooked row.  Our rows (or lives) are witnessing tools that enable us to win souls.  (That's a whole other series of blogs right there, which my good friend and brother Minister Draper S. Wright is now developing.  I can't wait until they're posted, so I can share them with you!) As we remain focused on the mark, we create a path that draws the attention of men and women who want what the straight path affords (eg divine health, material and spiritual prosperity, lively attitude, peace of mind, etc.).  And to think, all of that comes from just appropriately handling one's critics and their criticisms.  How awesome is that?!

1 comment:

  1. Right on Elton! Our lifestyles are meant to be attractive to those outside the Kingdom and within. This was a model established in the OT, with the Israelites as they were to represent God's glory & goodness on the earth. Accordingly, heathens would then began to seek the Israelite God- Jehovah and forsake their customs & pagan gods. Additionally, their fellow Israelite brethren would be provoked to greater righteousness (right living). As you put it, this is the straight and narrow row of life experience. We are God's representatives on the earth. And yes, I'm practically done with this series of postings so it'll be up very soon.


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