
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Starving Fear | The Worshipper's Thought of the Day

I recently came across a quote from an unknown source that a Facebook friend of mine posted as a status update: "Feed your faith and your fear will starve to death."  Immediately, what came to mind was the picture of fear and faith vying to occupy the same space.  In the battlefields of our minds, there is a warring between the kingdoms of light and darkness to dominate our thought lives.  Whoever controls the mind controls the person, and we cannot take lightly the daily battles in our minds to either operate in faith or fear.  That's's EITHER faith OR fear, NOT BOTH.

Faith and fear cannot occupy the same space.  A perfect example of this is in Hebrews 11:23, which speaks of the faith of Moses' parents.  Not fearful of the king's decree that all newborn Hebrew boys be killed at birth, they hid Moses for three months because they saw in him something special.  They may not have been sure what it was exactly about this child, but they were persuaded to move past any fear associated with defying the king to protect the life of their son.

Over the years I've learned from my pastor a couple of interesting acronyms, which regular readers of this blog are probably familiar with because I love using them so much.  "FAITH" can be understood as "Forsaking All, I Trust Him," and "FEAR" as "False Evidence Appearing Real."  These simple sayings are easy to remember; and they have certainly proven to be quick, effective reminders of what's true.

I guess this is why I love the quote that inspired this post so much. It illustrates yet another truth about faith and fear that can serve as a valuable reminder amidst the battle for my thoughts: faith and fear clearly have different cravings.  Faith feeds on the Word of GOD, whereas fear feeds on the words of Satan.  Both the GOD of truth (Deuteronomy 32:4) and the father of lies (John 8:44) want to dominate our thoughts, but the choice is ours as to whom we grant occupancy.  Do we feed faith or fear?  It depends on what we choose to digest...truth or lies?  Philippians 4:8 gives us a list of what we should think on; and whenever our minds deviate from these things, we're basically operating in fear.  So let's be mindful of what we're thinking about that we might starve fear to death and live by faith.

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