
Friday, January 14, 2011

Just Seeing Things | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

This morning, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit that seeing is a function of the eyes, whereas vision is a function of the heart.  Since the heart is the seat of a man's will, it's the place from which his willpower emanates.  It's where vision (or purpose in pictures) is translated from an intangible idea (or thought) to a tangible concept (or plan) ready to be actualized.

Let's face it: HAVING a vision is just SEEING, and that's pointless.  There's nothing wrong with dreaming; but if dreams and visions are all that's had, then that's not much at all in the grand scheme of things.  Instead of having visions, we should strive to become people OF vision.  Visionary people are possessed by the "purpose in pictures" they've seen. As a matter of fact, they're so inspired by the vision that it motivates them to take action, thereby turning them into MISSIONaries.

The pictures drive them to change their whole lives--literally--to pursue what has been envisioned, and everything they do revolves around turning the pictures into a reality. They compel them to create a tangible, yet flexible plan of action outlining the steps towards the achievement of measurable goals and outcomes within specified time frames. They inspire them to communicate clearly and concisely the vision to others in charismatic ways, thereby attracting a band of enthusiastic supporters who will be loyal to the vision--first and foremost--and then the visionary.

(Leadership Lagniappe: Make sure people's attraction and allegiance to you is transferred to the vision.  Otherwise, as soon as supporters grow weary of the visionary's personality, they will leave if their loyalty to the vision is not greater than their loyalty to leadership.  So don't get stuck on who's heart you've got among the supporters.  You need to be concerned about who among those you lead are both sold on the vision and possessed by it.  And if you're unsure, then you're not effectively communicating the vision--that is, if you've even taken the time to write the vision as well as a corresponding plan of action.  People possessed by vision are easily recognizable.)

So, what then is the big idea here?  GOD shows us the pictures, and His power and might bring the vision to pass; but the one entrusted with the pictures is both RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE for "working the middle."  If you're not willing (or lack the willpower) to do what it takes to carry out the vision, then--despite how you may feel about it--I must sadly inform you that YOU'RE JUST SEEING THINGS.

1 comment:

  1. Elton, this was some powerful straight talk for all dreamers. We need visionaries- those that are actively engaging what God has placed before them. Great Word brotha!


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