
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Not the Seed, The Soil | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

We've all been given seed--a talent, a vision, something to nurture.  And it's funny how we sometimes get disgusted with the seed because it's not yielding what we thought it would.  However, instead of getting upset with what we've been given, consider the soil in which the seed has been placed.  That's right: let's consider ourselves.

Our lives are filled with excuses, fears and other such obstructions to the growth and development of our seed.  We get caught up in the paralysis of anyalysis, and we even become overly concerned about what other people may think of us.  Yet and still, none of this changes the fact that we've been given perfectly good seed that's been purposed to yield fruit.  Therefore, we can't fault the seed for not growing when the soil it's in isn't providing it nourishment.

If you find your soil to be lacking the nutrients to nurture your seed, then I've got news for you: it's time your soil be tilled and fertilized so your seed can produce a harvest.  Tilling breaks up the soil and allows air to get beneath the surface.  There are some aspects of ourselves and our lives that must be broken up by the Word of GOD because they've become so compacted by the weight of sin that the Holy Spirit cannot breathe into us GOD's air of divine inspiration.  Fertilization takes something unpleasant (ie manure) and mixes it into the soil because--despite it's unpleasant nature--it possesses nutrients that enhance the soil and restore its ability to produce. When our faith is tried through unpleasant situations, we're being fertilized to produce something greater.  That's why trials are always working for our benefit.  It takes some smelly situations to produce the fruit of the spirit, friends; and we can't avoid "the bull" if we're going to ensure our seed has a fertile environment in which it can be nurtured.  Just know that GOD is using it to prepare the soil to receive and nourish the seed He's given.

If you find yourself in a place today where your soil is being prepared, I encourage you to rejoice.  No matter what your situation may look like today, it won't look like this always. The awesome thing about the process is that there's always progress.  Things are moving.  Things are changing.  So keep proceeding.  Continue to move forward.  As you, the soil, are prepared to nourish that seed GOD has given, results will begin to manifest because you now have the ideal atmospheric conditions to you reap the bountiful harvest the process yields.

1 comment:

  1. Man, that was absolutely dynamic! We are soil! As such, we are farmers (husbandmen) of ourselves. I better quit b/c this will get me started and I wouldn't be able to finish my work. HUMAN SOIL!!! My God! Later!


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