
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kingdom Media Mandate | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

On Thursday, I was reminded of my calling to deal with media; and I think I'm getting a better understanding of how this passion for communication is going to be channeled to advance the Kingdom of Heaven here in the Earth realm.  Over the years, it's been challenging to get a clear picture of just how I'm going to use this skill set and passion, or rather how GOD plans to use them--after all, He created me with them.  But I must say that the journey has been more than interesting.

Well, at any rate, let me share with you what happened this week.  A good friend of mine was trying to take advantage of an opportunity to share Kingdom insight on a rather controversial topic during a well-known  nationally syndicated radio program.  The widely renowned host of the show sent out a request via social media for participants.  My friend responded because it offered a national platform to communicate a Kingdom message to a captive audience.  Although the host understood my friend's stance, he wasn't interested in pursuing this hot button topic from this perspective.  In fact, it was the host's intention to express criticism of how some ministers have handled situations pertaining to the topic.  In other words, the host had an agenda from the very beginning that contradicted the Kingdom's stance on the topic and he was not interested in introducing the Kingdom's perspective to the discussion for balance.  What most bothered me, though, was the fact that this personality, I'm sure, has a significant listenership of believers who didn't need to be exposed to his slant on the topic as well as unbelievers who were going to be intentionally denied any exposure to the Kingdom of Light's perspective.  Since I don't follow this particular media personality's work, I'm not even sure if he is a believer.  However, if he is, I can guarantee that he will have some explaining to do at the judgement.

What this situation made me realize, friends, is that we can not rely on worldly media outlets to disseminate pro-Kingdom messaging.  While I'm not against approaching and working with worldly media outlets to advance Kingdom causes, I believe this scenario--more than anything--reiterates the need for Kingdom-oriented outlets that are exclusively devoted to communicating the will, purposes and intents of the King-Father. (I'm talking about media that is COMPLETELY sold out to righteousness, not media incorporating righteousness.)  Our ability to communicate the Kingdom to the masses should not depend upon mainstream media's acceptance of the message.  Furthermore, Kingdom-minded consumers MUST support Kingdom-oriented media outlets MORE than they support the worldly outlets, if they so choose to even support them at all.  We can't spend money on music, magazines, movies, etc with content contrary to the Kingdom and then complain that there's no quality faith-based media available. Our problem is that we want to be entertained so badly NOW, that we'll give our hard-earned dollars to companies that promote darkness rather than withhold our money and not be entertained at all.

GOD is calling for us to build and develop Kingdom-driven media outlets to go beyond rivaling those of the world to taking them over.  It's not enough to be satisfied with just staying afloat or being comparable.  We should be focused on DOMINATING the landscape to the point of our media properties both weakening and purchasing the competition.  Our aim as communicators should be to become more impactful and more influential than our worldly counterparts, with the goal of eventually acquiring them and conforming their messages to the image of the Kingdom of GOD.  Nothing says DOMINION AUTHORITY better than CONTROLLING the development and mass distribution of messaging because media dictates culture, and I believe GOD is looking for some faith walkers who are crazy enough to believe that the Kingdom media mandate can be accomplished here in the Earth.


  1. Great info! A lot of the mainstream media is only interested in controversial topics that will get them rating. Some don't want others to uplift the masses. They view this as a form of entertainment to their listerners. I agree with you that the host should have two perspective viewpoints on the controversial topic.

  2. E- you're on point brother. You touched something 'within' that I've been thinking on for years. Satan uses media and Christians support it. Period! Sometimes, the things we do and places we go for entertainment is way off! From movies to TV shows to comedy shows to websites, etc. - all need be for the Kingdom's sake. Our call and mission is too great for wordly integration or wordly cooperation. It's either Kingdom or not. Man, I'm going to call you later- we'll chat more on this b/c otherwise I'll write too much here - lol.


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