
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preparing for Crisis | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

Throughout our lives, we've all experienced our fair share of "situations" or crises. These changes, if you will, to our routine lifestyles pose unwanted challenges because they make null and void the way we've become accustomed to doing things. I know myself to be a serious creature of habit: once I have things set exactly how I like them, the last thing I want is for change to be introduced. Ironically, the change can be for the better, but because it comes at an inconvenient time it's usually not welcomed.

What we fail to see, though, is that these situations are actually blessings in disguise. For instance: haven't we all prayed to our Father that He bless us? However, when He does and the blessing doesn't match what we had in mind, we don't recognize GOD in it all. Some of us even go so far as to pray against it, bind and rebuke it, and cast the devil out of it. As humorous as that sounds, it's at those times that we really have to check ourselves to see if we're really desiring the Father's will or our own. Admittedly, I've certainly been guilty of opposing GOD's will because it was inconsistent with my own desires.

More importantly, the blessing in experiencing these interruptions of the divine sort is that they introduce us to people we never knew were living inside of us. When we're put into situations, it causes us to think thoughts we've never thought before. We discover skills lying dormant within us that would have only been uncovered amidst crisis. History is filled with stories of inventions, businesses, artistic works, etc. that were born in times of inconvenience. In other words, it takes crisis to birth innovation.

When things are going well for us and we're comfortable, we don't think, we don't create, and we don't push ourselves. What then do we do? We coast. We enjoy maintaining. However, when we ask GOD to enlarge our territories, express a desire to go to a new level, or pray for open doors, we're actually inviting crisis into our lives. I'm not saying this to discourage us from doing any of the aforementioned, but rather to ensure we understand what's getting ready to break forth in our lives. Therefore, our mission is to ensure that we prepare and remain prepared for situations to arise. But we can't be afraid or fearful of situations. If we espouse preparation, then it positions us to not be surprised when situations arise. We instead can recognize crises as the blessed inconvenience GOD has allowed to come our way and catapult us into our destiny. Hallelujah! When we're caught by surprise, it means we weren't prepared. I don't know about you, but I don't plan on being caught by surprise any more. It's my desire that we prepare ourselves to become innovators so we can be the conduit through which impactful, world changing ideas and concepts are manifested to increase the influence of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. Elton, this is great. God designed us to be creative and innovative ON earth as He is in Heaven. Being a designer is as much a part of our nature as it is God's nature. Challenge, crisis, difficulty, etc., if appointed by God, is usually His divine laboratory for the human believer. Our creative ability and dexterity is actualized here. Within this divine environment, we discover another facet of Him and ourselves simultaneously. Praise God!


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